There’s a fundamental difference between you ‘not being able to’ use a feature, and not wanting to use a feature – a superior feature at that – if only for the fact that you’re dedicated to being wilfully obtuse about anything new.
The intention behind Dragonflying is to provide an efficient method of traversing a landscape, and to provide an entertaining way of doing such. It succeeds at both of these things. It is well designed. It has been well received. You are in the minority.
Additionally, the intellectually dishonest statement of “Designing something that everyone will like” is a fallacy. You can not please everyone, but the majority is pleased with the experience that Dragonflying delivers.
I suppose cars are terribly designed too, because you’d rather travel the country on foot. Unfortunately however if you chose to travel on foot, you’d run the risk of touching grass.
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It was never free, even when it was introduced in TBC. You always had to buy the skill before taking the questline. The advantage’s have always just been Instant cast and the ability to herb without dismounting.
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Compared to thousand(s) of gold for riding and a mount, it was free in an aspect.
Stop crying about dragonriding. The people who hate it the most are those who cant dual box their droods and let them fly round nazjatar botting all day. ![:wink: :wink:](
Dragon riding is a much needed refresh/rehash to thr flying system thats been in the game for 18 years. (Heres to hoping we get a cataclysm styled overhaul off the dragon isle and makes all zones have mount riding. (Dragon riding for old (non dragon) mounts))
The game has been a rinse and repest for a decade and half. Mount fly to quest NPC, kill, mount, turn in Q. The old style pf glying really.makes the game world feel bland, dead.
Maybe in season 3 we get an underwater zone with – Stingray riding ![:wink: :wink:](
They flipped the costs around in 1.12.1 towards the back end of OG vanilla (16 years ago, a year before TBC was released. IE before flight form was even introduced to the game). After the flip almost all the cost was the skill it self not the mount.
That wasn’t your type of druid, just saying. That was a druid of the flame, and until you’re one of them, deal with it. Incidently, those are the BEST type of druid.
Normally I want both the superior regular flying and the boring and tedious dragon gliding to coexist because we all know they can and will but with the GD dragon gliding trolls still spouting their nonsense I have now decided I rather Blizzard just leaves it in Dragon Isles just to watch these trolls cry.
This being flagged…lol wow.
Its worse for Dracthyr. I mean you have wings! Blizzard could score a huge win by just letting Dracthyr Soar ability work like Dragonriding…but no they HAVE to ruin that part of the dragon fantasy. I feel like any other MMORPG studio would probably have allowed it.
I love dragon riding, don’t mind if they open up normal flying. Sometimes landing can be a bit of a pain for mining on a cliff, but not a big deal to miss a landing once in a while.
I find dragon riding more immersive than whistles and pathing puzzles
I hate it. Will never use it. If they make it the only method of flying then there is no place for me in the game and I will not be back.
Because of Dragonriding, in 8 days I will no longer be a subscriber to anything Blizzard owned for the first time since 2005.
And nothing of value was lost ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
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Have it so druids need to cast into their “dragon riding” shapeshift form and i’ll be fine with it.
But they spent sO mUcH tImE on making dragonriding! You HAVE to appreciate their efforts, tAlEnT and aMaZiNg work!
Seriously though the devs love to dig their feet in with stuff like this… when all they would need to do is activate druid flight and regular flight and everyone could fly the way they want. It’s a no brainer yet here we are.
Yes, here we are. Start of the expansion, and what, two patches in? And we have been able to be airborne since day one, aka, no freaking pathfinder grinding on the ground for the first few months of an expansion. It’s glorious! Anyone who wants to go back to the old gated pathfinder system should just stand in one place and pretend to be an NPC.
“They know we hate it,” speak for your freaking self.
I’m pretty sure if we actually did a survey, most people enjoy dragon riding. Your little friend group (most of who probably mirror you, hence why you’re friends) doesn’t constitute “we” as a community. Even your meager 60 likes affirming what you’ve said here isn’t a drop in the bucket of the entire daily player base. So I don’t know where you get the balls to speak for every WoW player, but stop it.
Your logic is erroneous anyways. In the same way druids wouldn’t forget how to turn into a bird and fly, neither would our mounts inexplicably forget how to fly.
And yet we are in game having fun instead of having an entitled tantrum.
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They’re never happy. They actively look for reasons to complain. It’s what they know.
Some people aren’t happy unless they’re unhappy.
It’s no use trying to use logic or reasoning with them. WoW could give them everything they ever asked for and they’d then say “it’s too easy, we should only be able to dragon ride.”
Bc they just need to complain.
Honestly if Blizz devs didn’t listen to the ppl on the forums, I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s a no-win. They aren’t even smart enough to figure out the difference between me and “us”… they think their opinion is an axiomatic fact shared by everyone & then are shocked when Blizz doesn’t do what they want and claim it’s a slight against the entire wow playerbase.
And it repeats over and over and over.
They wanted flying from the beginning of an expansion for years. They got it, and now they’re like “no, not THAT flying.”
Never happy
No one voted on it. There are plenty who like it. But there are no numbers on how many do versus don’t. Anything claiming most do or don’t is aneqdotal at best.
The best thing for them to do would be to have both forms of flying.
What? People don’t like monkey paws? Shocking!
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I dunno about terrible, but a druid form being able to ‘dragonfly’ would be outstanding.
Same with dracthyr and Soar (without the arbitrary limitations on it) in DF areas.
Sometimes I have a world quest to fly my dragon through a cloud of bugs and eat 50 bugs that are about the same size as a flying druid. Would make a great snack for my mount!