Bellular pretty much gets it

So does life, sweetie. :yawning_face:

Ok, I thought it was obvious but i’ll explain.

Do you feel rushed in Arenas?

I’m not sure why this is relevant or helpful to the conversation.

Just get to the point of your attempt to deflect.

It isn’t, but neither way anything you said.

They’ve run out of points to make and are just trolling now, it seems.

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That explains it, you’re trolling now. :wave:

Well I’d love to but typically a conversation required two people.
I’m having to fulfill your role, it just isn’t the same.

Yeah, let’s just ignore him now.

Exactly, not worth your time, he’s beneath you.

Yeah guys, lets just ignore the random forum Orc.
I mean, we’re willing to ignore official answers from the developers of this very game, why on earth would we not ignore him?

Get off your high porcelain throne.

I find Bellular pushes a lot of good points but there’s a lot of tribalism in the community now. Like, people who watch Taliesin can’t like Bellular and people who like Bellular can’t like Taliesin.

Weird TBH : S

When you’re running around 1 shotting everything, there’s really no reason why everyone can’t clear without much of a struggle. Timer or not.

Its a reflection of our society at the moment, unfortunately.

But also, try to remember that some times “people” are actually “agents”, and ANY corporation tries really hard to manage the narrative.

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I personally don’t care I barely watch videos from any WoW streamers/youtubers. My personal opinions on Torghast timers just so happened to line up with what Bellular said.

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That came in from left field.

Just putting in my 2 cents just like you have been :man_shrugging:

Yep, it was a really great video, a good watch.

No problem at all, just couldn’t line it up to what you were replying to, talking about.