Bellular Hammers it Home

I’ve never even understood where Bellular’s “I’m a game designer” thing came from. I’m told he was consulting (?) for some game (?) that never even came out (?) but all of that is just what I’ve read from others.

Maybe somebody can fill in the blanks for me. (Although considering the topic, it’s more like filling up a coloring book. With chalk. One of those huge sticks of colored chalk that kids write on driveways with.)

And it’s a video of the guy just killing the 10 mobs the quest asks us to kill.

Someone needed a video for that?

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You should follow Bellular and go over there if it’s so much better.



I mean how many people upload a fanfiction and are like yeah i’m a writer, never published and never made money off it but i’m a writer and someone liked it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


No matter what happens there will always be those that say nothing is wrong & World Of Warcraft is fine.


It won’t help for the designers to watch the video, they are already aware of whats going on and probably agree with most of what Bellular said. Unfortunately the people in control of this game now probably havent played a video game since Pong, and have never played an MMO at all. I don’t think Blizzard will look towards improving quality/fun as the player base continues to fall, they will focus even more on coin sales and slashing developers to make up for the shortfall in revenue.

Time to take your tin foil hat off there sunshine. Look, the fact of the matter is that FF14 has gotten things right where WoW has gotten things horribly wrong. Torghast isnt fun and sucks, the conduits we get for improved abilities and DPS increases are on a lotto system which…why? Covenant choice will either make or break your character when we were promised it to be “just a fun choice to make” Yes I mentioned Bellular and the reason I did was cause I took the time to watch the video and he was able to clearly and articulately speak about the problems and concerns that many MANY players felt while playing through this expansion. If you want the truth then the nnumbersdont lie 30% player drop off within the first 3 months of 9.0 while FF14 got a substantial INCREASE. Hell FF14 had some bad PR but did a complete 180 while WoW is on a perpetual nose dive and I actually like wow more than FF but I’ll give competency and credit where its due


Theme parks are fun though.

I wrote a Minesweeper clone in React.js and have made a WoW addon in LUA.

That makes me a senior game design engineer developer scrum master CEO.


I wasn’t gonna bite since you seemingly are resorting to belittlements.

But here goes.

You don’t need to be a CEO of any gaming board. It’s YouTube. I’ve followed Bell and others since they almost started…

To survive and make a living on YT, you either have to create enough traffic and not have demonetized content, and or convert the viewership onto another platform (i.e. Patreon which supplements for their lost potential revenue with YT demonetization).

Some videos do better than others so said content creators have to evaluate what videos they need to make more of. So with that aside, he sees’ his ‘grr, blizz do this, instead of that, i’m not holding back anymore’ videos do better because there is a growing group that flock to it. Funny enough I’d wager a bet 80% of those viewing it don’t even play wow and haven’t since several years ago but still love to trash Blizzard.

So that aside, he has employed one or two people, don’t remember, that look across forums and such to get points of criticism. He then tailors his videos in a way that attracts the views.


Yeah there is.

:rofl: what !? lmao

You mean time gates. There is almost no grinds in SL.

In video games , grinding is performing repetitive tasks, usually for a gameplay advantage or loot but in some cases for purely aesthetic or cosmetic benefits. … The general use of grinding is for “experience points”, or to improve a character’s level.

There are caps on ALMOST everything. Both weekly and daily.

Speculation on reason and exact figures.
Many people seem to ‘agree’ it’s just the normal evening out from the inflated pre-sales of SL.

Get help. I’m done with you here. Try growing up a little if you want people to take your posts seriously. Attacking people who have been tolerant of your posting/opinions is not a good route to go.


Yea, but FF14 doesnt have that nor the dedicated audience that watches for that. Fighting game communities do.

Also that really depends upon the competition: not every tournament is going to have high viewing unlike EVO or any other large worldwide tournament.

Blizzard also literally tried this with HotS and it didnt work.

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He is right about it all baby. Time is coming where the mindset destroying WoW and it’s supporters will have to end. Every single youtuber, streamer and influencer is talking about it and admitting they where wrong in supporting WoWs current directions. Even though these people aren’t posting on the forums or Reddit. The people that have kept quiet can no longer be ignored.

The game needs some major changes.


I really don’t understand the hype around FF14. It’s got to be folks bandwagoning. It’s just more of the same burnt out formula that most MMOs operate off of. lol

Like maybe I’m missing something but I don’t get it.

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The thing is with Bellular is that he’s a massive hypocrite when it comes to his ‘topics’. He doesn’t really do anything for his in-development game except hawk his cheap trinkets for his patreons; which are manufactured in China, despite Bellular bandwagoning that particular issue as well.


You get what you give

We are victims of Blizzard…

Bellular has really embraced the click bait, spread drama channel style. I enjoy his lore videos, but I don’t even watch those anymore because of what his channel is now.

The guy has like 4 youtube channels now and posts that same crap on all of them. Does a live stream crapping on WoW. Posts bits of that video to one of his channels. Posts the entire video to his other channel… Makes a video a week later titled “I’M NOT SORRY” or something like that for what he said.

Isn’t he like… supposed to be producing his own game or something?


Their isn’t any hype around ffxiv it’s because WoW has become a dumpster fire of ELITISM and hardcore player entitlement fleecing the casual community for everything. Fact is there is way way more casual dedicated players than anyone.


I think I just got Bingo on my Buzzword Bingo card.


I’m a victim of this forum.
Might need to book an app with Dr. K :spiral_notepad: :sleeping_bed:

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