Tell that guild to kiss your butt, in fact any guild that says “You didn’t pick X so you’re not raiding” deserves to lose it’s raider base.
You have a tryhard whose tryharding too much for what the content demands. That is a typical problem with wanna be elites. They act like they need to play at a world first level and demand/expect all their little minions to think and act the same when in reality the real problem is going to be mechanical failures and poorly executed DPS priority lists/“rotations” over whatever numerical difference your covenant and/or race is giving you.
I have a simple rule when I’m leading raids. You are expected to be at the level the group needs to down the content at hand. If bosses are dying, I don’t care what talents or spec or gear choices you make. If we’re dying and it’s due to hitting enrages or not meeting DPS checks, that is when the meters come out and we start looking for anyone clearly being an anchor on the group.
I actually hate it and have railed against my people asking me what class or spec they should be. I’m of the firm opinion that you should always be picking to play what you actually enjoy and want to play because you’ll be at least more motivated then to play it well enough to clear the content we aim to clear.
Pick a different guild. Heroic is fine with a competent group. Unless you afk and or knowingly join a guild who lay out expectations of min maxing then it shouldn’t matter.
Find a diff guild.
I think the problem was not setting proper expectations. If most of the guild wants sweaty raiders and meta covenants, there’s no issues, thats how they want to raid. Setting an expectation that you can pick what you want and going back on it is the real issue.
I think it’s just as reasonable to be told to play a different class entirely.
This isn’t an expectation I have when I raid lead-- which is rarely, poorly, and not at your level, true, but it’s a thing I’ve had to do. I don’t care if you can play every spec, I care that you can play the character you’re playing well. Don’t sleep behind the keyboard, know your rotation, and understand mechanics.
What you said earlier about “it doesn’t matter why you’re underperforming, just that you are” I think kind of plays to this, and I think we’re mostly in agreement. I don’t care if you can play Affliction, Demo, and Destro. As a warlock, and a higher tier warlock, that might be a goal for you, to give you more flexibility and ease of transitioning to stronger specs situationally or overall. But I’m not quizzing you on your knowledge of your other specs or demanding regular logs to make sure you can keep up on something you’re not currently playing.
It would also, I think, not matter if a character was sub-par. If there was a Survival Hunter who could provide logs showing they were the top melee DPS on the planet, with the worst Covenant choices, that does every mechanic flawlessly, would you turn them down just because they’re sub-par from theorycrafting? Of course not.
I don’t think this is necessarily true. Monk is pretty close, with one ability that’s flawed from conception. I don’t know all the other classes in depth, but that seems like a good indicator to me, that at least one class is almost there.
Kyrian might be best, but I don’t feel actively bad for being Night Fae. Playing Venthyr, on the other hand, would feel horrible.
What kind of guild is that lol
Your guild sounds toxic AF. Seriously, drop them for a better crew. Especially if heroic is your end-game progression.
I picked Nightfae over Kyrian on this monk because I like it better, and we plan on doing as much mythic prog as we can. Nobody’s lost their mind about it yet and frankly, I’m competitive on the DPS charts with it.
I say find a better crew and play what you like. Yeah the covenant design is flawed. Even the guy trying to sell it to us (Ion) went with his recommended covenant for prog raiding. But unless you’re racing to get that top 100 achieve, you shouldn’t really be feeling bad about your choice.
- Good news, you found out this new guild was toxic before you invested too much into it.
- You DO realize Venthyr are all about PUNISHING and TORTURING people for what they did in their past lives right? They aren’t accepting of them. Be honest, you just wanted to be a Vampire.
- As for your questions, yes Convenants do make a significant difference, especially on a raid wide basis, yes it is selfish to want to be the ONLY exception if the rest of the guild is choosing what’s best for progression. And as for whether you should choose another class or not, we can’t really answer that. Obviously THIS guild isn’t for you, so you need to talk to the people in the NEW guild you go to, and good luck, as rosters are full, especially for dps right now in basically every decent guild.
Having not heard his side to this, I’m gonna have to play devils advocate and assume she’s trying to dismiss points he made by calling him sexist.
I honestly just don’t know anymore. Like I said in my other comments he had never remotely acted like this before. It was out of the blue. I never even heard him get snippy when people were struggling in BfA with some of the bosses. What was strange about the “warm the bench with the rest of the women.” comment was that there are only 2 girls on the bench the other five are guys. I’m pretty sure he just said it to lash out and get under my skin.
Having read enough of this thread, I’m gonna have to inform you this is a bait thread.
That’s just a really piss poor attitude from any guild member. Let alone a Leader
This is either super fake or just straight up dumb. possibly both lol doesnt matter what covenant you pick for heroic raiding and if what you say is true then your gm is a joke and your guild is trash.
I honestly doubt it, but I’m not a heroic raider so I can’t really say. But from reading up on what covenants are “best” for my alts it seems like most of the time the guides mention that the difference is only like 1% or 2%. That should be within the range of skill to overcome, otherwise what’s the point of having players?
I doubt Blizz set out to make any one covenant the covenant for each class or spec. I think it’s just down to poor-ish tuning.
I think you should play what you want to play and find a guild that gets that this is a game and should be fun. I have no doubt that you can find a heroic raiding guild that will let you play what you want, if you’re good at playing it.
If we were heroic raiders I’d invite you. Not that helps any.
That’s just how it goes with raiding in WoW. You have to accept that players of any skill level require you to min/max for raiding, and that they’ll always be sexist. That’s just how WoW players act, and Blizz as usual is encouraging and enabling it. Not hard to prove- report them for their sexist behaviour and Blizz will never take action, that’s a fact.
- It is not a big deal for heroic raids. It is also not a big deal for mythic raids.
- I don’t think their intent was for you to play everything by the numbers if you didn’t want to play that way.
- You can play anything you want to in any content you want to and achieve anything you want to. You need to find the right group of people to do this with.
- Yes there are guilds out there that don’t have a full roster. People come and go from raiding guilds all the time at almost all levels of play.
I have found that players of moderate skill are the ones who typically think you need to select the best of the best x, y or z in order to push hard in this game. Somewhere out there is the guild with the right leadership that knows you can be or be part of a top 100 guild and still be great without crunching all the numbers for everything like it’s all there is to live for.
Things change when you are literally trying to be the first to accomplish something. If not, you can certainly find a place to play how and what you want even at the very high end of things. I’m speaking from my personal experience.
For raiding in high end guilds I’ve been a part of the biggest concern was my skill as a player and how well I meshed with the other members of the raid team. Things like choosing to take a certain covenant ability over another are largely placed on the back burner.
Thank you. Finally someone else with the same mindset. I completely agree. The best spec is always the one you enjoy because if you enjoy it, you’re willing to put the time in to make it work and see it flourish.
I’m not excusing the way that it was dealt, and I’ve learned to be cautious about tales from a random person on the internet anyway, but if that person gets benched, one can assume that the guild had enough dps to fill their roster, and that short of knowing that person’s or the rest of the dps skills and general knowledge of the game, maybe choosing the dps that chose the best covenant for their role is the faster way to filter.
That’s why you run a Normal and see. Even most Mythic guilds aren’t going to be benching people this week of N/H without getting a baseline performance. For a Heroic guild it is beyond pants-on-head dumb.
This is a very good point and I agree that when used correctly, the ability is pretty decent. The biggest thing imo is knowing your rotation well and the movements of certain fights so that you can be sure you are casting it when its most needed AND making sure the boss or mobs etc aren’t going to be pulled away from the area. As an enhancement sham its weird to channel in the middle of melee like that but it does a good bit of damage and like you said, the heal can help a lot.
Those are heroic raiders thinking they’re mythic raiders. Heroic ain’t that serious, nor that hard.