Yrel and “Lightbound” Deep Dive; Not 100% Right. Not 100% Wrong

I would say the problem might be that the whole Light image shift is a clear retcon that does not fit pre-Legion naaru narrative. Plus IMO it has a couple problems:

  1. Instead of expanding the idea of not all naaru being like A’dal, the image is skewed so much that by default the idea that naaru could be like their TBC counterpart is not even brought up. You can take a look a this very thread:

The biggest mistake that anyone can make of the Light is to assume it’s benevolence.

is the current usual vision, replacing the old one, not expanding it IMO.

  1. Light has significant importance for a lot of cultures. What is the likelihood that the current dev team bothered to start the work on updating all of those cultures and characters involved to make at least a coherent transition?

Not to mention that the current push with the cosmo forces is “it has a pantheon, it stubbornly follows it’s nature, it may or may not try to use us for their goals”, repeat 6 times.

Unfortunately the problem with retcons is that they are retcons. And overall symptomatic of the devs picking convenient elements in the story while ignoring both the other parts of the story, and how the players see things and react to them. So, the current canon seems to be that the conflic did not go away actually.

As I mentioned when this interview was posted soon after the blizzcon, and after looking at the info coming out at that time, I am not angry. I am just disappointed.

gl hf