Besides possibly Genn, who deserves to land the killing blow on Sylvanas?

The above was misattributed to the wrong poster.

Best result to make both sides somewhat happy would be Nathanos backstabbing her when it seems like she’s about to lose so he doesn’t go down with her.

I think we can all unanimously agree on this one.

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While I’ll agree that he’s a Sack of S
 But I honestly don’t think he’s go out of his way to act the “hero”
 MORE likely, he’ll turn tail and run the moment things take a turn. Worms like that never stand around when everything hits the fan.

Probably in a moment when Sylvannas is losing, on the brink of defeat and turns to her last “loyal” minion and finds no one there.

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Tyrande, full stop.

All other suggestions can go right out the window.


It absolutely has to be Tyrande, maybe together with Genn.

Sadly, I don’t think anyone will do it at all and I think Bolvar will take a lot of the spotlight too.

No, absolutely not. Nathanos deserves punishment just as much as Sylvanas and him backstabbing her, basically leaving the sinking ship, doesn’t whitewash his crimes


Aside from the fact that Tyrande deserves it for Teldressil, the fact that she’s literally become empowered by a God for the sole purpose of taking down someone who’s been empowered a god, it’d be a huge let down if they never even get the opportunity to square off.


I wish they actually made it seem like Tyrande is empowered by a goddess by actually making her able to defeat Nathanos in 8.1.

When she can’t even take on Nathanos, she won’t even be able to put a single scar on Sylvanas.

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If we couldn’t kill Malf when he was axed in the back what makes you think they’d let you kill off Sylvanas instead?

You know how Archimonde got roasted in Mount Hyjal by all of those night elf wisps? Yeah, I’m thinking something similar like that is in store for her. All of the tortured night elven (others too) but mostly night elven souls surround sylvanas in a soul tornado of destruction and unleash one final wave of vengeance upon her, slowly melting her flesh from her bones. In agony, she screams, getting a taste of her own medicine. Afterward she becomes the new Jailor so she can languish in the maw for all of eternity


The Gilneans suffered the same fate as the Night Elves twice and have had to wait longer for their revenge. Genn deserves the killing blow. Tyrande can help.

Tides of Vengeance showed us in painful detail just how little “Empowered by a God” means. If Sylvannas is taken down, it’ll be due to the actions of a couple of dozen motley heroes who take her down 99.9 percent of the way and then some “hero” will come in at the last moment, do the killing blow, and take the credit.

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Waiting for her to chain all of the pcs to the ground “this was my plan all along, now I have the most powerful heroes to rise as generals!” Then Arthas comes out of no where “Hello darkness my old friend! Give me one last miracle!” And breaks her weapon for the killing blow.

We then get to see the souls come flying out of the maw while a ghost of Garrosh comes and holds Sylvanas.

“Garrosh is it finally over?”

“No Warchief rules forever.”


I’d like to see Tyrande and Loa’jin aid the party like Hamuul/Malf in Firelands: The raid gets Sylvanas down to 1%, she laughs and pulls yet another new plot-power out of her behind to escape, then Tyrande and Vol’jin appear to use their powers to yoink her back and let the murderhobos finish the job.

With the optional ending where afterwards Vol’jin hold his hand up for a high-five, Tyrande sighs and reluctantly high-fives him back, and cut to expansion credits.


like I said in another thread, Anduin will be able to do what Varian could not at the end of MoP and outright slaughter Garrosh.

Sometimes evil people need to be dealt with by giving them no mercy which is the lesson that Anduin will learn. Much like Velen learned that fate is what you make of it from Illidan.

Triggered nelf fan eye twitching

Tyrande will probably die in her pursuit of trying to kill Sylvanas
she is far too emotional to actually come up with a plan that will work out to kill Sylvannas.

 I don’t get this
 Since when? How is she emotional? It took her how long to actually return to Darkshore? That’s not the behavior of someone who is emotionally driven, that is calculation.

Sure, her decision to invoke the powers of the Night Warrior is bold and desperate, but so was the situation she was in.

I wonder if anyone would accuse her of being “emotional” if she were a man. Somehow I doubt it.

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Do you mean “who will get the 4th killing blow on Sylvanas”? Since she’s been killed 3 times already.

For my money, Genn deserves the 10th killing blow.

You ever play Warcraft 3? It isn’t out of character for her.