Benediction overtaken by alliance - horde don't transfer here (megathread)

It is not single players leaving Benediction, it is a coordinated move out of the realm.
And yes, If the group that intends to leave Benediction goes to Netherwind, it can flip the realm from Alliance 70 / 30 horde to Horde 60 / 40 Alliance, with a lot less imbalance that exists today in Benediction.

Yes, if the exodus from Benediction hits Heartseeker it will be a lively PvP realm.

LMAO the absolute 1Head play to move from one 60/40 server and force another one to be 60/40 in your favor, wonderful


You sub 70 Troll. What are you talking about? All the Alliance already transfered. There’s no Alliance left on any other server other than Pagle, Fairlena, Whitemane and Grobbulas.

And it’s not like Alliance are out in the world hunting horde. We come in peace. Most of us are only interested in pve. Need to farm those prinals though.


Please ignore the above person. Benediction is beyond salvation now. If you are horde player, don’t even think about transferring here.

Please ignore the person above me, he is saltier than my guild name. Please DO come to Benediction, we gotta even things out and teach the Alliance the important lesson that it is NOT okay to be Alliance.


pretty odd that bene horde are FAR more spineless than netherwind horde

Agreed. Come aboard the Bene train!!!

Netherwind horde is a very well trained dog (they used to work for the alliance there). We thought that we would endure and work together to, even outnumbered, resist and maintain our position in the server, but now the server is almost 70/30 with alliance having almost 5K more characters (and alliance players continuously transferring there), the situation is worse every day.

If anyone has any doubts, just go to Benediction discord. The dissatisfaction with the increasing alliance population is no secret anymore (and after my thread here), people are already aware of the situation.

Benediction is an Alliance heavy server, Shatt has them all over the place. Farming spots over run by alliance and they don’t mind tag teaming you in a heartbeat. If you love wPvP then Benediction would be a great fit for you. All of the horde gankers from other horde server who scared the alliance away should come over and even out the odds.

OP told the truth.

Alliance on Benediction is over 10k raiders now weekly. Just absurd that alliance are going to destroy the server like this.

Wait until phase 2 starts. I think a lot of horde guilds will consider leaving.

Blizzard should not allow majority faction transfers to these kinds of realms; just completely destroys the balance.


Update: Horde is now just 32% of benediction.

Alliance now has 11471 (67,9%) and horde is 5427 (32,1%).

Alliance has, officially, twice as much horde in the server: 2 alliances for every 1 horde.

Roughly 850 horde players transferred off benediction already.

Data from last week (taken from Benediction discorrd):

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And more are coming. Pretty much all the other servers are dead.

While some are transferring, many are rerolling new characters. Alliance levelers outnumber horde levelers 10 to 1.

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not sure what any of you are even complaining about, alliance dont group up with the intention of locking down a zone to grief for hours like horde do on horde over populated server

benediction been trash since classic. all the pvp premades were on farm

Alliance has been saying that forever. Majority of pvp severs are scuffed now lol

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Due to Blizzards lack of action regarding server balance but instead choosing to reward Horde players for their self-created problems…

…I think it wise for all Alliance to transfer to the same 2-3 servers.

Blizzard doesn’t have Alliance player interest in mind.

I don’t think you should be paying them more money but if you’re going to, don’t let them dictate your enjoyment.

Blizzard is going to continously hold the Hordes hand.


6500+ raiding horde players on bene… you’re a clown

I was told these numbers were fine when it was like this on Herod for Ally

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Bigdave of Here from benediction. As long as our daily routine of entering dungeons & SSC/TK goes unobstructed into Phase 2 things should be fine.

As soon as that becomes an issues by LOL GOTCHA “good world PVP’ers” by the alliance (Winning a fight when its 3v1 means you’re good right?) is when you’ll see a Mass exodus and your PVP real will become PVE.

Better stock up on your halaa gear now :slight_smile:

So your solution is to xfer to a 100% horde server that is in the process of dying? rofl

6k+ active horde raiders, y’all are fine