Benthic system is to PVE as ____ is to PVP

Fill in the blank.

I think the benthic upgrade system is great. Gives you a reason to log in and do your daillies. It gives solid progression to either help fill in holes for hardcore players or an overall gearing path for casuals.

Can pvp get something like this with a pvp type currency?

P.S. Kenny has motivated me to speak up. Ty Kenny


I agree. Remove the weekly pvp quest/cap and turn it into a vendor just like benthic.
Rather than doing dailies in nazatar, players could simply queue a fixed number of bgs/arenas/rbgs to obtain the currency needed. This would promote players from pve/pvp to obtain a regular piece of pvp gear for their needed slot.


This would also help to gear up alts, rather than having to cap on a low geared alt. A person could cap on their main and give the piece of gear (just like benthic) to their alt!


Literally takes barely any pearls at al, maybe 40 pearls and you can buy an entire Benthic set, why do you need a PvP vendor to do the same thing


Because some players like to pvp, others like to do dailies to achieve their gear. Why not simply add a vendor instead of a quest? Having one outlet for gear turns some audiences away. Personally I like to do dailies, but I love to bg/arena more. Why can’t I have my cake and eat it too.


If the tables were reversed and pvp had a benthic system and pve did not would you still make your comment?


Alot of my friends quit because they feel wow is too much of a grind. Do dailies, farm rep, farm ap; logoff, log on alt, rinse and repeat. We’re not asking for an overhaul here. They can easily make one player happy without it affecting the other.


but what if I buy the wrong ring?


This would be really nice to have if nothing else as a different way to gear up alts after you’re sick and tired of Nazjatar. Goodness knows I got tired of Broken Shore in Legion pulling all my alts through.

Hey JDPP, you pvp god you.

I have posted in pvp forums before about this very same topic and agree with you, I don’t think theres any reason why we couldn’t have this for pvp.

I’d buy a 12 pack of pepsi and get on the grind asap again if it happened.

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Oh I agree that the grind and repetitiveness is awful. It’s just such a waste of time doing dailies/weeklies and that’s it

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I guess they could add daily PvP quests that rewards you with pearls, which you then can use to purchase benthic gear.

Well all the professions patterns for max level BoE gear required PvP currency and there were very few complaints. So don’t pretend PvP has been so hard done by this expansion. It has gotten more than its fair share of resources and attention.

If it’s anything like the pvp world quests in Legion then I will pass. Those were strictly pve quests. Alliance and horde were given different towers each day to ensure they would never cross paths.


You mean 6 honor tokens? If that’s your only comparison then yikes…


At least you get a ring instead of getting 4 pairs of gloves in a row. PVP gearing is idiotic right now.


Again. Not everyone wants to level professions and farm mats for their gear. Simply do what they love and be rewarded accordingly.
Right now we receive an item by pure change with random stats and random gear slots.
Too many times we are excited that we relieve are long awaited loot only to find out it is the same item we received last week.

Don’t forget that pve’ers can share loot and pvp’ers can not.


No, I was thinking about purely quests that can only be completed in BGs. Like capture so many nodes or kill so many flag carriers. Activities that PvP players would tend to be doing anyways while enjoying their play style. But nothing WM because that place is about as much PvP and non WM shards these days.


Only obtainable by pvping and that is one gear slot.

I must have spent well over 300 marks this expansion on patterns.