Benched for choosing the wrong covenant

The other melee can bow before my damage from ranged might

I’m not acting like it’s a personal attack. I’m acting like I don’t believe your story.

If it’s true, you really are pointing a finger in the wrong direction. Your raid leader is insane and you’re an idiot if you stick with him.


It’s not that big a deal on Mythic either unless you’re pushing for world top 100 or something. I guarantee you guilds could remove their covenant abilities from their bars and still clear content.

You saved yourself some annoyance down the line by leaving early enough. Nobody wants to play with someone like that except other people like that.

I keep trolling my RL with SV. Last time he sent me a picture of a bench rofl.

I love the spec but yeah :confused:


100% this.

You don’t need those chump stains.

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I’d argue that someone who has fun playing their class is overall going to perform a lot better than someone who is just trying to go through the motions.

Auras have always been super difficult to balance from both a satisfaction and numerical PoV.

If you had an ability that gave everyone in the raid 2% damage, it would end up stronger than a cooldown that gave yourself 20% damage, but no-one would like taking the aura because it doesn’t make your numbers go BRRRRR.

And if it didn’t stack, you’d have to designate one Paladin to be the sucker who had to be buff the entire raid instead of getting big numbers themselves.

Plus at that point, the Paladin wouldn’t exist in a vacuum regarding balance, every buff or nerf they did would directly affect Paladins, kinda like how Blizzard had to nerf the HP of Zul in Uldir purely because they nerfed Sub Rogues that hard.

Hoo man. Who could’ve seen this coming during Alpha?


What else did you expect?

I put it that way for a distinction, not a value judgement. “I like x more” vs “y is stronger” for decisionmaking. I probably should have actually worded the original post that way, whoops.

It’s not a black and white thing, this is an incredibly aggravating statement. It’s not either “Obey the Almighty Spreadsheets” or “lmao guys look i can use eyes of the beast in the N’zoth fight isn’t my turtle the best :DDDDDD”.

To who? I don’t care what you play, I care that you’ll put the effort into actually playing. No guild or community I’ve ever been in has looked at a player and said “Oh that’s a Survival Hunter, they must be terrible at this game”.

We operate in very different spheres. At a competitive top end, in your communities, that might be your perspective. It’s not a rule.

Like I said, if I’m playing with a focus on “Beat the content” where I don’t prioritize what I want to play over boss = ded, I’d be more inclined to dislike some of my gameplay for less friction. But just because that friction exists doesn’t mean it’s not doable, or even that it would be a horrifying nightmare experience to try to do it.

Not really a bad outcome. Just because I like basketball doesn’t mean I want to be in the NBA.

There’s a whole conversation to be had about this. This ability is bad, yes, but the other three are perfectly fine, even if one performs better and is more desirable. That outlier doesn’t make the whole system bad.

A similar outlier across the board at multiple points is a major issue, and I’m not trying to defend that.

it says in the story I left the guild sooo not sure where I’m an idiot for sticking with him…

I’m not point the finger at anyone my question was does covenant choice really matter in a heroic raiding guild (not a top 100 guild) when we were told it didn’t matter who we chose. The story was just the background of what happed but people keep focusing on the sexist comments, and I mean ya did call me an activist sooo kind of sounds like you’re taking it as me attacking men for one persons comment.

Should’ve meaningful choiced better. :upside_down_face:


Your original question is irrelevant when the real problem with your story is that in that scenario you were lied to and attacked. If it doesn’t matter to your guild it doesn’t matter to your guild.

Mmm… I wanna hear more about this.

/grabs a towel

I agree.

A lot of people have fun optimizing their character and playstyle - and becoming better at what they do. Everyone except the people making money off the game is playing it for fun. When they say this, it just means they don’t care about improving.

This is all fine, people enjoy different things. However, it is not then justifiable to get upset when they’re excluded from guilds who ARE trying to improve (even if it’s just heroic raiding or low-rated pvp).

but…but what happened to This Game is an RPG ???

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Just to clarify before my statement, I think the RL was absolutely in the wrong here, but I hate this argument.

You don’t pay for my sub, so I’m under no obligation to bring you into my groups. OP doesn’t pay for their raid’s subs, so they’re under no obligation to bring the OP either. You know what I mean?

Nothing says ‘screw the team’ more than failing the mechanics to squeak out an extra few percent of DPS.


No. A PullTheRipCord Activist has nothing to do with… sexism.

Your former raid leader is a waste of oxygen. For anything less than world first mythic raiders, covenant doesn’t matter.