Benched for choosing the wrong covenant

Let’s be honest though that’s extremely non standard for most guilds in the game and a lot of long standing guilds have had almost full roster changes from xpac to xpac

Playing with the same people for 10 years would be pretty uncommon I’d say

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An activist? LOL It was ONE guy this is not an attack on the entire male species. In no part did I bash men in ANY way. You want to pretend stuff like this is preposterous because nothing like this could evvvvver happen in a video game you go right on ahead but ya’ll really gotta stop acting like this is some kind of personal attack against the male species. I happen to be very fond of them as a whole just not this one guy in particular.

From what i’ve read, it seems you were told that your guild was fine with you choosing whatever covenant you preferred from a thematic perspective since it was a semi-RP guild. Them kicking you after stating they didn’t care what covenant you picked was a dick move.

If the guild had laid out clear standard for heroic progression prior to this it would not have been an issue and the guild leader would be in the right. However, they did not, and misled people - so they are bad leaders.

I would recommend finding a better guild without management issues.

This I can answer. Heroic is not easy if you’re pushing the first few weeks it is released (limit is the only guild who has killed denathrius hc so far). So if you’re pushing early on it definitely is super impactful.

But if you are just going for aotc and clear it post-nerf when everyone has more gear even major class differences become irrelevant as the content is super easy and you outgear it.

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Ralph said a lot of stupid things and a lot more stupid things in italics

I feel like there are obvious things that wouldn’t break the game, like extending the duration of fae guardians for priests.

Yeah honestly that’s a dream scenario for me.

Just never happened for a long list of reasons.

The game’s fluctuating quality and Blizzard tinkering with raid sizes and difficulties over the years being 2 big ones (still miss the 10man Heroic format as the end game).

That’s exactly my point, and why getting worked up over being a sub-optimal covenant at any level but those who play with absolutely peak efficiency seems kind of pointless.

I am absolutely average with occasional flashes of adequacy. I have no illusions about my skill level, and I’m sure if a mythic raider looked at my logs they’d be able to pick up on way more areas for improvement in my gameplay than they would an extra 1% HPS if I was a different covenant.

People who “pick for fun” (which is a very contentious phrase on it’s own) tend not to succeed in higher end guilds because “I play for fun” in WoW basically translates to “screw the team, I do what I want”.

Culturally speaking, it’s a massive red flag in WoW when someone refuses to play something significantly stronger.

I have no doubt that there were a ton of Sub Rogues and SV Hunters who were capable of clearing the content, but either they sucked it up and took one for the team and played the infinitely stronger and more useful BM, or they played with a team who wouldn’t ask them to reroll at a much lower level than they were capable of playing out.

I’d also imagine a bunch of those kills were either people just buying a carry or people trying to get All-Star points since a 99/100 percentile is a lot easier when you’re competing against 50 people vs 50k.

Venthyr’s Monk ability for Brewmasters is probably the best example for this.

Kyrians is great because it gives them 10% Mastery while active, which translates to more Dodge, Damage, Healing and Absorbs.

Night Fae is great because it gives great snap threat and when it’s up, you stagger for 5% more (which is a huge deal).

Necrolord is great because it’s counted as a Brew and thus benefits off all the abilities in BrM that reduce Brew cooldowns, as well as providing a solid survivability boost.

Venthyr just summons dudes who do damage. It provides literally nothing as a Tank, since the dudes you summon have their own threat table, which doesn’t really help you as a Tank.

Feedback was given. Feedback was ignored. As a result, Venthyr is weak that if you take it as a Monk for Brewmaster, it’s basically automatically assumed you’re either trolling or know literally nothing about your class.



Errr. is raid a typo for Ralph?

Where is Ralph ?? I don’t see him now days.

It’s possible that they balanced some of the abilities around the fully unlocked covenant power-- but they’re just gonna feel bad to play before the covenant conduits and soul binds are fully unlocked.

Don’t jinx it.


Possibly. But none of the Conduits are strong enough to make up for the ability doing literally nothing as a Tank.

Especially not when Kyrians have some pretty solid conduits themselves.

This is a big true

I’ve started raiding as survival and after the first raid concluded the first thing I did was wonder if I should be swapping to nightfae and if I should bite to bullet and go marks

Turns out I can’t replicate my damage from survival as marks but the changing of covenants is on the cards for me which is truly disappointing and something I didn’t want to do

If you play for fun you have to be able to BS your way to really good results with your off meta pick or know when to bite the bullet and swap it up

but but but…they said in here for weeks and weeks that NO ONE would keep you from raiding over your covenant choice…no one would be that rectally rententive, lol
Guess that joke fell apart.

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Leave that guild. Now. OR petition for that raid leader to be removed. In any community setting, not just WoW, knowing how to manage people in a positive manner is paramount…and perhaps someone should remind him or her that you cant always win to BE a leader you need to learn how to lose.

Yes it was haha

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He’s on my server

Still running around as a panda with a bad transmog

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I’m still irritated that they nerfed blessing of autumn on paladins when the kyrian ability is absurd and covers holy paladin’s only weakness.

Survival is actually hella good atm.

They’re unwanted because melees generally are unwanted due to mechanics, not performances.

You might wish you bit the bullet on Sludgefist for example.