Bellular Hammers it Home

Blizzard, this post is for you mainly but also for everyone else who plays. Bellular gaming put out a video on YouTube comparing Blizzard/WoW to SquareEnix/FF14 and it’s called “No King Rules Forever” and ALL of your devs, ALL of your designers need to watch and listen to this video on every computer and TV screen and listened through every loud speaker throughout your building on repeat. FF14 is D E S T R O Y I N G you guys and frankly I’ve been turning my head that way too cause the game looks amazing and you dont have to do mind numbing torghast. But none the less…you all need to wake up and start acting like the Blizzard we know and love, instead of the one we loathe and despise.


FF14 has its own problem though, its even more a theme park than WoW is.

Sure they’re benefitting from a lot of disgruntled WoW players paying attention to it now after years of bad PR and various factors leading the game to stagnate, but they’re going to run into the same issues they have with WoW eventually, because the theme park model requires intense content production that no company can really keep up without having years of headstart (think Legion for WoW).


Ah yes let’s listen to a guy who makes close to hundreds of thousands of dollars to complain about wow

I’m sure he’s not biased


Sometimes I wonder if it’s him making these posts. :thinking:


“and some of us are doing sponsored streams.” -Bellular
Suddenly he’s crapping all over World of Warcraft and singing the praises of FF14. Mmmk.

He also indicated that SquareEnix is moving in for the kill, I agree with that 100%. I’ve seen this coming for months, you could tell by the moves they were making. I don’t know what Blizzard thinks about this, but if I were them I’d be really pissed off and motivated.

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Meh if they make something with their pvp i’ll look into it

But until then i see zero appeal to ff14


If someone can summarize it, I’d be interested. But I have no interest in watching that guy prattle on.


Ahh, good ol’ bell, doing what gets him the clicks.

And OP. And other’s like OP.

This ain’t a race. They are games, play the things you enjoy… stop treating this like the unhealthy abusive relationship that you seemingly are treating it as.


thank you it is so interesting to know what famous people think about things and what their opinions are!!

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Go away with that pile of garbage. He’s a punk who’s opinion changes based on clicks. You’re just mindlessly following.


Celebrities: They’re just like us!


Grass is always greener on the other side lol.

You all seem too focused on who said it rather than what’s being said. Whatever stink you have doesnt mean that WoW isnt a mess filled tangier of mindless nonsenseical grinding. Ask yourselves honestly. “Is torghast fun?” No it isnt, “Was farming stygia for months on end fun?” No it isnt, “Covent’s dont play a huge role” when in fact they play the single greatest role in determining the value of your character. I’d say to those of you going “I wonder if this guy is Bellular himself and wow isnt that bad” are you yourselves die hard fan boys or blizzard devs yourself trying to discredit someone you may personally disagree with when the man does his research and invests his time. “He makes hundreds of thousands on podcasts” well it’s not like he isnt given that money for no good reason and if you came up with quality research I’m sure youd be making just as much, but let’s ignore those standards conveniently eh?


then maybe summarize for us instead of expecting us all to go watch a stupid video


He’s paying someone to do it.


Laziness, pure laziness


in terms of wow content creators I put bell below Asmon at this point he used to be ok and how he just crys and doom says. At least Asmon can be funny.

Edit: im not an asmon fanboy either, the two content creators i prefer are Preach and Max.


Solid assessment.

A free pin from his store. :wink: