Yep, you’re right, its ‘e’ before ‘a’ except after a rude response.

oh boo hoo, they added a mechanic which sounds like it’s going to function like a pseudo timer which most of us have no idea how severe or lenient the torment buff is going to be affecting players that like to take their time. No let’s all jump onboard and trash the crap out of it
While I can agree with your reply, well, BfA happened. As such, people are extremely weary and are going to trash said system because of what BfA has done to this game.
looks like your post was flagged because someone disagreed with you or bellular…smh
anyway, excellent video, hope someone important sees it.
Ban the flagtards who hid the OP.

ah yes another video to consume since i can’t come up with logical ideas and critiques myself
Based on the “opinions” I see posted here daily, I’d rather see more people parroting Beullular and Preach and less “original ideas”, much of which turns out to just be Blizzard simping anyway.
I am not a fan of having to pay for entrance into activities. Felt horrible for mage tower, felt bad for visions and will likely feel bad for this.
I really do wish that Blizzard would stop over engineering and gating things. Let people play hard core if they want. I wonder, if I am doing torghast and suddenly need to Bio will my entire run be compromised?

Sometimes I feel like WoW’s entire player base is made up of tabloid writers.
Click here to see the Torghast secrets they don’t want you to know.
That video is really well said especially the part about Blizzard not understanding the psychological aspects of the mechanics.
To the geniuses in this thread, “clickbait” is necessary nowadays to get views and promotion from youtube’s algorithm. How about you pay attention to the actual issue at hand here which is the torghast timer?
There are plenty that haven’t gone down that road, and they continued to grow and have a loyal audience. Like Madseasonshow or Taliesin & Evitel. But ya, if you want to become a corporation, as Bellular does, then you have to act like one.
Actually the “emotional” part is something I think was incredibly spot and and agree with 100%, the best revelation moment of that video.
Starting with the remake of the Legion Disc Priest onward, it seems like WoW is now more about designing on paper/spreadsheets and then back-filling onto gameplay, than it was in the past with artists crafting good gameplay and letting the chips fall where they may, carrying the product forward.

artists crafting good gameplay and letting the chips fall where they may
This is one problem with design and some regards the player base now. People cannot accept that there are circumstances where some things are imbalanced. Some classes will have niches and advantages. At the same time those classes will have weaknesses. This is why I supported the decision with covenants.
As long as balance is within reason, people should have moments where they truly shine. But sometimes Blizzard needs to overbalance and remove fun from the equation. Simple things like mount speed stacking buffs is an example of this. Why can someone not invest in the consumables and skills to go super fast?
He makes a good point also that pushing floors is not needed for progression, so waiting on cooldowns is only something people chasing high scores will consider.
Unless, of course, they have some plan to put in some garbage time gated key like HV vessels, to force you to maximize your rewards per run. In which case, Blizz can frig off with that crap.
You bring up some good points, and on a normal day I would love to discuss them with you, both pro and con, but that’s another topic conversation for another day.
I kind of have to agree. I like to get up, you know, to use the bathroom, get a bite to eat, alt-tab to find some music. I relax when I play. Yes I don’t generally do those things in an instance with other people, but the thing is I can get away with doing that even in an instance by myself.
Until now.
If they found one degenerate play style that involves a ton of waiting I’ll take it over any feeling at all of being rushed or needing to sit at the monitor for some arbitrary period of time without getting up. Basically I need to at least be able to retreat to a corner to occasionally afk or I’ll approach it with much less enthusiasm.
Bellular be like “Blizzard is DEAD, Ion is on FIRE, and the WORLD is ENDING” and the video content will be like “there was maintenance this tuesday and ion burned himself on his coffee.”
Edit: I forgot to mention, it will be spread out across 4, 20 minute videos, with his sponsored content squeezed halfway into the intro that completely takes you out of whatever he was talking about. Then he’ll mention that he’s a game developer at least 3 times per video.
Sounds like you watched an Azmongold video instead.

Hold the phone. You mean I don’t have to get a new key every time I lock/unlock my front door?
Entry codes ftw.
Of course any Youtuber fishes for views. That’s the nature of the platform. It doesn’t naturally follow that what the Youtuber says is wrong.
FYI, killing the messenger does not kill the message.