Benediction overtaken by alliance - horde don't transfer here (megathread)

Do not come to Netherwind a lot of the “horde” are alliance alts.

Yes, Netherwind is doomed and what Benediction will look like shortly.

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Quit trolling this server is great for horde with over 5k population your clearly trolling. I’m having a blast on bene as horde


You remind me of Baghdad Bob.

Everything is fine, we are winning.

We just spot the guy that doesn’t have money to transfer out of Benediction and will have to reroll on another server…

I’ll make a tauren male shaman called Fluffybottom.

Remember when yer “good” you go Horde cause your so “good” also… when ally come to town you… declare a national emergency… force a sitdown with all the other “goods” and figure out where to RUN 2… LOL

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They will all flee to another server and then make it 100% horde.

They flame alliance for doing the same thing they do.

Post on your main or stfy dude. You’re a terrible troll

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It has been a fun experience to see the aggressive sulf horde and then transferring to benediction and the horde are like neutered animals that wouldn’t hurt a fly. Numbers game is real

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I’d kill every ally too if I had to deal with grizzly again.

Can’t blame them, its just how we all play.

There is no war, this alliance VS horde thing is fake we are all the same player base.

Look at server populations.

Netherwind would be an outstanding destination. If 6-10 horde guilds come to Netherwind, you’ve got a perfectly balanced not overpopulated server.

Horde are VERY active on NW.


Same with us, it’s a great server. Plenty of keyboard turning alliance hanging out around summoning stones

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Only ashkandi/windseeker/loatheb seem to have any population balance.

Ashkandi(east coast pve) don’t roll horde ashkandi, tis a silly place. Maybe if you want balanced pvp try heartseeker or netherwind.

Benediction alliance hitting the all time higher at 12768.

Horde guilds ready to transfer off next tuesday.

Yep, yall about to head to Whitemane to ruin the server.

Cant stop till servers are either 100% alliance or 100% horde!

The retail dream

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Well, thing is Benediction was a very balanced server when TBC started and now its going down really fast. Im not against WPVP but when you try to go into a raid and you are killed in every entrance, cant summon at stones, cant take wpvp objectives, cant level an alt, cant farm or even fishing without someone jumping on you, your game experience lose a lot of and clearly you are not getting any satisfaction for it. Personally, I never went too hard on wpvp and I even help lower lvl allies when I found them doing quests. And with phase 2 around the corner will be worst, simply cause TK ress point will be overrun with ppl just ganking for nothing, so you wont be able to ress and come back or fly into TK or inside the underwater tunnel and the lagoon inside CR. You can pretend Horde is strong or not, but when your raidtimes are delayed and you cant clear content because you cant make your entire group get inside the dungeon, you just starting to lose your patience, cause you are wasting time and time is “money”. Then, you go and look for another server cause you want to raid aswell as pvp. And its not a sissy complain, I have been in this server since the start of Classic and wpvp was very even all the way, sometimes you had control of the entrance of ZG, BRM, AQ, Up and Under Naxx; sometimes the alliance did, but there was chances for every side to gain that control. Now, with the 2 x 1 alliance over horde, it becomes impossible for us to try to bring a whole raid safe and sound. And like I said, already talked with a lof of ppl who dont want to wait to lose time on next phase and will transfer inmediatly. I can think on various solutions to this, like make the area around stones sanctuary or, if possible, make more layers so horde can, at least dominate one. Blizzard should not allow transfer to servers when faction balance reach 60/40 but they are traders and work for the money, so they dont care about the customer experience they publicite so “hard”. Cause, like I said in a suggestion, what’s the point of having summoning stones if I cant use it or having raids if we cant enter them? And for all you who just joined this game 2 years ago and love the grief and pretend this was a thing in Vanilla, you are wrong. I was there and there was respect at some point, unwritten rules of diplomacy and understanding that made our experience a true jewel. Now, thanks to Vampivision and the feeling of rage and anger of new generations, this game will die sooner than later and they now it, since they are planning to launch a fresh Classic again -era was a fiasco- to try and retain players. You got a great game Blizzard, but you droped the ball on the 1 yd line.


The cringelords cowards from whitemane transferred in MASS to Benediction this week.

Good luck horde next week on P2.

No one cares about server balance anymore nothing is going to be done

You’re acting as if there isn’t more servers that are dominated massively by horde.

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