Benediction overtaken by alliance - horde don't transfer here (megathread)

Benediction is nearly complete in its transition to an Alliance-run PvE server.

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This just further proves that the playerbase cannot maintain server balance—Blizzard has to step in at some point. Yeah, yeah, yeah “Player created issues”…but clearly whatever is happening isn’t working.

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I know this is untrue; many of the Horde on Grob tend to coagulate on the same layer with the Alliance spread across many layers. I specifically layer hop just to find and murder blood elves.

I’ll go where I please.

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servers like that are rare now and are going to be extinct in the near future.

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Yes Horde players! Trust the Orc Warlock called Guldan. What’s the worst that could happen?


Coward pvp dodgers. Imagine leaving the realm because of an imbalance when the horde is still winning most wpvp exchanges.



Used to be such a wonderful Horde server.
Now its dominated by Alli.

Serious question, is that fun? I’d assume being the dominant faction would get boring

It is but its fun to me. You don’t have to search that much for world pvp

Imagine acting like a tough guy behind a keyboard. Talk about cowards lol :rofl:

Right? I’m Benediction Alliance side, me and 2 others just got smashed by 8 Horde on the way to SH. Pull a /who to find 7 other alliance players in the area and half of them couldn’t be bothered to come help.

That’s what the numbers say, but I don’t feel it.


Blizzard is never going to close transfers.

They like their money too much.

Gotta slurp up all they can before the game burns.

Sadly so true.

Maybe horde should just flood it to than?..? Just an idea.


Once a side becomes dominated, more of the dominating faction will transfer there. Everyone wants easy ride and be the big dogs. The lesser faction will be less likely to roll there.

Why should they take the risk? If not enough roll over there, they’re screwed for 90 days.


Your server will die the true death. You didn’t win the war, you ganked and made life for the lesser populated faction unbearable. You will steadily lose horde population and you deserve this


This isn’t what’s happening. Players are transferring from unbalanced Realm A to balanced Realm B. This makes Realm B unbalanced then the same happens with the opposite faction to Realm C…and on and on.

The unbalanced realms are stalling out then declining. But pretty soon there’s going to be nowhere left to go except unbalanced servers.


Yes, it is very sad the situation on Benediction.

2 alliance guilds just arrived today, coming from Sulfuras.

Horde leadership is strongly considering Netherwind as their destination. That would flip the realm towards Horde by a massive number!!!

soon dominant faction will mean only faction so might as well get situated on such a server