Benediction overtaken by alliance - horde don't transfer here (megathread)

The thing I appreciate the most is the fact that PvP servers were hailed as the “real” WoW experience and PvE servers were for kittens.

You know the “learn to play scrubs” mentality.

Now so many PvP servers are basically “PVPINO’s”


Ultimately, were entering a reality where ever server will fundamentally become a PvE environment.


If you are reading this, remember what I said in the very first post:

Don’t come to Benediction.
Don’t get your character locked in a full blue realm in couple weeks.

If you’re reading this remember the lies manufactured to push forth the narrative by the OP.

Horde, come to Benediction. It’s great. Really.


I already explained in beforehand that the agents focused in maintaining the status quo would come here and lie to you:

I want to make sure that no horde will get fooled and trapped into benediction once horde exodus occurs.

Alliance literally can’t handle being on a balanced server because they get rolled in pvp due to them being sh!t at the game

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hmm kind of broad generalization but ok lol

Yeah that’s why we don’t have any horde dominant pvp severs the horde always keeps it 50/50! Yep not moronic thinking at all here folks we have never had a horde dominated server, I mean it’s not like people gravitate to large populations for convenience nope not once.


No… NOOO!!!

Don’t believe these lies.

Just look at his avatar, you know he’s trying to gaslight you!!

It’s okay to judge a book by it’s cover here. Trust me!

Horde please come to Benediction. Look at the Arena Ladder!!!

We’ve got the chill homie vibe, with the no ego high end PvP scene.

Sign up today Horde, to Benediction!! We love you, we need you, we want you.


I’m all for horde transferring to Benediction to help even out the imbalance, but nobody is going to transfer to any server without getting the slightest bit of insight on the server. Given that point, they’ll see the imbalance, even if the numbers are wrong, they’ll be even more hesitant to transfer there and are more likely to transfer somewhere else. Also, when P2 drops the imbalance will show when people are trying to enter SSC and TK. Coilfang is always Alliance dominated. And TK, we’ll when you wipe you release at the Cosmowrench GY alive. The imbalance will show heavily at that GY and nobody is going to want to release over and over and over at a GY just so they can fly up to TK and go back in and continue to progress. It’s demoralizing for a raid group and it’s not real PVP. Camping a GY isn’t PVP it’s just hitting someone while they are down.

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We can use some alliance transfers to sulfuras server

Your server is doomed and you already know it.

Horde PVPers should definitely transfer here. Hell any horde. Let’s balance the server out. It’s a damn good server with good people.


Horde pay no mind. Especially any PvP guilds. I am working to make Benediction THE PvP server for all TBC. I do not care if all the people who hate PvP leave. I am not sure why they rolled on a PvP server anyways.

Any Horde PvP guilds or Arena players stuck on a 90% server, transfer to Benediction.


Thanks to the moderation your toxic post has been removed. It only shows that you’re being just toxic and not contributing at all to this thread.

this character is here misleading you to transfer and get rekt on Benediction.

I already advised you that this would happen:

Easy for you when you dominate every single spot in the server with huge lead to ask the food to not leave.

Horde is literally alliance food on Benediction. People will not come to the forums admit it because it is kinda of embarrassing, but it is true nonetheless.

Unfortunately, what you type here is not true. You haven’t any idea what the server is even like, you’re not currently subscribed to the game.

Benediction is a wonderful server, and the Horde population is healthy and full of skill.

You’re very welcome to come here Horde. You’ll like it.


I already stated that you are the interested party that wants to mislead people from the horde. You state that I’m not even subscribed to the game but here I am posting here and letting people know the truth.

Alliance has 3500 characters over the horde due to the massive transfers you guys received. I could just post the screenshots from the discord where you guys keep asking more alliance to come to the server if you want.

If you want to be trapped in a realm that will be 100% alliance in a couple of weeks, go ahead, 90 days without playing with your character must be fun.

Don’t come to Faerlina and kill our server. I just left Herod because horde did the same thing. If you come here it’s going to trigger the same thing Stay out. If you want WPVP on Faerlina you need to reroll alliance. Otherwise you are going to waste your 90 day CD and $25 because everyone is just going to xferr off again. Already been threads about it. Go somewhere else please.

Horde should go Faerlina and Whitemane. Kill the rest of the pvp servers so all ally are 100% bene

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It is possible that there will be a split between Faerlina and Netherwind.

I am all in for Netherwind, I think we can stip the scales in favor to Horde there right now, but Faerlina would be a decent server to go as well.

2 guilds I already know for sure transferred to Faerlina this week, but they weren’t that bug (roughly 200 members both guilds).

No. Faerlina would not be a decent server to go to. it has already tipped the scale in horde. Already going to be 40/60 really soon and then 5% more is what usually triggers the exodus. I’m Alliance from Herod I know what this is going to do.

There is less Alliance than horde in the overall game. If you guys keep scattering to the few “healthy” (and they arent even healthy anymore) servers, you’re going to literally displace the entire population on the game. Do you want every Alliance to be on Benediction simply because they have no choice if they want to get groups or arena teams?

That’s the future the horde is building.