Benthic gear is too OP for Mythic Raiding

Because giving 1 or 2 bis is making game unfun for 1% of player base so if they are not happy no one should be gosh darn it.


i got a cloak that apparently is tied to some vendor i have no idea how to find.

There’s a difference between ‘decent gear’ and ‘literally the best gear in the game.’

This only benefits me, and I don’t like it. People have no incentive to mythic raid for loot, at this point.

I dont see it. You really think people will stay with a 425 boots over a 460 or 480? You do realize how bad that will gimp your gs right? When its time for the mythic raid runs your gs will be too low for an invite. Especially if you wear all 4 peices that have raid worthy bonuses. Benthic will be sub tier quickly. We dont even know what kind of gear will be dropping from the heroic and mythic raid right now. Its way too premature to be screamin nerfs. Pretty dumb if you think about it
 at all

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Do you really think people are going to go with the 460 if it’s worse than the 425? Ha!

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The gearing process is so broken right now 
I have never raided and although my gear isn’t good its only been WQ and quests that I have used to obtain it.

We need pvp vendors back and also crafting should be fixed to provide another way to fix gear up, I mean professions when I say crafting

Pretty much this. PVP vendors need to be a thing, the provided excuse isn’t good enough, and probably a blatant lie.

Professions have been neglected since MoP ended. They need more useful things to craft.


Go back and process everything again. Also crit isnt a priority for a LOT of dps and heals.

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Well that’s not very productive. Now let’s talk about making world quests easier and more rewarding.

The 425 boots are better, so yes.

  1. Mythic raids don’t base their invites on your bloody gearscore. That’s PUG group garbage, and even they’re beginning to learn better because

  2. Gearscore has been so trivial to inflate that it’s been irrelevant for at least two expansions now.

We have the entire raid’s loot table easily accessible for viewing within the game itself. We know exactly what the options are, zero ambiguity.


Sorry, but having the time to do Mythic Raids does not make your way of playing any better or worse than any other way. Raiders normally like to give us the line that they are in it for the challenge, not the gear rewards. So what really is the problem? The challenge of coping with the Mythic mechanics will not be diminished by any sockets on Benthic gear. As I see it, the PVP crew might have a valid issue with this, but not the raiders.

Besides, anyone who can stomach the nightmare zone for getting around that is Najatar deserves BiS gear as a reward for putting up with it.


We 100% know what will drop, sims have been run and the 455 claim still holds.

Looks like you should take your own advice and


Wtf cares lol. You do know a lot of specs dont stack crit right? If anything haste is prioritized more.

That ship has sailed a long time ago pal.


That’s what achievements and 100% mount drop at the end are for.

P.S there is no such thing as tier anymore.

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People that are better at the game than you are.


Like for either of mine. Yet the boots are still better.

Math doesn’t care about opinions.


Please nerf benthic gear for instanced pvp/pve or disable it. It’s a monster.
You’ll be seeing the world first race full of players in benthic gear with sockets + teitary stats at this rate.

It’s so crazy, it’s equivalent to people gaining a +60 item level in that slot.


Benthic gear is the best thing to happen to wow this expansion.


Well step one would be to play horde,step 2 turn war mode on. Step 3 get 10% bonus on gold,exp and azerite without any resistance if you are on NA servers.

you obviously have on idea how mythic raid teams function.

a mythic raid team isn’t going to not invite one of their raid members because of 425 boots when those boots are BIS for them.

what they’re more likely to do is make it required that certain classes have the boots.