Benediction overtaken by alliance - horde don't transfer here (megathread)

We just need horde from alliance abandoned pvp east servers like Herod, Kromcrush, Kirtonos to transfer to Benediction.

Right now it’s not even that bad. Most of the new alliance transfers don’t even know how to pvp alone and rely on grouping. Even a small organized group of horde can wipe them at meeting stones.

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Sounds like you’re mad pvp happened on a pvp server.

PVP happened on a PVP server
may I recommend a PVE server for the carebear horde scum?

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Does anyone have a benediction discord link? I’m thinking of transferring my horde there

According to other posts there’s no reason to play alliance anymore due to HvH bgs. So just wait and it will be back to at least 50% horde.


Update: this is a leak from Benediction’s DISCORD.

Alliance is “planning” to “let” horde control part of the farming spots, only if they “behave”.

Believe me. It is the current situation: horde in benediction slowly turning into a training dog (like Netherwind’s horde) and will accept whatever bread crumbs alliance will offer them.

So, if you wanna stay in Benediction, please, die without complaining and never attack back, otherwise, your faction lose access to farming spots.

People dont value WPvP like they did in Classic because Flying, Summon Stones and Arena now add to this HvH Bgs are here to stay the outside world is mainly for getting Quest gold and farming at this point.

Horde on Benediction are basically in a lose-lose scenario while Alliance are in a win-win scenario SSC/TK summon area’s will stress this issue while Hyjal will probably put in the nail in the coffin from being on any dominated server regardless of Horde or Alliance.

And the Sunwell opening and Isle of Quel’danas… everyone’s got to be on a 100% H/A server by then if they value there sanity.

The Idea that Wpvp is supposed to be some Organic happen stance when in reality its just 3-5 people flying in the air auto equipping there S1 Resilience gear so they can swoop down and obliterate someone engaged with mobs and fully decked in PvE gear, its not like Classic where just rogues would stealth and equip there fire/shadow/frost reflect trinkets before engaging. Now everyone is doing that due to flying there’s not much of a semblance of fight-back.

It seems pointless to actively choose the current Horde-Benediction predicament. If all of Herod and Krom etc Xfered there the alliance would just leave in 90 days as already shown they would and have. Meaning Horde on Bene are litterally only their to be the plaything of Alliance given farm spots out of pity and to make sure the livestock dont run away from the farm.

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Horde are going to get farmed at the daily hubs and transfer. 100%, ally in p2

Its kinda strange that the horde expect the alliance to stay on 70/30 realms but when it comes to the horde (pvp faction btw) transferring to a 70/30 alliance realm they want absolutely no part of it at all and will actively warn against it, not so different after all huh?

Its kinda strange that the alliance expert the horde to stay on 70/30 realms but when it comes to the alliance (the pve faction btw) transferring to a 70/30 horde realm they want absolutely no part of it and will actively warn agains it, not so different after all huh?

Question. why benediction and not a PvE server, pve carebears?

Get farmed Zugs

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i don’t care if the horde leave benediction, I only do arenas and raids anyway. I don’t expect anyone to sit on a realm they aren’t happy with. We all know deep down that the horde are also pve carebears and only “won” their realms by mass rolling on servers they were already advantaged on (just like the alliance did on bene)

I’d like to point out that there’s only 1 other server, Whitemane, with more alliance players than benediction has horde. You read that right, there’s more horde on benediction, than alliance on all other servers except benediction and whitemane. Just let that sink in.

As of right now there are only 2 US pvp servers within 60/40 either way (there’s a 3rd i didn’t count because it has like 50 players total) this is exaclty why retail no longer has pvp servers. You’re seeing it happen right now, within the next few months you’ll have mostly 90/10 servers or worse. By the time MoP rolled around pvp servers were for the most part single faction pve servers. What’s happening right now is alliance are congregating on 3-4 servers, and will just let the horde have the rest, just like retail, and we collectively did it to ourselves, Blizz can’t “fix” it.

I’ve been saying this since early classic, but the vast majority of players don’t actually enjoy world pvp. They may claim to, or like it in theory. But most people try to avoid it at all costs, and only fight when they know they’ll win.


Pretty sure most alliance abandoned servers like Stallag, skeram, and Arcanite Reaper early for heart seeker during free transfers due to high population and server queues. Alliance also flooded Incendius and when offered free transfers horde abandoned that server in a heartbeat for earthfury (similar situation to bene but horde do not have free transfers available atm).

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That’s a lame excuse, and it is all alliance’s fault.

I cant name one relevent guild that has xfered off of Bene. Can you?

In fact ive seen new guild form and pop up almost weekly.

Bene had a 50/50 balance since near launch of Classic. Your theory is flawed.

who wants to transfer to benediction anyways? I think every ones knows that all the fleeing alliance transfered there

Think you guys are blowing this all out of wack. The # of wpvpers severely pales in comparison to the numbers you use to judge balance. 1 single guild on either side is more than all the wpvpers combined. The balance doesn’t mean anything on Benediction. It’s all about player’s ability to find a group.

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said the guy that has 70% of the realm in their faction, and over 5k more players than the other side. 3:1