Benediction overtaken by alliance - horde don't transfer here (megathread)

Pretty much yep. Why go to benediction as horde when it’s very likely that you’ll end up stuck there for 90 days while people transfer off. Same thing with alliance thinking about moving and seeing a 70/30 or worse horde split on a different server. Once the place is too imbalanced it just kind of dies for the dominated side.

For people saying benediction doesn’t feel alliance heavy, just wait till P2 with the new raids and entrances. By then it’ll be 65/35 or worse and horde will just leave the ensuring sh!t show.

I’m bene horde and we still win halaa and spirit towers regularly lol

3500 is just a number that doesn’t mean a whole lot if most of them don’t pvp


It is 62.2% and climbing. It’ll be 2-to-1 alliance in the next two weeks and then the horde will begin to transfer off and it’ll go to 75-25 and then an avalanche will transfer off.


The Ogri’la Dailies will be packed, and SSC/Coilfang Reservoir will be camped.


Remember what I said?


The truth is out there.

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Yep! You’re right.

Yall haven’t even got the 500 man guild from Incendius that ruled the server yet… Benediction will have no horde remaining by the end of BC imo.

Kromcrush natives are enjoying the spoils at the moment in our now pve world.

Some will consider it.

You inherited most of our ally population.

When you flee the drooling zombie (sorry cross that out and imagine I wrote cool, fanbois horde) invasions hitting every server and try to find a home of course there will be occasional pockets of blue. Don’t worry the drool will swallow it up soon enough.

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Drown blue boy :smiley:

Eh, last i saw my server was 75/25 ally and i don’t seem to have trouble doing things out in the world. The situation is typically not as dire as people like to claim

Man I’m tempted to xfer there as alliance. Even coming from Faerlina they’ve still got like 2x the playerbase.

So instead of asking for Horde players to come to Benediction to restore balance, or even overtake the alliance, you don’t want any horde to come to Benediction at all? I’ve got a better idea, go join a PvE realm. Several people on the forums and on Reddit have said that Benediction is fine, both on Horde and Alliance side. While it may not be an even 50/50 split, it’s going to be some of the best PvP you’re going to get out of any server.


”I’m from server XXX and we used to be a 50/50 faction ratio. Now its 90/10 in favor of XXX.”
said every pvp server player ever.

lol it’s the same story every time. Pvp servers died in actual TBC and now they are dieing again TBC classic. Why is anyone surprised? Dual faction mmo’s don’t work for pvp. I see new world is being sensible with 3 factions.


I’m sorry, I don’t find healthy to be delusional.

Yeah, no thanks, you can get your PvE realm pretty soon, benediction will be blue only.

Already called it here:

and here:

Thanks for proving my point in the OP.


I’m not a coward, I’m here doing a service to players who are seeking a realm to play and are being mislead by the likes of you saying the realm is not that bad. It is, and it is getting worse every week that passes as more alliance transfers there and horde will be leaving in mass pretty soon.

You blame me or the horde for leaving while you should blame the alliance for mass transferring here. It is not our fault, the world is unplayable and we are paying to play, so, I find more than rightful to find a realm where we can actually play and not be bothered by massive amount of players from the opposing faction that outnumber us in more than 3000 characters and will soon be more than 5000, reaching pretty much 2:1 against horde (and world game feels even more).

Weird that in minutes you rack up 5 likes, 3 of which by toons that have never liked or commented on the forums, and I simultaneously get flagged. Didn’t realize that this thread was being so closely watched by the Classic Community. Alt flagging will get you a temp ban my friend.


I stand corrected then - perhaps it’s just people layer swapping to avoid summoning stone ganks and what not?

They worked better in Classic because of the sheer size of the old world, in TBC the server is condensed into 8 contested zones. Plus summoning stones +flying means you’re a sitting duck for a gank, instead of running manually in the dungeon/raid all at the same time.

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Giving blizzard 25 after 25 dollars in xfer fees, you are very smart.

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Benediction is a wonderful server. The ironforge pro website doesn’t have the right balance for the server at all.

There are tons of horde, and well skilled pvp and pve horde alike.

This is a great place to come to if you’re a horde player.

Don’t believe these lies you read here in this thread, these people want to see the game die. They’re evil people wanting nothing but a laugh.

Horde; come one, come all. To Benediction.