Being forced to Dragonride is terrible game design, especially for Druids

How many expansions have had flight from the very beginning? I miss my spiffy flight form too, but with dragonriding we have the ability to fly everywhere from the get-go, and that’s pretty dang great. I’ll wait until normal flight comes later in the expansion to enjoy my flight form again, or go do older content as I sometimes do.


That has sort of been flight since flight existed. There were always hoops. granted the easy hoops were money …

They never said you can’t use regular flying. They just said for now. We don’t know when you can fly regular. We don’t know if they changed their mind.

But my point is that there were always restrictions. You don’t have to like it. I can respect that. But they have always existed

Could you imagine though - druids forget how to shapeshift entirely in DF, resto is the only useable spec, lol.

Druids complain about no ability to shapeshift, general forum tells them to adapt or reroll. :wink:


They’re also talking as a Druid which has had Brez since Vanilla and can even be made instant in a pinch.

That’s how it always is until blizzard makes a change. We don’t make the changes.

In the meantime your options are getting angry or adapt.

I’m pretty sure the general and druid forums would be flooded with posts from angry druids, lol. I also imagine it would be fixed within a day or two.

Making a player do somthing isn’t bad game design. You have to wear gear with stats that are good for your class, if I liked crit a bunch but it’s not good for my class then I use the tools in the game to over come challenges.

Also they arnt forcing you at gun point to ride the dragon. I ride around on my mount in the dragon isles from time to time.

At of all the things that are issues in this game you picked not being a bird in one area of the game

Evokers, which ARE dragons can’t even fly in that form, lol even they have to ride dragons, so until they get that ability you’ll have to take a seat in the back.


Today I clicked travel form and jumped off a cliff… yeah didn’t end well for me

After ALL this time I still forget I can’t use my flight form to get around. It’s very annoying.


I want my flying back on my druid as it was through out the others due to it being normal cause of warcraft 3

Gw for being completely blind again blizzard… oops lizzard.
Play your game and think?

They just need to get regular flying in now that we have had enough time without it.


I’m a Death Knight, i wanna become the literal Lich King, why Blizzard doesn’t let me have Frostmourne and summon an army of undead even tho i’m Frost spec? It’s ruining my experience… /s

In all serious tho, dragonflying is amazing and it’s really sad that you haven’t liked it, but your class isn’t more special than others, if they gonna do stuff to follow lore and roleplay a lot of classes would have way more advantages in other aspects of the game and that could be fun but would probably break the game

Lorewise the player character is basically a walking god, we defeated everything, from old gods to the Jailer itself. Demon Hunter players are stronger than Illidan by now, Death Knight players are stronger than Arthas when he was active, if you take into consideration everything we’ve done by now…

It’s actually a great and healthy game design to not let Druids be the only class in the game to use normal flying in the Dragon Isles.

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allow us to hover while dragonriding


It’s funny because when you do the questline to go get Ysera all the various druids just use their flight form to get to the gardens. But you? Gotta hop on that dragon.


As much as I’ve turned out to enjoy dragonriding, the thinking of the devs when it comes to all decisions about flying has long been an opaque cloud to me.

So pandaren of you

you’re gonna have to explain this one chief

how does not being able to use flight form ruin your ENTIRE class?


I’m a massive fan of dragon riding and I think it’s good enough that having normal flight allowed in 10.1 as it was in Shadowlands (Without hamstringing it with ridiculous conditions) will in no way threaten the success of dragon riding.

Just open up all forms of flying and make everyone happy.

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Druids have never been able to change into dragons in the lore though. Dragons arent like other creatures in warcrafts lore. Its like how hunters still cant tame just any dragon, just lesser dragonkin. Druids should never be able to become any sort of dragonkin. It would make absolutely 0 sense. Dragons are norn dragons and develop a visage, not the other way around. Do better

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As a Druid I enjoy dragon riding :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

Just glad I’m not bound to walk until I finish a huge rep grind tbh