Benediction overtaken by alliance - horde don't transfer here (megathread)

Herod has essentially been 100% Horde now for 3 weeks? maybe 4 with not a drop in its population Horde side

people just dont care at this point and just want a healthy amount of their own faction for recruitment, especially now with the BG ques change being permanent.

why waste money chasing the Alliance on Benediction when they will leave if enough of you do in 90 days.

if your server has 5-6k of your faction might as well just chill where ever you are… well unless you cant do dungeons and get to raids like Benediction Horde will experience in 5 days.


Transfer over to Grobb. Fairly even footing for the ‘red’ and while you guys might get your rocks off, there are teams / guilds that are specifically dedicated to destroying Horde in WPvP but outside of that and not going based on some websites ‘logs’ Grobb is pretty 50/50 in terms of Spirit Towers, Halaa, and Stones being camped. Could definitely use more Horde to make things interesting.

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Hmm I just joined a guild that transferred from netherwind. Looks like netherwind bout to die too. Who cares about faction balance. It literally only matters in world PvP and I’ve seen hardly any world PvP besides at stones. And it’s not that bad , sure you might die a few times but you can get into the instance eventually. I raid on Wednesdays at 8pm server and horde dominated the Kara stone. Died twice and got in the instance. No crying here.

That’s such an over exaggerated fairytale. I never experienced this in all of classic on Herod that had the same balance going the other way including p2 (except Alliance on Herod was half the size of Horde on Benediction for most of classic)… (Well p2 was kinda special…exception) but seriously that will not realistically happen.

Good! Get off the server so we can game in peace

I need more info I’m on Whitemane.

BEGONE! and never come back!


good for them

whitemane is dead
100% horde next week

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Info? I noticed the discord has less alliance guilds now down to 13.

just check ironforgepro

Next week is the turning point for Benediction.

Wednesday will be the chaos. Something you will look forward to see, regardless of your faction.

And if you are horde, transfer off.

Gtfo with your cowardice

Other than stones, Benediction over world is still run by the Horde.

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No one takes you seriously. You’re a troll, and a bad one at that. All you do is post about bene hord population imbalance. Get a life.

Whitemane is now 67/33 Horde.

We will soon be a full horde server.

I expect a lot of guilds to xfer once p2 is out as those raids can be griefed.

Reported for trolling. Threads like these is what kills servers. Why don’t you inspire the horde to be better players to give other players incentive to join them. Bene being the biggest server should be enough incentive for other horde to join, but instead, they see posts like this and run.

Doomposters needa ban.

Benediction is doing gods work.

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Already proved to be a fallacy.

I have added to OP the discord leak from Benediction alliance discussing how they can “handle” horde dissatisfaction with server being overly occupied by alliance at all spots.

Please do not confuse or lie to people who are reading this thread and considering not going to Benediction.

I’m trying to prevent a tragedy.

People do take me seriously, and I’ve received so many direct messages here that I can tell you, people are really concerned and not going to Benediction.

Seems that you’re in quite denial.

I’ll make sure to come back and bite you when people start complaining they can’t play in the server or even summon to SSC/TK.

The purpose of this thread is to prevent horde moving to Benediction and being locked 90 days there when the horde faction leaves the server.

I’m motivating players to find another realm that is not going to make them unsubscribe.

Sure. Check the other threads where people say t hey can’t even farm because of the amount of players in the server.

Being on a “big server” is not a perk.
Even special when the server is 70/30 like Benediction.

Get lost.

I disagree, big servers are a plus if you’re the majority faction.

If it wasn’t ideal then why does basically all of wow do it?

We can even look at retail where it has also happened.

History is just repeating itself.