Benthic system is to PVE as ____ is to PVP

QFT :sunglasses:

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Do you think it would be cool if pvp vendors worked like the classic ab/av/wsg vendors worked where they sold specific pieces/sets but not entire sets.

These items would be really interesting and really cool

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Yeah, youā€™ve made your bias clear.

Thatā€™s what people are asking forā€¦ being able to gear via PvP.


I unlocked 7 out of my 9 120s. Its really not that bad. Maybe you have too many max levels so it seems overwhelming to you.

A linear path to gearing strictly through pvp is what Iā€™m after. Either we get weak pieces and upgrade them or we just get wod vendors idc. A linear path to gearing is what we need.

Linear is what we have, we need choices but I agree to achieve it from 100% pvp

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My SAT brain is trying to say Conquest points, but my Ally toon is weeping right now.

A vendor would be better.

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What I lack is time and patience.

Those annoying rogues who camp farm you in Mechagon

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Not really. The weekly cap isnā€™t that good of gear. Your gear should be all from the box or drops during the season. Itā€™s 95% rng right now.

Why link a thread that was made in Legion? As for people wanting a benthic vendor. Sure add it, but donā€™t complain when it doesnā€™t have the stats you want.

So donā€™t. Unless you are going for top 1% or w/e you can just gear from pvp or world quests.

Better yet - just give us our vendors back and let us pick our stats


Not true. Everyone has pve gear even in the lower brackets

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I believe benthic gear may be actually a test to see how a system like that would work and they might add a similar system in the future for Pvp. Hopefully.

Could have daily bg quests offer x currency used to upgrade base items. Winning a bg would reward x currency as well. Maybe conquest gear could be a fully upgraded piece? Or slightly higher ilvl? I donā€™t think stats should be rng though. And something like pvp power or resilience coming back would be cool.

One can dream. I have absolutely no desire to log in a grind world quests anymore. I really want to enjoy the game right now but I just donā€™t.


I would disagree with this. What I think we need is something like we used to have with the honor/conquest system. A way to be somewhat competitive quickly then slow gearing or else new people wonā€™t try more advanced forms of PvP.

In MoP it wasnā€™t so bad. The first couple of games were a bit rough to get enough honor for the trinkets but it was before the heavy handed pruning so new players could focus on CC and guarding healers. Before that it was a little rough starting out but you had a base level of crafting gear which granted some survivability. In WoD you had Ashran and you could quickly obtain (maybe too quickly) the 2 trinkets and be competitive.

Thing is you could PvP to obtain gear, you werenā€™t compelled to run dailies ad nauseam to obtain starter gear. If you want to improve PvP at higher levels you have to first improve the player pool by improving it at the lower ones first or you lack the players to play higher levels.

I wanted to like this 10 more times, and add the DHs newest ganking playground Nazjatar. Even before flying became widespread, they were swooping down on me. Vengeance have god mode enabled.

By choice. They could just do pvp and gear up.

You say this yet agree with me in the rest of your post. We had a linear path to gearing via only PvP from tbc to wod with vendors. We donā€™t have that now.

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Not if they want to be competitive.

Your argument centers around the idea that gimping oneself (by not pveing for pvp gear) is an OK choice to make. That isnā€™t a viable path.

Why donā€™t you go raid naked? Thatā€™s a choice you can make, isnā€™t it?