Being forced to Dragonride is terrible game design, especially for Druids

So many people dont understand that without druid flying, they are underming the customers… its a pay to play yet they take out these abilities that were around for so long. due to 1 aspect - show off their so called idea of flying… big fail for a lot of players.

This has to be the dumbest post I have ever seen. Dragonriding is so much better than regular flight. My God, I think I killed some brain cells reading this drivel.


No one’s forcing you to not use travel form and run around the dragon isles as a deer while the rest of us ride dragons.

Now if only they’d extend the flight system to us Dracthyr with our soar ability like apparently the sundered flame can do but we the players can not

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Dragonriding’s awesome.

Cope, flower bot.

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:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

I do not mind the Dragonriding…I finally figured it out.

The grind of questing and doing the other stuff is what made me quit the expansion. I am locking all my characters at level 60 now.

Wah wah wah. You’ll get regular flying in due time. Deal with it.

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Because everyone would want to then roll Druid. Do you know how freaking amazing the dragon shift form could be and how many customizations it would induce? Wait ya…. Do it blizzard!

you’re not being forced to do anything. stop it

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I agree being forced to dragon ride is not fun. I don’t care about dragon riding sorry. Why because I already have dragons to fly. Now, if you offered new dragons for normal riding sure that would be cool. Stop forcing things down people’s throats. Not everyone likes it. The best option would be to have both Dragon Riding for the people who want it and normal flying.

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Ok 90% off flight form


It’s been this way since WoD though. Why’s everyone acting like this is new with DF? We’ve lost flight form for majority of the expansion WoD - DF. Suddenly everyone noticed?

Edit: Didn’t realize this was a necro thread…

Difference is most people actually love dragon riding.

It’s the forums that harp on about “dragon riding bad.”

But yeah, everyone hated the Maw, that’s undisputed

You don’t have to use it; 1) Don’t play. 2) Use a ground mount. 3) Have a friend fly you around.

I didn’t realize Druids only have shapeshifting abilities and nothing else… Do you just auto attack in Bear, Cat, Aquatic, Moonkin, Travel, Flight, and Treant forms?

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Best response yet!

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