Bellular Lore Interview

Adding some points that were said but you didn’t mention

  • One of the most proficient in the use of Domination Magic was the Primus, who is a Master Runesmith
  • Zovaal could not Dominate Bolvar
  • There was still a sliver of Arthas/his good left that is what prevented the Scourge from rampaging across Azeroth
  • Anduin broke free for a moment, Domination magic is “suppression” rather than control
  • The three examples given were “Titans, Void, and Light” are “one layer down”
  • First Ones set up the structure of the cosmos

The Lost Codex interview confirms this isn’t the case, see the other thread.

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Thanks for pointing these out and I’ve added them to the first post.


What in the name of Thrall is “domination magic”? The cosmology is Light, Void, Life, Death, Fel, Arcane, and literally everything else is just subsets and combinations. Can they not throw out their entire cosmology after things have finally settled in? There’s no reason to destroy the delicious reductionism that’s already in place.

What’s next? Fabric magic? Orange magic? Cloud magic? Bread magic? “The feeling of 12:00 PM on a Saturday” magic? It’s like a a certain death knight poster snuck into Blizzard and just starting canonizing nonsense.


Honestly this basically lowkey confirms at this point that the Runecarver is the Primus, for anyone who still somehow had any doubts.




But yeah.


god dont remind me, the ‘fingers’ argument was so dumb to begin with xD

I’m so glad we can more or less put all that to rest now, even though it was so obvious even before this interview

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If a Game already as Light, Shadow, Death, Life, Order and Chaos as separate Cosmic Forces while also including the 5 Elements then the Art Team creating Spells with a unique set of coloration causes confusion demanding that each of these variants be filed in specific mental file folders due to the Art Team’s obsession with being creative!

Art Teams are obsessed with creating new colored Spells to save the Fans from boredom so it causes curiosity in certain Fans like myself(before WoW I only thought of things in terms of the Elements of Secret of Mana and Tales of Symphonia) in isolating each color of each Cosmic Force as new Elements!

It also fills people like myself with obsessions with imposing said new Elements onto other Works of Fiction(despite it not making sense) because said Elements were now put into our heads!

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Still who got the rawer deal? someone just got stabbed like a pork and someone else didnt so winter queen is leading several points against the archon.

shes leading as the best eternal currently 4 to 0 since the rest of the eternal ones (including the arbiter) are too busy being dead or completely useless, hilarious.

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Welp. I’m here for the long haul now.


I don’t think “domination magic” is any sort of big cosmic presence the way they mentioned it, just a particular school of study. I’m thinking of how blood magic is sometimes described as a form of Life magic, the name of a school of study doesn’t always refer directly to the major cosmological power its attached to. Domination magic would hardly be the first case of a field of study being referred to in very specific terms, not when we have other descriptors like astromancy, telemancy, chronomancy, and rune magic. I expect domination magic is being used as a descriptor to specify the techniques used to keep someone locked away or enthralled as seen with the Jailer and his various servants and victims, probably to distinguish it from the other death or necromantic magic that we see in other situations, such as Maldraxxus.


Yeah exactly

Like “Arcane Magic” = Transfiguration, etc.
“Death Magic” = Necromancy, Domination, etc


Domination magic seems to be an aspect of Death. It is arguably the same type of power the Drust are tapping into as they corrupt others into their service, just using the conduit of Ardenweald to draw it out of.

It is really no odder than the fact we have both shadow magic, and void magic.


Funny how lists what Dalaran lists as specific Schools of Arcane Magic(Enchantment, Conjuration, Abjuration, Divination, Transmutation and Illusion) yet they all look like the same Purple Subset!

Nightborne Time Magic on the other hand appears in 3 Colors: White(Waning Time), Blue(Slow Time), Pink(Fast Time) and Orange(Raw Time Magic)!

The Nightborne’s Star Magic and the Priesthood of Elune’s Lunar Magic are both Whitish-Purple.

Ogres also have subsets of Arcane Magic: Displacement(Orange), Fortification(Pink), Replication(Whitish-Purple) and Nullification(Greenish-Purple).

Looking at the Dalaran Mage Jaina you can see that she uses a notable beam of Pink Arcane revolved around by smaller barely noticeable beams of Orange, White and Blue Arcane while Thalyssra uses Blue and Pink Beams of the same size at once

On the whole Blue Arcane(favored for Arcane Elementals) seems intended to stop movement, White Arcane seems to disperse and replicate & originates from the Heavens, Pink Arcane(which everyone seems to primarily use) seems to empower & is tied to the Leylines, Orange Arcane seems tied to Space-Time and Green Arcane nullifies everything!

Furthermore all Subsets of Arcane regardless of whether they be Blue, Pink, Orange, White or Green have a tinge of the Blue and Pink Subsets’ colors to them(especially when in the form of Elementals) indicating they can’t be fully separated!

All of this is very interesting! I dig it.

What was Zovaal’s original purpose/magic/powers/zone? Does this not leave open the possibility that Zovaal himself is being controlled/allowed to believe he is in control?

What could possibly happen in the raid to change the entire Shadowlands physically?

It’s enough to keep me intrigued, I feel a lot better about the future lore today after these interviews than I did a couple of days ago.

I don’t need it to be amazing, I just need it to be interesting.

EDIT: This does make me a little more uncomfortable about the Primus. He was originally the only Eternal One I liked and seemed overly nice…hmm.

Can I just point out that the Jailer really doesn’t feel threatening. Certainly not a Titan+ threat that blizzard are saying he is. I really hope the next patch really does a better job of fleshing him out instead of trying to paint him as sympathetic at all.

Honestly makes characters like Anduin/Jaina far more powerful mary sues if they can actively stand against such beings.

He is being Dominated and is working within the confines of his programing to fulfill Death’s purpose which is to be unchained.

Sire Denathrius’s meddling put Zovaal on the path of freeing the beings of Death. Zovaal has no free will nor does the Drust, the Archon or Arbiter due to the Runes of Domination keeping Zovaal bound.

Program coding can be hacked and through glitches subverted yet it is still a program that does what it’s code tells it to do. Sire Denathrius is exploiting holes in the system to redirect the Machine of Death to destroy itself!

The Runes of Domination were intended(by the Primus presumably) to keep the Jailer in the Maw as well as keep the Eternal Ones following a Purpose but instead became a trap due to the traitor Denathrius.

If the Primus forged the Runes then the Machine of Death is his creation and the prison he set up for his brethren that ended up imprisoning those who weren’t intended to be imprisoned(Drust and relapsing Venthyr) due to certain Eternal Ones knowing a trap when they saw it(Winter Queen and Denathrius)!

The Archon by all definition is finally free of her prison so hopefully the Lawful Stupid Actions by the Kyrian will diminish.

I fail to see the difference here when they try to separate “dominated” and “controlled” regarding Anduin.

If your free will is being suppressed so much so that you’re being forced to do things that you never would, then you’re just being controlled by somebody.

This entire bit here seems just like an easy out to eventually save Anduin, giving no actual weight to using him in the first place. Which they shouldn’t have, mind you, because its purely just done for shock value and makes no sense.

But if you’re going to forcibly turn him into an agent of the Jailer, just go full control and have us kill him at the end like Arthas.

I mean they’re literally comparing him to Arthas in multiple 9.1 interviews now, the fact that they’re going to have us redeem him–or worse yet, have Sylvanas do it to halfass her redemption at the last second of her story, is just kind of cowardice on the part of the writers.

They want the shock of a fallen hero without the consequence of it. The impact of Arthas falling but without the natural end of the arc of him doing so. So ultimately it doesn’t matter. What is Anduin going to do post 9.2 when he’s freed? Be depressed and upset that he was used for a puppet?

Man it sure is a new and unique storyline to see heroes repeatedly tortured (Whether physical, mentally, emotionally, or psychologically) over and over again until they become a monster.


Some of them recover, but the ones who do are still hardened and/or cynical and jaded at the world. Once you realize this is the thing they just repeat over and over and over, it makes the story really depressing. There’s more than I’ve listed there, but those were just off the top of my head.

PS nothing they’ve really done so far makes the Jailer seem a threat on par with anything we’ve dealt with in the last 5 or even 10 years. It literally just seems like the current writers were upset that the iconic Lich King was gone so they wrote up a new Redux Lich King and did none of the leg work to make him threatening before we end up facing off against him. And they gave their new Redux Lich King a Redux Arthas with a Redux Frostmourne because this is just “We wanted to do a Wraths storyline but the writers back then wrapped it mostly up already.”

Now if Jaina, Thrall, AND Baine were also corrupted and that’s how the Jailer was going to get the keys from Maldraxxus (Thrall—Draka), Revendreth (Jaina—Kael’thas) and Ardenweald (Baine—Vol’jin) then THAT would have made him seem like a real 4d chess type of villain.

Having Thrall reunite with his mother just for the Jailer to activate him and steal the sigil would be some real evil, Gul’dan-like villain stuff right there, I’d actually be impressed with the writing if Anduin was a half-red herring and there were other sleeper agents too.


Yeah Arthas had already gone off the rails before he ever picked up Frostmourne with the Culling of Stratholme and the killing of his Mercs and all. So he was a lost cause even then.

Yes! why the hell didn’t they do this. It makes sense and also stops everything simply revolving around Anduin.

Also would have made the Jailer more threatening that we couldn’t save these others