Bellular Lore Interview

Only because Bolvar was very careful and limited in how he used the Helm.

They didn’t attribute it to that in the interview tho.

However, if we recall the interview Bellular did with Ion during Beta, Ion mentioned how what Alexstrasza did to Bolvar was relevant.


Baine and Draka make sense, but honestly, I could’ve seen Jaina going to Bastion to see Uther as well. One of the most powerful moments in her life (turning her back on Arthas), was one shared with Uther. They’ve both been scarred by their relationships to Arthas. I could see Jaina having a very strong role in helping Uther heal as well.


I agree, the only reason I didn’t say Bastion was because they covered that.

But apparently from MORE interviews we know that the only 3 keys he needs are from Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, and the Arbiter. Not Revendreth. I guess Denathrius did give him the key or he got it some other way already.


Uther doesn’t exactly have a good status in Bastion right now, linked as he is with the fall of the Paragon of Loyalty.

I’m sure that’s about to change now that the Archon herself has been stabbed by a mourneblade like he was.

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I wanted to respond to a few of these things earlier but didn’t have the time;

Velen was once a individual completely blindly devoted to the Light but his perspective has changed since Xe’ra and the end of the Burning Legion.

Velen is supposed to be one of the wisest beings, he’s older than dirt. To present him as being unaware of radicalizing the Light, or anything for that matter, seems ridiculous. Would that really make him question things, or more or less just see Xe’ra as a nutjob? Just another example of ‘children’ seeming to be more perceptive than the old guard.

There is more story to tell with Yrel and the Lightbound

What’s the point? He(Danuser) already made the AUs seem meaningless in his interviews, so why bother exploring character from there? It’s just going to convolute things even further. Does anyone really want to have AU Yrel(assuming the MU one died prior to WC1) running around and being a plot point? I mean, I would if they didn’t piss on the AU during the Shadowlands interviews.

Blizzard has gone on record by mentioning that they will respect his character arc.

Whatever that means.


Man… so far the archon and denathrius are the only ones that karma screwed over with a reversal of fortune for the latter and some kind of ironic punishment for the former.

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Ah yes, this is what I love learning about the most. The minutiae of WoW’s constantly retconned magical systems and the discount Titan 2.0 storyline they’ve decided is critical to the Warcraft brand.


Honestly the idea that Velen learned these things at that time doesn’t really even sync with his behavior at the time. Between his lack of condemnation for Illidan or surprise at Xe’ra’s behavior, and his conversation with Turalyon about the darkened naaru in Mac’aree, his portrayal in Legion seemed to be indicating that Velen already knew all along that the naaru weren’t all uniformly forthcoming, that some could overstep certain bounds, and that the devout basically had to recognize and work around such things.

I.e. it never came across like the event was some transformative experience for Velen. While Turalyon was wholly invested and flipped out when it went wrong, Velen didn’t react to Xe’ra’s actions and Illidan’s response as if they were strange to him; rather, the Prophet acted more like it was something he recognized. And subsequently he didn’t really hold it against Illidan for reacting in such a manner.

In short, Velen already came across like he knew the extremities of following the Light were a thing that had to be confronted and accounted for, rather than somehow only realizing it when Xe’ra tried to forcibly convert Illidan.


It does seem like another example of the story being presented by someone writing it/viewing it, as opposed to someone actually in universe.
“Oh, wow, a Naaru being uncharacteristic to what we’ve seen, I guess the characters will act with the same surprise.”

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