Bellular on removing great vault from the game

Sasarai on bellular: He has a stupid name.

(Ignore my name, i know it already)

For a M+ vault replacement that offered deterministic loot, or at least more so than we have now they could continue having 15s drop heroic level gear and have you purchase upgrade tokens once a week with valor. Each token you buy could upgrade your gear raid level difficulty maxxing out at mythic gear similiar to now. Want a bloodspattered scale? Just run De other side until you get one and then upgrade it with your token. This way you decide what you get to an extent but you also aren’t outpacing mythic raid gearing.

Well, I like the vault. 1 run per week on each of my toons gets me a guaranteed, higher level drop (assuming I can get through an M+ of the appropriate level, which is not guaranteed /puglife).

And since I’m gearing up over time, I’m running higher level instances. So, there’s a good chance that I’ll always get some kind of upgrade.

Each week, on each toon, from one instance run.

Very efficient.

This is in contrast to running a gamut of dailies, everyday, to farm currency in order to afford buying a piece of gear at a set iLevel each week. Do I get the piece of gear I want? Yes. Does it have the stats I want? Maybe not. Does it take hours of play per week to farm all the currency? Yes it does.

If I’m lucky, I can log in, jump in to LFD, find a run within 15m (even as a DPS), get the run done, and have my goals for the week done on a single toon. Do one toon per day, for each toon. Since I have 3 toons, that’s 3 things I “have” to do, in, ideally, < 3 hours of gameplay. It’s not always that great, some days are better than others.

That leaves me time to do other things in game, out of game, etc. Farm Korthia if I like, finish quests, whatever.

The vault suits me fine.


look, a forum frenzy over these changes doesn’t make them a done deal

you know when wow was the most popular?

(1) no systems

(2) two tier experience – game before 60, game after 60]

(3) game at 60 was predominantly raiding, full on guild building – the most compelling thing in the game will always be other people and groups of people. not a system, not a minigame, not tail-chasing. It’s people. The structure at 60 was about engaging with groups to tackle goals.

(4) full on conflict with extensive use of battlegrounds and open world pvp (on pvp servers) with zero x-over.

I didn’t ask to play a stinky human or whatever, though I know a lot of people did. Whatever they are selling here with x-faction, it’s not bought and paid for yet.

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We’re on the same page man. Respect :slight_smile:

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You’re kidding, right?

Raid drops were nerfed by 40% when SL launched, and after MUCH raging on the forums, reddit, and social media, they backed off and “only” nerfed them by 20%. Mythic+ loot was cut in half, that was reverted eventually as well.


Hard disagree.

Just because someone “feels” like they “have to” do something like the vault, doesn’t mean they actually have to.

I think the vault could be better designed, but at the end of the day it’s a near-guaranteed way to steadily improve in power. RNG aside (because so much of this game is RNG), I never felt the vault was bad for me and I literally only ever used one slot, maybe two if I had a lot of play time on my hands.

The higher your ilvl becomes, the narrower and narrower the range of upgrades from the vault becomes – so what?

I do think though that they should incorporate world play, quests, and stuff like that somehow into the vault. I dunno, X amount of WQs = 1 vault slot, 2 slots etc etc. It’d be neat if they had like a … “hardmode” of the all the major quest lines and doing those might give you a vault slot.

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I think the Great Vault would be a great mechanic if it was used as bad luck protection, but it’s not. It’s very clear that the system is designed to be the primary gear acquisition for characters and that feels awful. Especially so in Mythic dungeons, where you don’t earn equipment that’s good for the level of play you’re doing.


The vault isn’t terrible, it’s a one time reward for the week for participating in different forms of group content. It encourages doing more if you want more things to choose from. It’s not something I build up all week trying to get the best thing from it but it’s like an extra thing to look forward to on reset for me.

Not the worst. Would be even more awesome if there were a wider variety of rewards you can get than just gear.

Terrible idea. Great vault is the only place many players get upgrades. For example, I could run a 14 and maybe get through it on time, but don’t want to risk wiping the group, so I choose a 10 and get it done because the vault will probably be an upgrade. The 14 would have been better, but I’d rather play it safe and not mess up others’ play time.

WoW was not the most popular during vanilla so I’m not sure why you’re describing vanilla.

How I would do it, using Sanctum of Domination as an example:

  • Remove the Great Vault. Also, increase the loot drop rate in raids. It doesn’t need to be up to BfA lavels, but the current rate is too low.
  • With each loot-eligible boss kill, you would receive tokens. They would be themed to the raid, i.e. Mawsworn Emblems or something like that. There would be 4 types, 1 for each difficulty. The easiest bosses (I.e. Tarragrue, Eye) would each drop 1 token for each player, while that hardest ones (I.e. Sylvanas) would drop 3.
  • There would be a vendor with the all the loot from the entire raid available for purchase for corresponding difficulty tokens that drop from the raid. However, for any given piece to be available for purchase, you would need to kill the corresponding boss on the appropriate difficulty a certain number of times, perhaps 2 or 3 for rings, necklaces, and bracers, and up to 5 or 6 for special prestige items (Such as the quiver from Sylvanas) and weapons. For example, you would be able to purchase the heroic version of Jaithys the Prison Blade (2 hand sword) after killing Kel’thuzad 5 times on heroic difficulty, for maybe 60 heroic tokens.
  • The system would be tuned so that the tokens and the vendor would serve to fill in the gaps left by RNG, rather than serve as a primary gearing mechanism.

This would make it so there is visible, tangible progress towards the item you really want, as opposed to doing things to fill the vault in the hopes of maybe getting something good. It would also make it so even if you go through a whole raid and don’t win a single upgrade, you don’t feel like your time’s been wasted, or at least greatly mitigate the disappointment.

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As long as I dont have to do mandatory raiding for the gear to do my preferred content, I’ll be happy.

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I don’t mind there being a weekly bonus chest to click on. I don’t like the vault having exclusive enhancement tiers. Let us enhance our drops as high as the vault gives and I’d be happy.

for those of us that played legion and bfa m+, the vault was a blessing. Gearing via m+ wasn’t always easy…now it most certainly is better. Speaking from personal experience, and as a pug player.

bellullar has some really bad ideas, but i don’t blame him since i don’t believe he even plays the game.

I like my carrot on the stick. Leave it be.

I also don’t think anything Bellular says should be taken with more then a grain of salt, he sold out on any care for the game to join the hate train for viewership long ago. Sad really.


I used to like watching him, but now he just bashes WOW endlessly.

Like we get it, WOW needs to change, but stop complaining for the love of God.

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This would give us a reason to reclear every week !! Please may the Blizz God’s be listening today !!

It isn’t like they’d make a change like this during the current expansion.

But the people who are already finding it annoying to get gear in retail aren’t being helped by the feelbad rng of the vault.

I honestly wish gear wasn’t so stingy in this game and more raid mechanics were skill checks rather than dps checks.