Benediction overtaken by alliance - horde don't transfer here (megathread)

Benediction is such a wonderful server full of server history and great community. Each side has a very healthy and large friendly population.

Naturally our OP had an agenda creating this thread, spouting lies. As with any circle or clique of players, there will be those who seek to ruin and destroy with self gratification as their motive.

Over the past two months Horde side has grown by over 3,500 players, and still climbing.

Our PvP ladder representation, of Horde and Alliance we are both proud of. Horde leading the charge with rating. With 34 total 3v3 teams above 2000 Rating and a total of 108 2v2 teams above 2000 rating.

The PvE side of things, also look promising, for any sort of style of guild one may want. Hardcore, Speed Run, Casual, Weekend, GDKP. Any style you’re into, on any day you’re able, you’ll be able to find Horde side with out any problems.

The Economics of the server are healthy. Auction house gets competitive, yet with phase planning and farming your own materials, you’re able to truly make a good stack.

Alliance side are mainly filled with PvE players, those who sit in town or raid log. This makes it seem that server is unbalanced, though in real play and feel, it’s not true.

Horde again, have increased by 3,500 players in the past two months. Horde are represented in the World, in Farming, and in Questing very equally.

This dynamic has allowed Benediction to maintain the best feel of any server, as more Horde continue to transfer to Benediction.

Listen to a real player, someone with heart, someone vested in truth and play time on the Benediction Server.

We would love to have you Horde. Make an alt, check out the server for yourself. You’ll see how great it is here.


That’s funny. I am from Herod and I have many friends who are on Benediction and they miss the world PVP Herod provided and regret transferring. One is coming to Faerlina when the cooldown is up and I got to hit him with a big fat “I told ya so”.

Past is prologue.
Horde already know what happened to Heartseeker.
Horde already know what happened to Incendius.
Benediction is the new equivalent to that. Literally the same thing is happening to Benediction, because of transfers. That was exactly what happened to the aforementioned servers.

Sorry for what happened to your server, and to mine. Blizzard failed us. You’re just going to have to accept that it’s tilting. Just as Herod, once one the mightiest servers of all of classic fell, it’s collapse has come for your server as well. Sorry man, that’s the domino effect.

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After transferring from Herod Ally to Benedicition I can say I don’t regret my decision. I didn’t want to transfer from Herod infact I still raided there one week when it was 1% ally to 99% Horde but it was unplayable 25mans were impossible and 10mans were slugfests.

Due to the severe imbalance of A to H ratios on pvp servers unfortunately Ally need to transfer to heavily favoured Ally servers like Benediction unless they want to spend 25 bucks to transfer in 90 days. I cant say the same the horde they have far better options for server transfers and a more active population. However I agree Benediction will likely become blue soon but that seems to be the way servers are going atm.

However before we single out Benediction lets highlight some other PvP servers where Alliance are suffering a heavier imbalance than horde on Benediction. (That arnt all red)

  • Argual
  • Sulfuras

The only other server that shares faction imbalances this badly are servers that are either entirely blue/red and Netherwind. There is one Alliance favoured server that is holding out with horde with an imbalance worse than Benediction to that of 5 Horde favoured servers.

Being vastly outnumbered on servers is predominantly an Alliance experience. Benediction is just a small vocal minority of horde players suffering the consequences of other severely imbalance servers.

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Benediction got over 4000 alliance characters in the past weeks.

Arugal is OCE, lets leave it out. Lets do the mat here how it would go for other realms:

  • Sulfuras:
    2669 alliance
    6225 Horde

Server population would’ve get almost 50/50 if the alliance moved here instead of benediction.

  • Earthfury
    Alliance: 2542
    Horde: 4288

If half of the alliance that went to Benediction actually went here, the realm would be pretty much ballanced.

  • Bigglesworth
    Alliance: 1970
    Horde: 3548

If 1/3 of the alliance that went to Benediction went to Bigglesworth instead, the server would’ve been balanced around 50/50 or closer.

  • Fairbanks
    Alliance: 1298
    Horde: 4868

If only the alliance that mass transferred to Benediction went here, they would’ve had a very balanced realm.

Again, Alliance does not want to be in a 50/50 or balanced realm.
They want majority. They wanna overwhelming majority over the horde.


Let’s not pretend this mentality is exclusive to Alliance. The Horde players that are leaving Bene aren’t transferring to another realm to make it balanced. They are going to realms where the Horde dominates. I’ve said it plenty of times here on the forums. Most players don’t want 50/50 realms. They want few enough opposite faction so they never lose, but just enough so that they can find the opposing faction to scratch their PvP itch.


the reason Sulfuras is low because like 6 ally guilds left for Benediction. My guild and others are also now thinking of leaving Sulfuras Alliance as its hard to find groups and AH is about stagnant

Let’s not pretend this isn’t the alliance mindset.

O MEGA LUL the hypocrisy from you is UN_REAL

The lack of any explanation speaks volumes

62/38 would hate it huh? really?

It was 50/50 in phase 6, 55/45 in prepatch, 60/40, now 62/38. If you can’t see the writing on the wall you’re not looking hard enough.

HUH? REALLY NOW? thats funny, cause across all pvp na realms rn horde is up 62/38, reallllll cute

Pretty irrelevant


So these Horde are jumping ship from Benediction to go and join a realm that has majority Alliance to even the odds?

yeah, bene was balanced and a great server before the ally screwed it all up, now their just causeing so many issues. Alot of people will be leave from server soon. Horde players that are just sick of the way the new arrivals are complete garbage.

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If you wasn’t just posting on this thread and actually read what OP just posted, you wouldn’t ask this question.

First of all pal, you responded to me lol. You’re the one claiming that “this is the alliance mindset” And if by OP you mean the guy who is somehow in talks with several horde guilds on Benediction and “in the know”

Netherwind is currently worse off than Benediction. It makes 0 sense for a Horde to leave a 60/40 split to a 70/30 split.

Faerlina is currently 55/45 Horde up, multiple guilds would just tip it to 60/40 which would put them in an inverse Benediction.

Heartseeker? Come on. Seriously? They’re going to transfer to a realm with no horde at all?

me and whats left of my friends are all headed to benediction alliance. we’d like to actually do daily quests in phase 2.

blizzard could fix faction imbalance but then who would pay to transfer servers?

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Don’t listen to him, we need the reinforcements or this will turn into Incendius 2.0

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Heartseeker only has 2k alliance players, Benediction ally has 9k. If just half of Bene horde transfers it would be more of less a balanced realm.

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