Druids are shape shifters.
Removing our flight form is quite stupid…
You noticed they created a race with wings that cant fly due to ‘reasons’
You are paying for a game not half of a game… please think?
Druids are shape shifters.
Removing our flight form is quite stupid…
You noticed they created a race with wings that cant fly due to ‘reasons’
You are paying for a game not half of a game… please think?
I just want to be able to do it with the Ashes instead of these ugly, misshapen lizards. The dragonrding mounts are a D effort.
dragonriding as a whole is terrible game design, can’t wait for it to eventually just become a dead expansion feature that we’ll never touch again.
Patiently waiting for that normal flight to come along. I can use the dragon okay now but I’ll take going slower if it means I have total control of my trajectory. For the record I’m not a fan of wow mini-games like ever in the game’s existence. I like wasd smooth movement, I don’t even care if the dragon is faster, just, don’t make me do things I have no interest in.
Yeah it would be even easier if I went and got all the dragon coins or medals or whatever they are. I just would at this point rather level alts than do that.
Patience, and it will be what we want it to be.
Yea Blizzard should have some quest that turns Druids into a type of dragon like form. I love dragon riding. Dragonflight is a fun expansion. Druid healers have massive amount of utility. Will be good to see the other healers beside just Druid and Evoker be as viable high level mythic healers. Holy Paladin and Restoration Shaman will be nice to see as competitive mythic plus healers. Btw. Mage class really has it tuff right now meaning No tanking pet, no heal spec, no tank spec , no real usefull utility and yet not top DPS except on a very few boss fights. Its alot of work to get a Mage to just have normal DPS. I have every class at level 70 except Warrior and Rogue btw. Most excited about Shaman at the moment.
Incorrect. You are not gated in 2 just one, and it’s the simple dragonriding primer of merely coasting through the hoops on your dragon.
Maybe I should have been more specific and said without Dragonriding instead of flight, because you can access the flightpath to Valdrakken from Wingrest Embassy to get into Thaldraszus.
They should just give druids a shapeshift for the Dragon Isles + allow sandstone drake form to use dragonflying.
I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word “forced” …
I get so much of a kick when people who don’t work in design throw statements like this around.
Yeah how about no? Dragonriding is the new flight and when they remove old flight and replace it with dragonflight in previous expacs things will get even better. Kudos to blizz here on listening to the players.
This is what I was going to suggest. Maybe a green dragonflight inspired form to make it fit better?
So much for class fantasy. Just goes to show how much loyalty they have for their player base.
Druids should have been able to fly from the start of the expac. All they needed to do was provide a dragon/drake flight form and have it require the same skills and glyphs and such as normal drakes.
I don’t much like dragonriding and I haven’t from the start but it would have been an elegant solution to support the lore of one of the game’s original classes.
Youve seen these changes for different races. Or questline rewards.
But if you expect to turn into a full fledge dragon. Then druids shouldnt have a ground form & have to cast to turn into the dragons.
Therefore losing their pvp values and making them much less mobile in pvp scenarios.
It wont work bevause people will complain about not being able to use their travel form to escape roots and leap away. Sure they can use any other. But the leap is a huge deal for them.
I agree its frustrating and i dont play my druid as often bevause i dont want to deal with it. But… just do it.
I’m with you bro, I want my storm crow back. Everytime there’s a new expansion Druids get punished. They don’t rob skills from other classes but we have to give up our flight form. I wasn’t just handed that skill, I’m from back in the day when there was a 30 some part quest line to get the flight form and Blizzard just robs us. Well they don’t care not much we can do but I’m not preferring Dragon riding to my AWESOME storm crow
Sorry expansion has been out for several months this forum community already delved in depth on this topic. Blizzard doesn’t care who likes or hated dragon riding it’s their key feature this expansion and that’s simply that.
It is poor game design to implement a system that you know everyone will not like or be able to use and then make it mandatory. And they were warned, I was in the beta and we made it clear that DR was not going to be universally loved.
It is also to poor game design to layout the primary zone for the expansion so that it is actively frustrating to attempt on foot, in a way never seen in any previous expansion.
It also makes one part of Blizzard’s WoW community, those that like/tolerate DR. privileged over the other, those that don’t like/can’t use DR.
Also please keep your DR mechanic in your DR mounts. If they make DR flight mechanic replace the existing flight mechanic, activision / blizzard will never get another dime from me in this or any other IP.
Which is the reason why I and others have unsubbed. 9 More days until it is over.
thx for remindin me SL exists. went a few weeks w/o remembering
also what they need to do is let all be able to dragonflight with all mounts. its too restricting right now when we have hundreds of other mounts so i can see how some may dislike it there. it just needs to expand more and let druids and the dragon ppl fly like them as well. also also, pls let us just hover. i think the df system needs to be the new flight system for good w/ qol ofc.