Benched for choosing the wrong covenant

Its an RPG that tries to also be a competitive game and its where it falls flat on its face as the former. There’s a reason most RPG games can be crushed by anyone who knows its mechanics well as tuning of these game is very loose to allow people to do whatever they want and still have a good time.

Mythic is tuned with the basic premise that what you’d do to obliterate any other RPG game is the bare minimum to succeed.

yeah they were still on Vex when I came in late in BFA. I ended up doing the call outs for that fight and we downed her. This is not even a top 100 Heroic guild and like I said in some of my other comments. This was completely out of character for him. He had never once been rude or made even a hint of a sideways comment. He just exploded for no reason.

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I was just going to say, I think they need to take some of the competitive aspect out of PvE; it’s not a secret that they intentionally make the end bosses harder until the competitive groups clear them.

Probably had a bad IRL day and took it out on the only people he had power over.

That’s not necessary. My point isn’t that Mythic should be nerfed. Just that it should be taken in consideration when designing some systems.

Covenants would had worked just fine if the difference between each covenant class ability was just cosmetic for example.

If you look in a mirror and say his name 3 times he’ll appear and call you a Try hard

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nahh people are already think this is some kind of attack on the male species as a whole.

If I had a guess he may have forgoed his more aesthetic/in-character choice, which would’ve caused it to irk him more than it should that someone on the team didn’t make his “sacrifice”.

Depends on the guild. If you were in a try-hard guild… deserved. If you were in some casual guild… no.

Also, we’re benching people. Not because of covenants, but because week one is going to be tough to carry people. Being benched isn’t a big deal. if you wanted to try-hard you would have looked up your BiS. If not, what’s the big deal waiting another week or two? If you don’t want to push the best you can be in the game, why expect others to make up for it? Just wait for LFR and some m+ gear and people can make up for your not wanting to choose BiS.

It’s never deserved to be lied to about expectations.


This isn’t even a “what’s the deal with Covenants” thread or “elitist” thread, it’s literally about the guild not following its own intent.


Maybe I’m underthinking it, but shouldn’t the game really just be “You should be able to do at least X DPS. How you do it is on you, and everything over that is icing on the cake”? Even Patchwerk simulations are about 100% efficiency, not what is needed for an encounter (with “need” be pretty contextual if you are just trying to beat an encounter or skip a mechanic).


On me, Night Fae is the current choice for MM Hunters. It so happened that I am fine to be with Night Fae just becoz of the theme and their transmog. But I am also prepared that there would be Covenant balance adjustments later. If Necrolord becomes flavor of the month later on, I would still be okay. Maybe I would make an Alt for it. But for now, I just go with my chosen Covenant.

I’d normally laugh at the idea of benching someone for reasons other than playing well in Heroic, but PvE is kind of crazy and overtuned this expansion.

Maybe they view it as more of an attitude thing? An unwillingness to do what is best for the raid? It’s probably a bit excessive for anything but Mythic.

How much you weigh? I think I can bench you too.


True you are under no obligation. Then we all have to ask where the line is drawn. Because no matter what situation or whether or not it’s in game or not. People have no right telling another person what to do.

If you read the OP it’s that they literally lied about their expectations. Or it didn’t even happen.

Either way it’s not a balance thing

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Just join a different guild, what’s the point of this thread?

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Of course it isn’t. But it’s a pretty common mentality at the higher levels (like we’re discussing).

If I had a nickel for every time I heard “I play for fun” as an excuse for being bad, I’d have at least several dollars in a currency that I can’t easily use.

Of course not. But it doesn’t change the fact, that especially with Hunters, choosing to play a spec that is less mechanically useful and often much weaker than it’s counterpart.

In 8.3 for example, BM was the most mobile spec by an absolute mile, was great at pretty much every mechanic and had some of the best output in the game.

With melee being inherently less useful than ranged in raids by their very nature, there isn’t a whole lot of overlap between people who’d ignore the above reasoning and get especially far in a team-based game.

We do. But this discussion is specifically based around my sphere of Cutting Edge raiding.

This is where I can’t really talk about anyone but my own person experience.

I like playing Warlock. As much as I make jokes about “being stuck in Destruction jail” during 8.3 or half-complained about my RL not letting me play Demo on prog, I enjoy all three specs.

Aff might be my favourite, but it’s really not that big of a deal to me if it’s not the best Warlock spec.

I don’t know how much the Hunters in my guild enjoyed being BM in 8.3, or the Mages Fire. For me, switching to the best spec for Warlocks is frictionless because I like all three specs.

The worst player in Methods raid team would still be better than the best player in mine, and the worst player in my raid team would be a superstar in a heroic guild.

It’s not an inherently bad thing to play with a lower tier guild than you could otherwise. My point is more along the lines that you have to deliberately undersell your own potential if you wanted to play niche/weaker playstyles, because you can’t compete alongside equal skill players if you lack their flexibility.

That doesn’t really make it all that satisfying for Monks who really wanted to be Venthyr for whatever reason, and have to either take an awful ability, or give up the story/cosmetics they were interested in.

If Covenant abilities were easily swappable like talents, I could accept each spec/class having a dud. I’ve basically never used GoSac since they reworked it, outside doing Absolute Corruption or Enslave Demon cheesing. The ability sucks, but so long as there’s useable talents on the same tier as it, it doesn’t really matter.

But the problem is that the story/aesthetic and power are complete packages.

For every Paladin happy that Kyrian is the best is for them, or Night Fae for Druid, there’s a Warlock whose upset that they’re stuck in the same Covenants since the abilities for Necro and Venthyr are complete trash.

Putting up with abuse doesn’t make you ‘strong’, it means you’re tolerant. No one likes a doormat, people don’t like people who are afraid of being disliked. And at least within the context of a video game you have no one to blame but yourself if you stay in that environment.

It’s a heroic raiding guild, not a mythic raiding guild. You can absolutely raid with sub-optimal builds in heroic.

sounds like you need to find a better guild to me