I don’t. /10 char
Welp, Blizz has got us to stop talking about the Covenant abilities mess, I guess.
What I pulled from the video.
If Blizzard is worried about people waiting for their cooldowns simply create torments that increase the cooldown time or have them only be usable once per floor.
If the torment system does not change it will actually encourage people to wait for their cooldowns. Example;
If you die from a boss on the floor and it takes you 2+ minutes to get back to the boss you now have additional stacked of torment. You can probably do a cost analysis on whether you should wait for your cooldowns in order to defeat the boss.
The game already punishes you for dying, it doesn’t need a ticking time bomb as well.
we all get it, it doesn’t matter
But that’s an alpha only thing. And currently it still isn’t very difficult as I can infinitely reset to get favorable powers that quickly allow me to cheese.
If I wanted to implement some form of timer it would be a bonus loot timer. If you complete the floor within a certain amount of time you get bonus loot.
Don’t worry, by the time it comes out it will be completely changed, scrubbed entirely of any even remote semblance of fun. Completely devoid of any enjoyment, and then everyone will be able to hate it.
Remember a week or so ago when we though this was going to be something that most people would like to do, and something that might even bring some people back to try out? Oh, Blizzard, you caught us again, you sneaky devils, you!
Torghast is starting to look like a Blizzard mid-life crisis project.
I’m not going to pay $60 to get in the door, plus $15/month, plus farm entry keys for Bliz to lament they’re still in the MMO business and not able to make indie games.
Now knock this crap off Bliz and play Wonderwall like it sounds on the album.
How big a problem is it right now in BfA? Not at all, maybe? So why is it such a huge problem that the entire feature has to be designed around that one cooldown?
None of us know what it will turn out to be. Given the confidence level they have earned, that’s hardly a “Don’t worry be happy” situation.
The reason they’re doing all of this is because a lot of people in BfA have rejected mythic+. Torghast is a mandatory solo equivalent of mythic+ that no one will be able to skip. People who wanted to do dungeons any way but GOGOGO were playing the game wrong and needed to be forced to play it right.
Any option of playing the content your own way will be removed.
To expand on this:
The fire DoT is constant passive damage. If you don’t have self healing to outpace the DoT, you need to stop and eat, which slows you down.
The adds that spawn will attack you only when you are out of combat. So you’ve just cleared a difficult pull, sat down to eat, and a mob jumps you. You kill it, sit down to eat again, and another one spawns…
The increased damage taken torments function as a run-ending soft enrage.
The decreased damage done torment actually has some amount of gameplay associated, in that you need to play more conservatively and outlast your opponent rather than trying to blow them up super fast. This would be super annoying against trash, but makes the bosses and the miniboss elites properly dangerous.
Reward instead of punishment? Madness!
No doubt there. But even without a timer torghast is comically cheesy and not challenging.
Actually, I immediately knew what it was about, because I have been thinking the same thing since timers (torments) were announced.
It’s an always on live game without a pause button. Do we really REALLY need timers in infinite solo content when there is no pause button? Why is this percieved “problem” of waiting for cooldowns never come up before in 15 years of this game? Hardly anyone actually plays like this…come on. It’s only a problem on Ion’s spreadsheet.
And to the people that haven’t heard of the torments before?
Because it’s not remotely tuned or balanced on many specs. Floor 1 trash are like open world generic mobs. You are supposed to blow them up.
The problem is that blowing up the easy stuff gets you powers that let you blow up the hard stuff, and it doesn’t ramp the difficulty nearly as fast as it ramps player power.
Yeah, it’s a video about Torghast, which has to do with the Jailer, and this video will be about something he doesn’t like, so the “crooked” logo (if it’s not just styling choice because sometimes people like things to not be centered and neat all the time) would reflect that.
And he has a strong opinion about it by the fact that you identify the wording as “controversial.”
“Large and over the top” fits for a thumbnail so people can see it at a glance and know what it’s about.
So, yes, “informative” would be accurate.
Your proposed title is informative, but his title is more informative because it tells you his opinion about it right from the thumbnail and title.
You know what’s bad about baiting? When you go for something you think you want and end up with something else you don’t want. A cake advertising baits you to go buy the cake, but that’s not a bad thing.
Similarly, the only reason to complain about this as a clickbait is if you think the thumbnail isn’t giving you what the video will be about: Bellular not liking something about Torghast which he thinks could negatively impact the feature, hence “could kill” it.
Or, you think you should have the same opinion as Bellular and is disappointed when you disagree with him after watching the video.
Which means that in numerous tuning passes throughout alpha, beta, the ptr, and after implementation it will be made harder.
Why you tryina turn this game into some hello kitty adventure island.
Go pick herbs if you don’t want even a modicum of challenge.
“punishing players”
What kinda drugs you gotta be on to even type that?
Bellular gets nothing. That dude is so annoying.
Why you tryina turn this game into some hello kitty adventure island.
Go pick herbs if you don’t want even a modicum of challenge.
Considering that you are the one demanding changes to prevent something that has never been a problem, interesting reflection you have there.