Benched for choosing the wrong covenant

I absolutely agree. So, at the end of the day, find a group of like minded people. If the majority of the raid agrees with the RL, then it sounds like OP was right to leave and search for a new group of people to play with. That’s basically what it comes down to. Noone can control how the people around them play, but we can all choose -who- we play with, and if our visions don’t align…I’ll probably avoid doing anything with that person.

Its laughable your heroic raid leader cared so much. Forget that guy.

Exactly. I mean I get people wanna progress in stuff I do. Hell I wanna do more higher level content but as a pug thats a very steep hill to climb. The problem i have with most in the community, not all mind you but most is they take a video game and turn it into a full time job. A group can still push high content without the game being a full time job. I get some for whatever reason find math fun but when it turns whats supposed to be a fun hobby into a full time job one has to wonder what kind of mental state that person is in. Dont get me wrong i know many have hobbies they turn into a career but this is wow, playing video games for a living isn’t exactly career material. Making and developing them is but not really playing. I dont know about you but if my long time hobby was turned into a full time job I’d have to take a major step back and reevaluate the system for my own sanity.

They wanted all choices to have drawbacks, so there would be no clearcut best choice.

I LOLed so hard :joy:

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The only drawback to my covenant is that I won’t get to do RBGs with my raid team. Seems like kind of a steep price to pay, to me, though.

Your guild leader is a douchebag.

I can’t imagine why any guild would feel they can choose your covenent for you. Its good you left, im sure there are 900 other guilds that would be happy to take experience raider

Gleader sounds like he is looking to destroy the guild fast. He sounds like a Cotton headed ninny muggens

(From elf with will Farrell)

See im of the mind that I love the underdog ability or talent. Sure it takes time to get it to work but when I practice over and over and see even just a little progress in my plan it’s a nice feeling. I’ve never been one to take the easy road myself.

That was my biggest issue. This is NOT a high end heroic guild, This is a guild that was still stuck on Vex when I came in late BfA. It was said over and over to choose which ever one we wanted. And honestly if he had come at it more lvl headed I would have been happy to lvl up an alt as I was one of the first to hit 60 so there was plenty of time.

I’m sorry you had to deal with that elitist personality. Good on you for leaving.

  1. NO. Don’t get caught up in the min/maxer drama. Covenants are nice, and useful, but there is more than one way to skin a cat.

  2. Best is relative. I could make other Covenants work for my class. Don’t let a vocal few ruin your playstyle.

  3. Nope. Join a guild that doesn’t have a stick up their heiny. Have fun, and find peeps that are able to think for themselves, who are flexible, and who like to have fun/RP as well.

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I mean, a 4 second channel is too easy to kick and locks me on nature. Its not a skill level thing, I can’t really outplay people with it. I just dont have a covenant ability for PvP.

Which cov are you using?

If you’re heroic raiding which op said their guild was, then you have flex raiding 10-30 spots.

If it’s true and not a troll, that guild leader is trash.
Honestly what covenant we pick doesn’t matter, unless we are cutting edge going for world race etc where every little eek that can be squeezed out matter. The issue is that due to the trickle down effect a lot of the player base think that what the world race raiders do and MDI dungeon runners do is what HAS to be.
If people are going to be this fixated on “have to pick the simmed best covenant or bust”, then where’s the “pick the correct race or bust”? I am sure some really care if the race is optimal or not, but I think most are of the “it’s aesthetic choice” these days…

Night fae, I’m talking about convoke. Very strong ability, but no good for PvP.

Unless the guild really had a shot at worlds first or server first, tell him to put a sock in it

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it’s very silly to care about covenant choices for heroic and lower.
I could understand for mythic raiding, as especially for this tier it seems like the raid is VERY hard.

I agree. Elite players will manage to deal with this because they’re still good enough to raid and their friends won’t bench them even if they pick the PvP covenant instead of the raiding covenant. Marginal players without powerful friends will not do so well.

I’m honestly surprised that covenant abilities can even be interrupted at all. Signatures should never be interruptable. Convoke yeah that channel time id imagine would be an issue. Only thing I can say is see if you can catch them off guard? Or since you’re doing random bgs try to use it when your team has their attention. But yeah inwrmt necrolord on my druid. Adaptive swarm is very useful for me. 3 stacks that cycle around for attacks and heals. Pretty nice in my opinion

The differences between covenants are so minute. You need a better guild, friend. Your guild leader is just a try hard.