I don’t understand what was wrong with the vendor system. I don’t get it Blizzard. You can’t just say something like “people couldn’t find the vendors” and expect people to believe that’s the reason. The system worked and people could find the vendors since WoD.
why deal with that when i can cap conquest points for 430 gear?bentic gear is only strong because of its effects which work only in the raid and nazjatar.
heroic raid gear will be stronger in all other areas pvp,mechagon and m+.
Apparently, some benthic gear is actually better than mythic raid pieces, once it is fully upgraded.
I can’t believe world quests get a vendor, when PvP does not.
Best repeatable content out there for me are the BG’s. I have been playing WSG for 15 years and it is still awesome to this day.
Unless going for rank 1 you could get away with pvp and world quests.
You can get away with it, to an extent, sure. But even at 2k rating running double dps we lost countless games that we would’ve otherwise won because of Voidstone trinket, for example. Losing in PvP because someone slayed some dragons for an overpowered oh sh** button is not good gameplay. Quit defending it.
As a casual, I dislike the benthic system. I think it gives me access to gear that is too good for what I’m doing. There’s also an issue with ilvl inflation in the community where requirements keep drastically increasing for entry level group content. A lot of raids want me to have an ilvl that is higher than the base ilvl of the gear that drops from the raid. That just seems really silly to me, and I think giving everyone easy access to 425 gear for doing dailies is a big part of the problem.
I appreciate having multiple pathways for progression, but it needs to be a bit more linear. Daily rewards shouldn’t compete with heroic and mythic raid rewards ever.
I agree with what you are saying but this doesn’t quite pertain to the meaning of my op. Relying on rng to gear for pvp competition isn’t fun.
We were told vendors were removed because people couldn’t find them yet they add vendors and an upgrade system for pve. The m+ crowd complained about the rng of m+ where you can even share loot and target loot tables with bonus rolls. Blizz agreed and gave them a titan resid vendor.
Pvp has been complaining about relying on rng since they removed them in Legion. Yet here we are without a vendor while watching pve get two different vendor systems.
Yeah I didn’t do a very good job relating that to pvp. The old pvp gearing system was far superior. Pvp reward design is much better as a treadmill that rewards currency for gear because the fun is in the gameplay and competition in pvp, whereas the fun is in gaining power and progression in pve.
A little rng for pve gear = good. Rng for pvp gear = bad. But there should still be a little bit of progression for pvp gear (best gear not purchasable until 2k+ achieved).
And in the past without scaling you would lose to higher ilvl
Maybe, but item level differences are much less exaggerated and game breaking than giving people entire extra defensive cooldowns especially in a metagame that is built around winning in a go. Sticking with the voidstone example, working through all of your enemies cooldowns and setting up a perfect kill opportunity only to find out that they’re running voidstone and have all of that set up negated because they took part in a completely different aspect of the game and got an overpowered item is, again, not good gameplay.
I feel like you’re trolling at this point. Not to pull rank on you here but you should really try to experience rated play a bit more (1750 achievement in 2s 1550 in 3s?) before you come in here and make bad arguments that virtually no serious pvp player agrees with. Tournament players hate it. R1s hate it. Gladiators, duelists, rivals - they all hate it. The only people enjoying it are the pve players who gain an advantage because of it.
Nice 600k kills though lol. That’s a lot of battlegrounds.
its only good in raids and nazjatar not any where esle.
Yes I come from a bg pov which most do who talk about gearing. I feel for arenas, gear shouldn’t matter at all.
I would call that progressive rather than linear gearing, but tomato tomato. When you say linear I think curves and that power gains should be logarithmic or sigmoidal, but I think you’re saying (and I agree) a clear path to gear progression solely through PvP sources.
I think of PvE gearing as more linear, step wise but that doesn’t work for PvP since it creates a big disparity between the undergeared and overgeared. It’s why PvE gearing doesn’t work for PvP.
lolwut. The current system for PvP gearing is AWFUL. There’s a reason PvP participation is way down. Having vendors for PvP was fantastic, and existed all the way from Classic to WoD.
Weekly rewards for participation is an awful gearing system; it makes obtaining gear too easy, while simultaneously making it more RNG dependent.
No, PvE was only required to earn gold and do professions, which had some use in PvP for most expansions. There was no need to do PvE for gear. Some trinkets were better than PvP trinkets on occasion, but not always, and not by the current margins; same for weapons.
Just because more people do PvE doesn’t mean that PvP doesn’t have any value.
Name a multiplayer game with a notably large playerbase with a “good friendly” playerbase. It’s a player density thing, and has nothing to do with a game being PvP or PvE. The more people there are, the more toxic people there are, and the worst people tend to be the most visible/memorable.
They’ve changed character power scaling so resilience isn’t necessary, and would probably be a bad thing to add to the game in its current state; it was part of how they pushed for PvE and PvP gear to be interchangeable. Player damage relative to HP is also significantly lower than it was when resilience was around.
Eh, the point is how the gear is earned. Benthic gear is earned from farming Nazjatar stuff. PvP vendor gear is earned by doing PvP.
Maybe 3s participation and rated Bgs are down. Rated pvp shouldn’t have gear matter anyway.
PvP participation in general is down. That goes for unrated PvP probably even moreso than rated, since rated PvP does have somewhat decent rewards, and there is an active scene and players that really care about it.
They should get rid of Benthic gear then. Since you have a path via rng drops already.
And while we are at it, we should normalize all drops across all bosses in raids and M+, so you can fill up a dragon slayer bar and get one weekly piece of loot in a pre-determined order.
Then each boss has the possibility to drop some lower ilvl random gear. No more loot tables.
Sounds fun right?
Excellent idea. Another home run from Lastarria. They need to hire you for their PVE dept.
I am so sad that this PvP gearing system is in place.
I would forgive it if it allowed for something else even better to exist, but it is just worse in every single way I can think of. From the unrewarding feel of it, to the opacity of the rewards, to the problematic UI, the lack of choice, everything.