Besides possibly Genn, who deserves to land the killing blow on Sylvanas?

I mean, if you want to mansplain it to rash, we can do that… You still have nothing.

Just a side question. Is the word woman sexist because it has man in it?


She was emotional the entirety of Legion chasing after Malfurion into the Emerald Nightmare then she was all but broken when she saw Malfurion on death’s door after taking the crushing blow from Saurfang.

And you are asking me how is she NOT emotional? lol

Bull crap…Garrosh was just as emotional as Tyrande is. Both hot cannons needing a target to take their aggression out on. Justified or not.

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People called Genn emotional all the time too.


Wouldn’t that be more like everyone going all Airplane! on her?

Kind of sad that they made Tyrande weaker than Nathanos. By doing this they already eliminated the possibility of Tyrande landing the killing blow on Sylvanas.

Elune may give her an even bigger power boost in Ardenweald.

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Maybe this time she can bring Nathanos HP even lower before he runs away with her raised soldiers laughing at her face…

It would be nice though if Elune is in Shadowlands

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Supposedly, she is as part of Ardenweald.

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Kind of hard to see how if Elune is being spoken of as already stretched to her limits with what she gave her already.

A possible example: By freeing all the Night Elf souls from the Maw and sending them to Elune, aiding Elune who can then aid Tyrande more.

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As much as I’d love to see that, I doubt Anduin could do it physically. He’s no fighter, much less one of Sylvannas’ caliber.

SHOWING Emotions does not make one “Emotional”.
If it did, EVERYONE in Universe would be defined as such, which pretty much negates your point.

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Nathanos was boosted by two Val’kyr though. And the moment one of them died, he fled.

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And once we free the victims of Teldrassil from the Maw, that should possibly de-power Sylvanas as well.

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Perhaps…or he could pull a Thrall in the conclusion of Nagrand and ninja the kill from the PC/raid like Varian could have done with at the end of SoO…

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lack of emotion isn’t what I am talking about. Doing things based on emotions over logic is what Tyrande is known for.

Again, that’s 90% of the Characters in Lore.

please point them out and I will point out how you are wrong…cheers!