Blacklist addon needs to be removed from game

With the blacklist addon being in the game. I feel like it doesn’t do anything but encourage on going harassment and toxic behavior. People are constantly being added to the “blacklist” for various reasons like leaving a raid before or after they get their sr and needing on gear at the end of the dungeon. Those players could end up on that list and stay on that list for permanently until they try to appeal the post and if the mods are in a good mood they “might” take you off the list. In most cases the mods themselves don’t care. The mods themselves don’t even play on the same server as the person being added to the list.

Just when you got over what had transpired probably 6 or 7 months ago. You find yourself still on this list explaining a situation that happened months ago and explaining how you tried to appeal this post, but the mods don’t do anything on their end, so what’s left to do? Nothing, but just continue to play the game and pray you don’t run into players with the addon. This addon is worse than the spit addon that was made and should see it’s way out of the community. These mods have no right to determine who players can play with or how players should play the game. They should just let blizzard do their job and if they feel like blizzard isn’t doing their job. Why not apply to work at blizzard instead?


So don’t use it. Sounds like an awful and pointless addon.


which blacklist case is your one? i want to look at it


It’s not about what case I’m in. It’s about how long I’ve been on the list, how many times I’ve tried to appeal it, and only to get told no constantly by the mods. No matter what I do to make the situation right. I’m stuck there.


Blacklists are the only way this game is playable, with how terrible the playerbase is anymore.


well you re painting whatever you did innocently, “needing on gear at the end of a dungeon” and such, i suspect there is something more to the story and when i ask which is yours, you won’t answer, i can only assume it wasn’t very innocent


I didn’t know there was an addon for it…
What is it called? I wanna see if I am on it – I hope I am cause that’d be super cool (cause I don’t care I have tons of guildmates I run with)


sigh someone (probably your alt) posted about this about a month ago, but there’s no way to kill such an addon without breaking pretty much all addons.

Normally if an addon is doing something that blizzard doesn’t like, then they can remove some key piece of the API that the addon is using. You can’t do that with a blacklist addon because it only needs the most basic elements of the API. To remove the functionality that a blacklist API uses you would break nearly all addons.


It’s not that I don’t want to give you the case. I’m more than happy to show you it. I’m just not going to continue to let the mods harass me and constantly tag me in their “Hall of Shame” just to try and make an example out of me.

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Excluding toxic behavior is a toxic behavior.



what is the specific name of the addon you’re refering to?

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If blizzard can fix the spit addon. They can get rid of the blacklist addon.

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what spit addon?

The one I found is called “Classic Blacklist”
Don’t know if I’m on it but can’t wait to find out.


One of the idiot streamers was having people “spit” on those who I think paid for a level boost in TBC, so everyone was going around spitting on those people. I think it was it was the dude who looks like he’s not had a bath in about 4 years.

Anyway, a ton of hurt feelings reports went out and Blizzard changed it so that if you target someone it spits on the ground instead of saying it spits on the person (or something like that) – I don’t know I was never concerned.


someone made a weakaura that would /spit on anyone automatically if it detected the buff from the warp-stalker store mount that you got through purchasing a boost, so /spit got disabled as an emote, a blacklist addon is not remotely similar


oh that was like 2 years ago, and again that is a VERY specific non-invasive change


I was just replying to you since you asked…
It didn’t bother me in the slightest the whole “spitgate” thing…heck you can fart on me in game and makes zero difference.


I’m not saying they are similar. I’m saying blizzard can remove an addon if they feel like that power is being abused and the blacklist addon is currently being abused by the mods themselves. Do you feel like it’s fair to blacklist someone just for leaving a raid after they got their SR and keep them on the blacklist for almost a year even if after 6 months into being blacklisted they tried to appeal it. The mods asked me to reach out to a player who I currently had no interested in reaching out to and the player didn’t want me to reach out to them. So they said “no” and kept me on the list. Even blizzard doesn’t hand out serve punishments like this. This is extremely excessive.

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You’re free to pay for name change if you feel that blacklist addons are hurting you.

But leaving a raid after your SRs are gone is still not something welcome to do and pretty selfish.

Players at the end are free to choose who they play with for any reasons.