Ain’t the timer just a debuff and not a real timer if so im not seeing a problem here at all.
Well, subjectively speaking, I’ve played WoW in every iteration. I’ve been a server first raider, I’ve been a “only pvp” player, I’ve been a “just leveling” casual, and here recently I’ve been a m+ rat and AOTC only “raider”, and WoW has never been better. There are more things to do, paths to take, achievements to get, dungeons to run, etc. etc. All of it engaging and fun, imho.
Negativity breeds negativity. If you want to hate something, you do. No amount of argument or evidence can prove otherwise. WoW is about friendships. If you have friends you play with, you can have fun playing tag in iron forge.
If I had a critique of the game, it would be that there are a lot of systems in place that allow people to try and play WoW isolated and alone. More ice times to make friends would make this game more successful, imho, if not more fun.
I love Preach, but I was speaking globally/generally. You never know, from viewing to viewing, if you’ll get something great or bad.
Even great TV series have lousy episodes in them.
I dont have a bloodlust, but i do intend to wait for CDs for iffy looking packs. I do it in horrific visions and i will do it in torghast. Blizz trying to add a timer of sorts shows how out of touch they are with the majority of the playerbase.
Great, I don’t think I’ve been unclear in what my point was. I don’t care for clickbait content creators so I don’t click their videos which supports them.
He can’t. He has to make a living in the current climate of the crap site we call youtube.
You’re not being fair in your criticism of him. His titles are click batty, and he even made a video explaining why (short version: Google Algorithm).
But this one video is 100% NOT click bait and if you watch it it does a fantatic job of summarizing in a concise way the issues that “casuals” have with time pressure mechanisms in Torghast, and actually offers solutions as well. The devs, if nobody else, should watch it.
You seem to be projecting something to my posts that isn’t there.
I watch Bellular, and even stated so in my first post in this thread.
However, I don’t watch all of his videos because he can, at times, pander to what will get him views. He speaks as though he has expertise in game development yet has never actually released anything.
That isn’t me telling people they are wrong for agreeing with him. This is me saying not to give his opinion more credibility than it deserves, and players should honestly think about his points before adopting them wholesale.
I must of mixed you up with Liax, apologies. I had an impression of 100% not watching any of his videos from a post I was replying to. It must of been Liax’s, but I replied to you by accident.
OP is 100% right about posting Bellular’s video, it is great and torghast along with convenant power grinds and choices will be why SL is considered Second Legion.
Weird how Preach seems to do just fine and commands a sizable subscriber count. He obviously makes his living doing it.
You’re missing the concept of not supporting clickbait content creators and I’m not sure how much more I can slow it down for you.
Preach doesn’t make his money from YouTube (he’s said so), and has a much smaller staff than Bellular, so he can afford to not care as much about “dragging eyes to his videos”.
I actually partially agree with you about supporting clickbait content creators, and I’ve literally posted comments in a video of Bellular’s before saying he has to tone down the titles, but the videos themselves are not clickbaity, only the titles, and only moreso in the past.
This video is not clickbaity. Its well worth a watch.
Do you remember HeelVsBabyface? The guy quit WoW to rebrand himself under a new gaming channel and it failed. Badly.
Then he went back to WoW to try and salvage what was left of his channel, and then had to resort to complaining about feminists and putting on a tinfoil hat in order to get engagement again.
No like seriously, like half of his videos are either him complaining about Batwoman or making false claims about other stuff. It’s honestly sad.
But I can guarantee you he’s looking at Torghast right now and is preparing to make a video complaining about it.
It’s how he gets the most views.
I didn’t say it was. I said the creator was. Although to that extent all his content is clickbaity, it just so happens that this apparently has meat to it. Gratz to Bellular for pulling that off.
While Bellular tends to drone on and on and on with no point in sight he does have a point in this video even if he’s needlessly long winded and sensationalist for no reason.
That’s how it has to work nowadays, youtube has continued to become a site for corporate business made youtube channels and less about individual creators. Youtube is literal garbage in my opinion but there isn’t any good alternative. Many youtubers have to clickbait and play the algorithm to be able to create more content.
I know. I’m trying to tell you its worth your time, and that you are being too heavy handed, and not nuanced, with your decision to avoid the video.
And I’ve tried to explain to you why I don’t support him by giving him revenue via clicking his videos, but that concept seems to have eluded you.
So here’s what’s going to happen: I’m going to not bother replying to you ignoring my point in your response to this post and I’ll wait for other content creators I prefer to put out their thoughts on Torment design and make my opinion based on them and continue to pretend Bellular doesn’t exist.
No, it hasn’t alluded me, I’m trying to show you why you are wrong in having those opinions.
At the end though, they are yours to own, and I respect that. If you don’t want to watch it, that’s fine, just saying that you are missing out on a good video. But I can totally and completely understanding “taking a stand on an issue”, truly.
Also that’s wrong word.
Ok now I’m done.