Benediction overtaken by alliance - horde don't transfer here (megathread)

Hey buddy I’m from Herod. I know what it feels like and wpvp was never that bad.

then 5000 alliance rerolled or transferred and now we have what we have, is that not what i said?

They all ran from pvp. Most of the players during classic should have never been on pvp servers to start.

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PvP servers are trash. I wanted to play on a PvE server but all the autist streamers claimed phase 2 was going to be glorious and that PvE servers are for noobs.

do you even play on benediction? many of the guilds from incenedius are griefers in wpvp

Don’t transfer? If anything it would be great for horde to xfer to benediction if they want to enjoy a massive population.

pretty much happened to Earthfury soon as TBC came out. Horde just blew up. it’s like 75-25 now or worse.

And in the PvE world, I was flying by uvuoros and saw an orc hunter trying to solo him. Dropped down and tanked it for him on my pally b4 as he pet just died, had to burn a mana pot
I am a carebear, but peeps want to clear their quest logs…
We’re 65%A/35%H but for every 1 horde that tries to tap a node I’m already at, 40 alliance have done the same thing. Ratio is probably higher as I only remember a horde trying that once. Kinda why I favor hordies

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Your own fault for being such a retail Andy and easily manipulated by streamers who never played the game.

I got dragged into a PvP server by friends who refused to play on PvE servers because “you only get to play half of the game”.

My main concern was phase 2 and crossrealm bg’s… I played for years on private servers and saw what happened when there were no BG’s. I also warned that crossrealm bg’s gave no incentive for balanced servers.

Everything I said would happen, did happen.

my mains are on HEROD but we wiped out the alliance completely they all ran off to benediction… i’m not gonna transfer my mains from HEROD, but Im leveling this rogue alt on benediction … start my team and we gonna gank ally until they all leave benediction too… these streets aint safe we takin ova

ya i’m sure you personally wiped them out and not overwhelming numbers of players rolling horde at the start of tbc, i’m not surprised to learn that you won’t be transferring to benediction but are willing to larp as someone who did something on a level 12 rogue

oh shhhhh I posted on the wrong rogue… here we go… I’ll definitely gank yo a#s when I see ya

Heartseeker is a dieing realm, we are bleeding 100 people a week at the moment. Unless hundreds of people transfer at once you will just locking your transferred character to in a dieing realm. HIGH SUGGEST DO NOT GO TO HEARTSEEKER.

youre a dirty little liar benediction as a great server. horde are Xfering here to keep it great for us thanks!!

the summoning stones are thriving with pvp horde are still controlling the stones on a daily basis pending your layer i assume.

horde dont be scared to Xfer here if thinking about it. really great server to be a part of

Those of us who knew better were laughing. Here is “half the game” I missed by rolling on a PvE server:

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We don’t expect you to stay. We expect blizz to prevent 50/50 servers from going off the rails.

I was on incendius before bene. The server was destroyed.

If I was blizz I would work with the guild gms ti bring server pops closer to 50/50.

That being said, bene has been a blast this month. I enjoy fighting over stones and such.

Press X to doubt!

Horde is leaving the server already. Almost 1k horde already left benediction, and it will definitely grow exponentially with the release of phase 2.

That’s beautiful, however, that is a drop in the ocean and you’ll have no one to play and level with, because Orgrimmar will be a ghost city in the upcoming weeks.

Do you mean clicking the skills rather than binding it?

Imagine a rogue that doesn’t have vanish bind to a key…

Bruh, what? Incendius hasn’t even see wpvp since P2 in classic. If anything they are excited about the fact of having an opposite fraction to fight against again.

I knew many in your boat who went pvp due to peer pressure from friends and they didn’t even make it past lvl 30. Lmao…