Besides possibly Genn, who deserves to land the killing blow on Sylvanas?

I say if Genn kills her, he dies in the process. He’s so full of hate and vengeance that it would be very dramatically satisfying if he gets his revenge but loses something in the process. Alternatively, he kills Sylvanas but Tess dies as a direct result.

He seems pretty chill considering she murdered his child. Or does him suffering mean you just want to kill him

I don’t think he’s that chill. Attacking unprovoked in Stormheim, in what was almost a suicide attack with one airship against a Forsaken fleet, despite the Horde and Alliance being allied against the Legion at the time. His barely restrained hate and rage any time her name is mentioned in Before the Storm. His reaction at the end of the War Campaign (he doesn’t care that the war ended without further bloodshed, he doesn’t care about saving troops for N’zoth, all that mattered to him was killing Sylvanas and he’s pissed that Anduin “let her” get away). He is exactly the kind of character who typically gets punished for being so single-minded in his pursuit of vengeance.

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No, he doesn’t care about horde politics.


Wouldn’t that give Varian just as much claim as Vol’jin?

Varian is dead so he can’t really take revenge on anyone.

Vol’jin is dead too, just… Less so. Darkspear never die and all that.

I’d also argue Varian wasn’t a specific target of Sylvanas’ machinations but more of a side effect of it. Gul’dan killed Varian, Sylvanas’ betrayal of Vol’jin just lead to the series of events that allowed Gul’dan to do it.

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I can just picture her, lying there wounded, with all of them standing around her and over her: Genn, Anduin, Varian, Baine, Lor’themar, Jaina, Thrall, Vol’jin, Saurfang, and all the others she’s wronged. She bitterly spits out those same words: “You are all nothing…” before she slowly dies. I’m picturing something similar to Arl Howe’s death scene from Dragon Age: Origins, if anyone remembers that.

Find Arthas in whatever pit of the Maw he might be chained in, give him the opportunity to clean up the mess he created.

If he’s truly not available, let Bolvar do it.

It really doesn’t matter. Screw the concept of who “deserves” to do it most. She just needs to die.

Depends on how much of leaving Varian for dead painted a target on her back to incite Alliance aggression (i.e. Stormheim) to enable her to start the war was part of her plan.

Since Metzen is back, Varian can be back, too, now, though.

True I suppose. Though I think it is fair to say she didn’t expect Stormheim to happen. It did, after all, lead to her failing to enslave Eyir.

Oh hey, I guess we finally know why the Horde never sent a diplomat to explain the situation at Broken Shore! Sylvanas just didn’t send anyone because she wanted to foster animosity between the two.

It is funny how all the blatant lapses in logic from the last couple expansions can be handwaved as “Sylvanas was trying to get everyone killed on purpose.”

She wasn’t incompetent after all! Just malicious.


I cannot stress how little I care about Lordaeron.

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Oh lord, is stormheim the new massacre at Turanjo village?


If they bring Varian back it has to be as a talking head in one of those floating pink orbs like Khadgar use to show up in.

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You mean the one we’re using for volleyball in the Caverns of Time?


Yes. That one. Though it looks more like a soccer field to me.

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She could have been both incompetent and malicious. Saurfang called her out on how she kept failing, after all.


Ya know who should kill Sylvanas? Mankrik’s wife


I mean, I’m not trying to overblow its significance or anything. I’m just pointing out what it says about Genn’s state of mind. I like Genn, he’s my favorite racial leader on either side. But he is consumed with hatred and vengeance. Characters like that don’t usually get happy endings.

At least you’re consistent.

No one’s allowed a happy ending in this Crapsack World. For example, I present the entire Redpath family.

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