Being forced to Dragonride is terrible game design, especially for Druids

If that is really the case, then I will never be back or trust Activision / Blizzard enough to buy their any of their products.

I would rather never play WoW again than have to play it using the DR flight mechanic.


Please explain how forcing player that can’t use DR or don’t like it to walk is good game design?


You’re technically paying for half of a game. You already mentioned one of those, which is a Dragon having a Cooldown on Soar when it doesn’t effect open world content. The other ones, which there are MANY, are posted all over the forums.

It is the single most loved addition to the game in 10 years. How can you not want to play with it? The players voted and Blizz is delivering.


I’d happily explain this if this question you proposed was more coherent. But I don’t know what you’re actually asking.


Everytime I click on a topic it seems to get worse. Imagine having one life and wasting it on petty compaints and heated debates about pointless stuff.

Something something first world problems?

You vill ride diss dragon and you vill love it. Or else you vill face de wall for de rest of de dey.


You’re not a dragon, you’re a druid.


He’s asking for your phone number. Takes out notepad and nods at you So it is…

Reminds me of the guy who spent like a quarter of my post count arguing about the meaning of casuals. I tried ignoring him but he’d just keep quote pinging me lmao. Some of them are just very unique people.

The problem about the debates here is that it isn’t them trying to figure out the actual answer or a solution. They’re just here to 1-up, troll or ‘win’ an argument.


I mean at least the wall textures in Dragonflight have improved! Wingrest Embassy walls slap hard.

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They do. Sometimes I pretend that I am a lizard and the NPC’s are here to welcome the Giant Lizard clan. Me being the rep n’ all~ and then. Then I crawl all over them. It really feels so much better than before, to have nicer, smoother wall textures. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :lizard:

We haven’t gotten flying at the beginning of an expansion in eleven years. Five expansions. We had to walk everywhere until achieving Pathfinder from Warlords on. Dragonriding is flying from the very beginning, before you even leave the first zone. Once your first character has it, all of your alts can fly the moment their feet touch the ground on the Dragon Isles. Druids will get normal flying when everyone else does, which will happen later in the expansion. That’s how it always has been. Until then, we still have the ability to fly in dragonriding. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it still allows us to fly at the very beginning of the expansion, and for that, I’ll be happy to wait a while to use my flight form.

only true since WoD actually- though of course you still needed to have the gold and be at (or near) max level, but IN THEORY you could fly Day One of TBC, Wrath, Cata, and MoP. I would not have recommended trying it without LOTS of caffeine, but it was possible.

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Druids will survive. Just they can’t herb and fly away without speccing into it.

…Like everyone else.

I personally wouldn’t mind a combination of both old flying and dragonriding if they were to convert all the old flying mounts over. One thing i really miss in DF is the hover and mostly for needing to go afk quickly sometimes and getting out of high add areas as quickly as possible without having to go too far.

I like the flying speed of dragonriding when going from location to location but sometimes the accuracy can be a hinderance for smaller ground tasks (ex: trying to get on a small ledge/platform above you that’s just out of jumping range, only to have to shoot into the air and hope you land on it the first time you come back down and not miss/have to repeat 2-3 more times). So having the flying speed of the new system with the hover and accuracy ability of the old one would get my vote if that change were to happen.

This sounds like someone mad they can’t use multibox bots to farm mats

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I may honestly stop playing if they don’t enable dragon riding in the old world after this exp. Old flying just feels so slow and boring, I’m all for having both, but dragon riding is the superior form of movement for me, even as a druid.


Or. OR.

Druids have had it way to good for way to long with instant cast flight and being able to herb in flight form causing many hundreds of thousands of druid bots that they finally created a fair system that pushes you to be apart of the game world.


I love dragonriding for the sole reason it gimps Druid gathered and completely levels the playing field. I hope they keep it in the next expansion


I like how the framing for this is that you’re somehow persecuted when the truth is that the Devs recognized that

  1. people liked flying.
  2. Flying is problematic from a gameplay/world design stand point.
  3. People complain when they have to wait for flying to be unlocked.

And thus built the expansion around this.

Frankly, Dragon flying is great. It gives us a much faster method of travel that requires us to actually put the smallest ammount of effort into gameplay and it’s unlocked like… inside of an hour?