Bellular Lore Interview

That barely makes sense at all. Why would Draka, Vol’jin and Kael’thas have the sigils? Draka possibly, but Vol’jin is just another soul in a pod and Kael’thas is another soul being worked on to be redeemed. It’d be moronic to give them the sigils when they’re safer with the Winter Queen and Renethal. Jaina also has no reason to visit Kael’thas, they barely had much of a relationship besides both being students in Dalaran.

…I never said they did, I said they were more likely to go to those specific zones than the others for who they are, who they know, and their backstories line up with them as well.

Makes literally as much sense as randomly picking Anduin because uhhhh he’s a good guy who uses light therefore bastion?

Oops. I misread. I viewed it as the opposite of what you meant. You’re right. I apologize.

I Wonder what about Zul’Jin then. He has to be back with his kind.

You can find Zul’jin in Revendreth

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I know but he deserves a story, that’s what I meant.

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What character arc? Letting him go old god crazy and Orc supremacist? That arc? Uff.

Will the meme of the evil army of the light from alternative Draenor become reality?
Place your bets!

Oh another major lore retcon with a semi religious paint for no reason.

Not that this is bad in fantasy…but really after all those years this was needed? Oh well.

Am I the only one feeling disconnected?

Why does it grind my gears as bad as it does to hear of the retcon that the scourge/arthas/kelthuzad/ and possibly the forsaken were all parts of the Jailers evil genius plan all along… like Ahah! See we are master crafters of lore and story here… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


So there are presumably “pantheons” for the other powers in existence?

Also, I have the sense that domination magic was something perfected by the first ones in a way that was their “sphere of power” in the same way that the Eternal Ones wield death magic, with the primus being the one to have the best understanding of it

Also, do you reckon that the Titans are cognisant of the first ones?

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/pointless rant of a random person

I am not the biggest story fan. Although I liked some bits here and there, for the most part I’m interested in the gameplay side of things. But that was not quite always the case. I remember from the school days. Glimpses of discoveries in a fantasy world, looking around for how things changed after Warcraft 3, etc. Little somewhat sentimental things.

So, when I see the devs “expanding” old things… When I look at this whole Light thing, I’m in 2 minds about it. On one hand, it’s ok to have some development, etc. On the other, it just cannibalizes what was there.

When I look at that side of the story I see how memories of M’uru, willing to endure the torture and death to help save the blood elves, K’ara convincing others to kick her out of the ship to save others, A’dal, being a beacon of hope and wisdom on the remains of a dying Outlands, all of it being phased out for the sake of “morally grey” attempts.

I am not mad, just disappointed.

gl hf


Hard to not be disappointed for me. Loved the story of Warcraft from the start up to wrath. Legion gave me hope, now it’s all for naught with this cosmic force. As you said… it cannibalizes the previous story. I also feel it cheapens everything as well… I mean what about life on azeroth with the races we play? Not to mention the power creep, pretty soon we will reach DBZ levels of power creep.


Am I the only one who is incredibly disappointed in this? I loved the idea that the Light and Void violently clashed and created the Warcraft-equivalent of the big bang with more magic and less particles. But, no we now have creator gods.

Don’t get me wrong: The First Ones creating the Shadowlands was actually fine. Like they could have been some benevolent precursors who watched how mortal souls just perished into nothingness and to avoid this they build the Shadowlands so that no soul just disappears and could live on forever. That’s actually a pretty cool concept.

But, this? Why?


This immediately jumped out to me. The idea that the first ones preceded (and indeed, caused) the setting’s version of the Big Bang is very annoying.


I wouldn’t mind the whole First Ones thing if Blizzard didn’t make the cosmology chart the way they did. They made it seem like the Light and Void clashing created everything and now both forces are trying to essentially control everything, just in their own way. And that was cool.

Now, Light and Void are just two of the 6 cosmic forces? So the whole big bang thing doesn’t makes sense and the First Ones makes more sense.

I don’t know things are just weird now and I don’t know how I feel about it.

Presumably so that we can kill one later.

Wowhead’s version.

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No, I’m with you on this. If the First Ones were there from the beginning sure. But:

They created their universe like that and I’m not a fan of such changes.

I keep looking back to WC 3 and I’m asking myself… what are they doing?
Not that everything is bad… but I can’t understand things like that.

Maybe they are simply gone, left the universe. I mean, no one ever said they still exist

I am pretty sure Elune is a First One so I don’t think they left.

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Atm i even think elune is a the youngest first one and b compared to the ,“adult” first ones still growing in power. Thats the reason she s called upstart goddess, she is indeed a first one and the true heir of everything in existence but don’t reached her full power atm.

The reason shes younger is, xalataths quote. I mean xalatath called her upstart but she called her unironical goddess too

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