I was kicked out of a raid when I specifically told them I’m flying over to the portal (in Uldum) I wasn’t expecting to be instantly accepted because you know, spending a few hours with no one accepting you is a hassle. So, they did a ready check, I specifically told them I’m not there yet, did not accept and I get removed… They were fighting the first boss… They could’ve just gotten out and summoned me if they were in such a rush.
Puré that happent to me back in Mop expact era for timewalking on my mage….receiving kick for 1 shotting stuff and going ahead of tank despite everything dying from 1 attack…….every groups I ran with except 1 got salty for getting carried…and also had 1 pally tank that quit because they felt they had no job(total of 5 salty players out of like 300 players for being carried lol)
You’re high ilvl and being a warrior should make it pretty easy to run normals, I’d think so it’s got to be boring after a time.
Why not just follow them when they go off in some nutso direction?
See what they do, how it goes, what they’re trying to do. It’s got to be more interesting than just doing the same thing over and over as smoothly as possible.
At least, I think so. After all, you can always just run it again.
I queued with a friend while we were leveling last night. People tried to kick the healer twice, the other dps twice and the tank once. Two of these were right before the last boss. You’re really gonna wait till the end of the dungeon to kick the tank? Do we need 5 attempted kicks in a dungeon that last 20 minutes where not a single person died?
Would’ve been great if you had kicked the person then for attempting that.
Some of my alts were kicked from MoP timewalk because I wasn’t high enough to have azerite/corruption gear. LOL
Not everyone runs dg’s to level up. Some do it for other reasons. Next time, follow them and see what they’re up to.
Might be more fun. Definitely more interesting.
it happened to me today on my warlock that i been gearing up for mythic nyalotha >_>
Honestly, I wouldn’t mind it if they said something. I got kicked during leveling because no one said jack about what they were doing. Especially in Dire Maul, apparently they want to kill everything. Meanwhile I’m following the “Path of least resistence.” to the end of it all.
This happens a lot when you are a dps and easily replaceable
As a tank I don’t budge from the mission table till I get summoned.
I’m just trying to figure out how you’re 470 with 0 Ny’alotha exp, no mplus, and no 5 mask full clears. I think your story is made up, and you got kicked for another reason
Very sadly true but the issue is the stupid lack of communication. Was very sure it wasn’t a foreign set of people leading it or it wouldn’t have happened. I just think that raid group would’ve sucked if they were so hasty to get the raid started and did not listen that I wasn’t there yet.
I got kicked on my lv 90 Resto Shaman earlier for, and I quote, “Doing dmg.”
First time I had ever been kicked from a group as far as I can remember. For context, when doing random dungeons during leveling I generally DPS except to cast Riptide/totems and then start actually healing until when someone gets below 60%. Then I heal to full between pulls. Speeds up the run time and I’m usually pretty close to the worst DPS and occasionally even better than some DPS doing this. In this particular run it was about 1/3 the way through, no one had died, but the tank did get to about 25% HP once.
I didn’t feel like this warranted a thread but did want to vent.
You can go go but it requires some communication upfront.
“Hey. I’m doing big pulls. I’m marked with square. Follow me.”
I have still not been kicked nor seen people kicked in PUG’s for any reason other than being rude, afk, trolls, etc.
Mark yourself if you can, it helps
I wouldn’t take it personal, just que right back up since you get insta que’s as a tank anyways.
One thing you should alwasy expect when doing LFG or LFR is people screwing up, never try to do a skip is just safer and faster to kill trash mobs and always be ready to pick up extra trash that they will surely pull.
I has never made sense to me when people get mad when other players make mistakes at content that is design for the bottom of the barrel in terms of skill, no offense to those player is just the true.
Me too, today, for the first time. Some people are just male organs of reproduction.
The question is are you queueing as a tank or dps? That might give you your answer.
If you are in the proper role then are you talking to them the way you are posting here? That’s another possible reason.