Benediction server needs to fall into the ocean

It’s the literal California of classic WoW. Someone needs to be a real G and go unplug that server so our dungeons go smoothly and our bg’s aren’t just horde vs premades all day every day. At the very least re-label it as a PVE server.


lol no it’s the literal Florida of classic wow. Horrible in every way.


Longtime Bene player and I moved to Pagle to play with friends. Honestly don’t see much difference besides slightly friendlier people

“bene blacklist can’t stop this hustle”

From the amazing thread:

grobbulus arent doing themselves any favours either lately… real pieces of art on dungeons those guys… :dracthyr_shrug:

Grobb and Pagle have the worst players.

aren’t you the guy who faction transferred to alliance because you were sick of losing to benediction, only to find out the the same faction bgs would put you against benediction anyway and you lost to them again? :rofl:

Faerlina is the mal’ganis server of 2024.

Yeee transfers spread it everywhere. Pagle use to be a humble server.


Womp womp sorry you’re not good enough to be a Benny boy :clown_face:

I was in a BG, and someone was saying something about Bene Premade. That made me think, “I wonder if it’s that guy from the forums who is always complaining about Bene.”

I was on the beach in SotA, and of the first 5 different people I targeted, zero were from Bene.


just bad players or toxic?

I’ve never met someone from Benediction that wasn’t toxic + sucked @ss

All servers are terrible for the most part, Grobbulus is the closest to a normal server I guess

Megaservers are bad for people’s psyche

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