To add increase incentive and to reduce the amount of “leapfrogging”, you get a bonus loot modifier. The more you beat the timer the larger the modifier becomes however, if you missed the timer your modifier resets back to zero.
Not everything they add has to be dark souls. How about, I dunno, letting our characters feel like murder machines every once in a while? Not much in this game outside of world quests or normal dungeons lets us feel like all the work we do is actually paying off. Most the time I expect to be blown up when something sneezes at me.
‘Haha vile beast! Here comes my final attack, honed over years of work, using my +5 Vile Vorpal Blade of destruction!’
You have done 6 damage. Enemy HP remaining 9999994/10000000
Now I’m not saying everything should be like that. In fact it would suck if it was. But how about just one simple mode where we can, you know, have fun. No need for competition, just plain fun.
I wouldn’t even care if there was no loot to be had. Just the idea of a Binding of Isaac style system of abilities and synergies got me to resubscribe after 8 months. But now seeing that it’s going to forced into a ‘extreme version’ only? Yeah, no thanks, again. My hardcore years with WoW are over. I only play it to have fun. Which explains why I haven’t played for most of BFA, and why I won’t be back for SL.
Hold the phone. You mean I don’t have to get a new key every time I lock/unlock my front door?
LOL Now imagine the dungeon is getting progressively harder while they’re planning and little skeletons are constantly popping up to attack Leeroy while he’s sitting there. Like, at one point, planning and taking our time with challenging content wasn’t a problem. I miss that. Also, I’ve got chicken.
Exactly and I have no faith in blizzard to balance it. I mean they couldn’t even balance corruptions…a 50% nerf to certain corruptions is unacceptable and comical
Crazy talk. Where’s the ladder board, the loot crates, the RNG, the e-bragging…why are even playing a game if you just want to have fun???
People have really forgotten bfa alpha and how incompetent blizzard are at balancing…well anything
Meh, I think some sort of timer is necessary.
Naturally on upper floors I’m going to wait for all my cooldowns to be as careful as possible. Without a timer, I’ll be doing this every pull with dangerous mobs to be successful. We as players naturally want to play smart and to the best of our ability. I prefer more so the adrenaline rush of thinking on the spot and actively playing with my character. In comparison to waiting for cooldowns every pull and taking 5 minute breaks between.
Today, we learn that different people finds different things fun, and that you can’t please everyone. A great life lesson.
Nice people are already flagging lol
But yeah Bellular does definitely get it thankfully also seen other YouTubers talking about it saying it’s a bad idea the only people who want it are sweats and corporate boot lickers
I never understood why it matters if people want to wait 20 minutes for Lust or whatever before each pull.
Why is it necessary?
Let’s assume, as Blizzard has said, that all the “mandatory” progression can be done on the easy floors in under an hour.
Who cares if people want to take their time and wait for CDs on high level difficult floors that offer no outside-of-Torghast power progression?
I’m more concerned that blizz is already implementing more systems within Torghast. And I’ll bet its going to get more complicated as the xpac continues.
I’m sick of systems on top of systems on top of systems. That along with currency for every little thing is really turning me off to the game.
If you have to push difficult floors to get the legendary mats, people will do stupid, STUPID things to maintain their power progression. See 100 MoS +2 runs/day in Legion.
The solution is to keep the power progression to easier floors that don’t require these kind of tactics.
I’m curious how many people actual have or would wait 10, 15, or 20 minutes for CDs?
This entire topic feels like sensationalism; unfounded outrage.
I watch Bellular from time to time, but this is a video I will skip.
Some people give his opinion more weight than it deserves.
Then just leave bro. Dang
Wore out with the ex-gf’s hanging on talking about how bad their ex-bf is.
Just go away.
Thanks for contributing toward this games quickly plummeting quality.
Your analogy is pretty bad as well. It’s more watching a friend become a crack addict
The thing is, this game is so big, you CAN please everyone. We have high end timed content in the mythic raid race and m+ dungeons, complete with ladder boards. We have the gladiator PVP system, and casual PVP and warmode. Great! We have world quests and pet battles and transmog.
Torghast looked like a great system for exploring, being challenged and working toward meaningful rewards that was, by all accounts, super fun. The direction they seem bent on taking it removes the fun for a lot of people.
Well mainly because I feel that’ll pretty much force everyone to wait for CD’s imho. Naturally on the upper floors, if it’s designed with no timer in mind, they’ll likely make mobs very difficult to overcome without cooldowns since it doesn’t need to be balanced around a timer. I personally don’t find it fun sitting for 10 minutes between certain pulls because that’s the only way we can think of overcoming the elite mobs and need heroism etc. I do think a timer can be balanced to allow for more slower play even on upper levels, but no timer completely to me will make the gameplay guaranteed to be a slow torturous trot on upper levels.