Yeah if you leave out the stygia grind and the ve’nari rep grind I guess you can conveniently ignore that
Probably the only question that needs to be answered here is.
WHY is the community talking about other games so much?
There’s probably a reason…
You talking about all of the paid carries going on? Most of the folks running those aren’t particularly hardcore. I have a few friends that participate in that tripe and they’re not that great tbh.
The paid carry advertisements and mentality has gotten out of control though. It needs to be cracked down on–and hard. Very bad look for the game.
Hes literally the Irish Quartering now.
I think one of the reasons people have a more positive view of FFXIV because the devs are a lot more likely to do what players want vs WoW where they seem to not respond to player criticism or concerns and give a we known best type of response.
so many people jealous of this man doing what he loves while they are stuck in a 9-5
Who? Also FF14s artstyle and theme makes me wanna hurl
The problem is all of the content being developed is only being designed for Raid loggers, Pvp loggers and mythic plus loggers.
All of the casuals are sick of having no way to gear up outside of those big 3. All content outside of the big 3 are incredibly boring with no rewards. The casuals are absolutely sick of the ELITISM and pandering to a very small minority of the playerbase. Most so called elite players don’t even spend money in the game at all. Casuals are sick of it.
No he hasn’t he is actually telling you guys what’s really going on and bursting your illusion that people actually like WoW on a massive level. Fact is WoW is terrible now.
I’ve never much cared for Bellular so I don’t watch his videos. I do agree that XIV has some things that are better than WoW, but WoW also has some things that are better than XIV.
I say play what is fun. If you like WoW play WoW, if you like XIV play that. Or play both. Whatever. Why does it have to be a fight? It’s just video games. We can like both, or one more than the other, it’s okay.
I still think that they could largely solve that issue by creating sets for specific content. Sure, it’d be a bit tedious to build all of them if you wanted to do all of the content but if there were world sets, tier sets, dungeon sets, and PvP sets–all of which would have bonuses exclusive to their respective content–it would provide a meaningful progression path for everyone.
There might even be better ways to go about it but that would require Blizzard to shift away from the regressive design philosophy they’ve taken recently.
It’s not a fight but people are not going to play WoW for much longer in its current State.
I’m quite confident this patch was only supposed to last ~4 months and so casuals wouldn’t have run out of content so quickly.
Blizzard is planning for the future in 9.1 by having an extremely long-tail open-world gear grind, so you’re getting your wish in 9.1.
Saw someone ask him if he was gonna stream his FF14 adventures, he answered that it would be too distracting.
Made me wonder, “hol’ up: where is FF14 on twitch?” Had to scroll a bit, but I got my answer: he can’t afford to keep the lights on with FF14 only, he HAS to keep stirring wow-related poop, keep those clicks coming.
If WoW can turn it around with 9.2 (I’m excited for 9.1, but I don’t think 9.1 right now is going to be enough to turn around this 180+ day streak) I totally expect him to start poopin’ out 2 videos a day, on schedule, half of which are likely going to be just a bunch of plot speculation (isn’t that just what Pyromancer does, but worse?)
There is a reason why a raid logger WoW player would not like FF14. That is because FF14 focuses more on casual content, fluff, story, relic weapon quests, crafting / gathering and rp type content (housing, pets, glamor outfits). There are raids for their high end content but there is so much content that isn’t raid focused and way less bosses than say a WoW raid. There is only 2 difficulities per raid tier Normal (super easy) and Savage (hard). One of the complaints is FF’s raiding doesn’t offer that much for a mid level player since its really easy or hard.
Truthfully I don’t much care for Shadowlands myself. I came back to WoW recently cause I finished my relic weapons in XIV and finished the savage tier. So I’m just taking a break before Endwalker so I can hit the new expac refreshed and ready to go.
I’m just goofing around here making alts and leveling and stuff. I kind of hate Covenants though so I mostly get an alt to 51-52 then leave it and go play another alt. Lol
They need to do what every other game in human existence as done. Just allow people to gear up outside of forced group content. People don’t have time for the nonsense elitism brings. Nothing short of that will work. Great players have always got the best looking gear., highest item levels, unique mounts ect. But blizzard needs to at least let the part time player come close to that with consistent play.
You don’t have to lower the ceiling to raise the floor people.
I would say the early fights of savage are usually mid-tier. Then there’s Ultimates for those who want a much more challenging fight. Though there isn’t really that many of them to progress through currently.
Same here I just dabble in WoW now. Nothing in this game interests me for very long. But it’s worth 15 dollars 2 or 3x a year to me. I’ve learned a long time ago not to expect anything from this game.
Veiled attempts at wanting to trash this game.
Then you’ll have those people say it’s just ‘‘passionate people for the game wanting it to be the best blah blah blah’’.
Just a giant never ending circle of epeen stroking that leads nowhere but onto my ignore list.