Being forced to Dragonride is terrible game design, especially for Druids

I don’t mind Dragonriding/expansion features tbh. Some people love it, some hate it. What I seriously dislike is the fact that they thought it was okay to literally force people into it. They did the SAME THING as the Maw. They know we hate it, and they still did it. But this time, it affected Druids. Why impede/ruin an entire class’s design by forcing us to use Dragonriding. Like, the entire point of being a druid is to shapeshift, and now, they’ve gutted that by forcing us into Dragonriding. We have NO option to shapeshift into a dragon. We MUST use this silly, absurd dragonriding skill… There was a perfectly viable, lore-friendly medium in allowing us to learn how to shapeshift into a dragon. But nope. We are no longer able to shapeshift into a bird in an entire continent. Yeah, that makes sooooo much sense…


But you can still druid along on the ground like you’ve been able to in the past 4 expansions until they release flight, so it’s your choice.
Dragon ride or just druid it like before.


Yeah, but why not incorporate dragons into Druid class design? We have seen druids shapeshift into literal firehawks and even terodactyls. You’re saying a dragon is out of the question? lol it’s very lazy


Just because somebody dislikes it doesn’t mean that it’s poor design.

Although I would like the see dragonriding made available to flight form and pre-df mounts and zones.


Y’all have been special since TBC with being able to use an instant cast flight form and gather while in this form. Not to mention, in Shadowlands yall had the ability to mount in the Maw months before ANY of us.

I hope y’all get the ability to dragon ride eventually, but druid has been special for well over a decade at this point (almost TWO!)

Because that isn’t druid class fantasy? You can’t just do literally everything


Uh, I dunno…EVOKERS maybe?


It’s not our dislike of it that’s poor game design. It’s the tire old mentality of “you use our new feature, or you get nothing at all” that’s poor game design.


I know it’s a real bummer, but druids aren’t exclusive or special in this regard. There are people who don’t enjoy dragonriding for a plethora of reasons.

That being said, it’s one of the selling features of the expansion and we knew it was coming loooooooong before the expansion released.

I am hoping normal flying comes to the Dragon Isles some time soon, but until then, you can cope like everyone else.


Not like it’ll help you feel better but we dracthyr can’t fly without a dragon ourselves. We got wings but they’re not for flying around the zone as heavily as the mounts sadly. So hey if you change their minds and let Druid flight form idk suddenly get the dragon riding system can we dracthyr also get that for our soar ability? I’m fine using the mount but it seems like a loss to give Dracthyr soar and now the break move for our soar but make it a cheap imitation of the actual mount’s flight ability


Our class design since the very beginning of the game has been shapeshifting. This is the first xpac ever where our class design is gimped. Every other class has flying either way. That hasn’t changed. So I disagree. We are exclusive. They took away one of our primary features.

+1 I second this. It’s your class’s design too so I agree with this decision.


And we can still shapeshift on our druids, we just cannot fly.

Your class design isn’t gimped, you’re just being dramatic.


That’s not even close to what it is. They gave you dragonflight from the get go this expansion which is a bigger plus for everyone, not just you droods, and you’re expecting them to let you simply change into an Evoker wannabe on the fly? Ain’t gonna happen.


ok and what’s the lore reason? It’s nonsense. We can literally fly… You do understand the issue, right?

Yeah, you’re one to talk as a paladin. They gave you an overpowered shaman ability (bres) that you shouldn’t even have. So it’s ok when your class gets things, but not others? looool


Not every gameplay function has lore reasoning behind it, sweetheart.

Eh, you know what? I don’t care. You can continue to feel the way you feel. XD

Suffer well, you sweet summer child.


Honestly I find dragon riding infinitely superior to old school flying.

But if people really want old school flying in the new expac, I would be fine with them implementing a pathfinder system for them if they are so eager to bring old flying to DR. Make the path finding the slowest most monotonous slog possible.


You can’t. Expansion content is designed so it is necessary to use dragonriding to reach it. This is not optional, unless you’re suggesting that people do old content or play classic, which would actually hurt Dragonflight’s participation numbers.

No doubt they will creaate a pathfinder achievement that requires mastering all dragonriding content and completing a high key in that dungeon, to get even with people with disabilities and other impairments who refuse to get over it.


This is unacceptable in an online roleplaying game. I play on Moon Guard, and they’ve broken a huge part of roleplay by altering druids, who now can’t even use their full class ability set.

Agree – btw your name is hilarious LOL


That’s your opinion. Sorry you feel that way! :smiley_cat:


You could design a path finding that is centered around only ground accessible content. And make it a quest you need to accept, and make it so once accepted it locks you out of dragon riding. No reason you should be able to use dragon riding to help with path finding. Path finding has traditionally been ground based and should remain so.

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