Yeah he is trying to make money for sure but he isn’t the only influencer saying what he is saying.
They’re not shilling for other games though. Secondly, this game is definitely not perfect right now, but the ‘sky is falling’ mantra I’m hearing from some of these influencers is done to get clicks. It works and they’re going to keep doing it.
WoW is currently the 14th most watched genre at the moment – meaning its on the 3rd row of Twitch.
Dude if thats irrelevant than anything that isnt LoL, GTA V, Just Chatting, and CoD is irrelevant. And GTA is only up there because of the dumb RP bs.
Yeah no. No tinfoil hat, only facts. Bellular does nothing if he is not financially motivated to. He’s openly stated he focuses on negative WoW vids because they generate more revenue than positive ones. The fact that EVERY video is about how much better FF14 is than WoW (especially since it’s not even remotely true) should be an eye opener. Lol
I know right…
Wasn’t a veiled attempt. It was a reasonable question. In the past week of reading the forums I can count numerous different threads talking about other games.
Your ignore list is your choosing do with it what you please, that’s the purpose of it. However one would have to question why you feel it’s necessary to provide that as part of a discussion.
If you are happy with the game great… many are not. It shows in the discussions here, the subscription/active players numbers and it shows in the lack of activity that can be seen throughout the game.
Did I ensure I made it to your ignore list now?
::fingers crossed::
I dont think you can compare a moba and an mmorpg. A good moba, pretty much by definition has to be competitive and e-sport driven. An mmorpg should probably be the opposite.
doesn’t read any post in this topic other than OP
He’s not wrong at all. 100% agree with him on all points.
We shouldnt argue about it cause we don’t know how many people are playing WoW and twitch isn’t really a good indicator of anything.
That walk back though.
We shouldnt argue about it cause we don’t know how many people are playing WoW and twitch isn’t really a good indicator of anything.
Exactly my point too. FFXIV is NOT fun to watch, even if the game is amazingly fun to play. I think there are real life sports like this too. Fun to play, horrible to watch.
Or may FFXIV just hasn’t gotten the right content creator yet. They haven’t gotten their Asmongold, if you will.
Asmond gold is literally watching every single Bellular video on Twitch with his viewers. Hue has more to do with people talking about Ffxiv than bellular
If you are going to be snippy with me for no reason when I treated your post, genuinely, with no ill intent then I guess this is a pointless discussion to have.
I know you had a reasonable question.
Most of what I see by others are ‘veiled attempts’ at trashing the game, don’t know if you’ve noticed but there are lots THAT HAVEN’T PLAYED THE GAME SINCE WOTLK EVEN that just show up on youtube videos, or twitter, and just trash the game.
There is having a discussion, and then there is blatant, pointless meandering to stir the pot with no real pay off that would benefit this game or any discussion.
the subscription/active players numbers and it shows in the lack of activity that can be seen throughout the game.
No one has real numbers except Blizz.
And it’s a several month drought that is out of the ordinary and not the norm. Not a surprise activity is low.
Did I ensure I made it to your ignore list now?
What for? If you wanted to be on my ignore list then you could of saved yourself the hassle of writing your pointless response and just asked.
However one would have to question why you feel it’s necessary to provide that as part of a discussion.
It’s not part of the discussion, it’s me making a light joke at how I treat pointless FF posts that just talk about how great it is and how wow sucks. Pointless unconstructive threads are just that, pointless and unconstructive.
I haven’t walked anything back. I could make very compelling arguments but this time I was trying to be a cool cat but you just proved the fact I was wrong to even try to find middle ground with you.
I LIVE IN ONE OF THE LARGEST CITIES In the WORLD. I am a very active gamer across many titles. I don’t know anyone who gives two hoots about WoW in my entire community anymore.
In fact it is socially embarrassing amongst gamer communities to admit that you play WoW.
WoW is totally irrelevant and most people think that WoW players are mostly cavemen that dwell in a dark basement. In fact it is socially irresponsible to admit to anyone publically that you play WoW and that is a fact.
I live in the opposite of the largest city in the world lol but I can concur most gamers dont even take WoW seriously or consider you a gamer if you just play WoW.
I haven’t walked anything back. I could make very compelling arguments but this time I was trying to be a cool cat but you just proved the fact I was wrong to even try to find middle ground with you.
Literally you argued that WoW was propped up by one streamer and was unpopular on Twitch when I said FF14 was boring to watch on Twitch – then walked back after i proved you wrong, because your argument was never about how many people were playing WoW in that comment chain.
going to be snippy with me for no reason
There was a reason, you might go back and re-read your response and see how it could be seen as ‘snippy’ to me not to ‘others’
No one has real numbers except Blizz.
There’s quite a bit of articles out there disputing your theory. Regardless, I can look at the server activity, the guilds falling apart, AH stock and sales, people online and find them everywhere from Classic to other games from Valorant to FFXIV just looking at the various service discords.
Most of what I see by others are ‘veiled attempts’ at trashing the game, don’t know if you’ve noticed but there are lots THAT HAVEN’T PLAYED THE GAME SINCE WOTLK EVEN that just show up on youtube videos, or twitter, and just trash the game.
I have seen them, the problem is regardless of when they have played, are they trashing the game or are they giving relevant feedback that might save the game we all love? I have 13 years in this game and am still not considered a veteran. We as a community and WoW/Blizzard as developers need to recognize that not only is there the normal summer blues, content drought (the big one) and the ebb and flow that comes from in between tiers. There is more to it… and asking the reason why vs. defending the current status quo, doesn’t improve it.
Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Thus far in my history not only with WoW but of these forums, it turns into this pissing contest as to which game is superior. Rather than HEARING what people are liking and why of the other game and/or HEARING what people are NOT liking of the current game and why. We seem to miss that.
I don’t care if it is someone who hasn’t played since Wrath or a Twitch Streamer or if it’s just some new player, we (collective we) spend a lot more time dissecting why they can’t feel that way rather than hearing why they do feel that way. (In my opinion)
Something something blizzard needs to get their crap together, certain things are not fun, stop doing it. FFXIV is doing some things right, etc
And 14 has a great sub retention method. The auto demolition of your house if you don’t enter it monthly.
It’s true WoW is barely even relevant to most gamers now.
There’s quite a bit of articles out there disputing your theory.
No matter how whichever way you spin it, actual numbers have stopped being released since WoD.
There was a reason, you might go back and re-read your response
Then you misread.
I don’t care if it is someone who hasn’t played since Wrath or a Twitch Streamer or if it’s just some new player, we (collective we) spend a lot more time dissecting why they can’t feel that way rather than hearing why they do feel that way. (In my opinion)
Having someone tell you the game sucks but they stopped playing say, TBC.
Is like me telling you that _ insert thing I never watched/played _ is awesome.
Point is automatically void.
Your whole point is simple to answer. They don’t like the direction the game is heading. But guess what, Blizz has to deal with an an ordinate amount of other players as well as their own vision to craft something they like.
There are faults within this game but your initial question of why people are coming here to talk about other games and comparing it to WoW is simple.
To trash the game that is WoW.
This has nothing to do with passion, this has nothing to do with wanting to make the game better. This is like an abusive relationship that people can’t get over when it’s a game that would of changed sooner or later to something they don’t enjoy.
The result of it is; 50% with actual feed back that helps the game or devs.
The other is people stomping their feet wanting this, that, and the other.