Being forced to Dragonride is terrible game design, especially for Druids

Now you’re just trolling for attention. Sad really. Sad that you cannot see past your selfish wants to realize that allowing druids to fly via simple shapeshift into a dragon is way overpowered in mobility.
The only way that I could see them to allow it is if they gimped you to only having the flight skills of evokers, so you couldn’t fly or hover infinitely.


You can, because it’s designed with roads, paths, flightpaths and elevators. Most folks have been in the air so much they don’t realize you can run through the storyline campaign without flight. Takes a WHOLE lot longer to do it though and you’ll die quite often.

I think it was a neat concept to clip the wings as professions are going to be resource heavy in Dragonflight. Even crafting orders has that concept that limits botting. :thinking:

Imagine how we dracthyr feel.

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Druid tears will never not be tasty. Feel free to walk.


I’m surprised they didn’t give Druids the Divine Kiss of Ohn’ahra as the dragonriding form

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Doesn’t sound like a selling point.


I swear some druid players were those kids on the playground that would change their imaginary skillset/magic powers on a whim so that they never lost


Such entitlement.


The fact druids get screwed over makes it worth the effort

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Keep speaking truth, Kennie

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Sounds like a you issue, been playing my Druid all expansion and I haven’t been upset that I can’t use my old flight form in DF :person_shrugging:


I love dragon riding but I think a compromise could be made with traditional flight.

Let dragon riders have like 1000% movement speed and old school flyers only get 310?


There isn’t really a Dragon Wild god which is where y’all get your forms from so it wouldn’t make sense for you to have a dragon form.
It doesn’t effect you more than it does anyone else. Druids have been op in terms of traversal for a long time now, especially with you being able to mount in the maw before anyone else last expansion.
Boohoo cry me a river n all that. If you hate dragon riding so much, use a flight path, or the teleport system, or just hitch a ride on someone else’s dragon.
Fun fact, druids don’t need literally everything all the time.
We get regular flight later in the expansion anyway, as we always do.


This reminds me of a post early on in DF of a druid complaining over the windswept herb nodes, and how they were thrown off a cliff and subsequently died because they couldn’t shift into flightform.


Just give them an Ohuna form. Ohnara is a wild god. She grants druids her blessing as a gesture of cooperation with the green dragon flight.

Ohuna form could “dragon fly”, but to shape shift into it there’s a cast time equal to that of summoning a dragon mount. Class fantasy is preserved but your dragon-flying form still has a cast time… Which I suspect is what your post is actually about.

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In the Maw, the druids got a huge bonus, now in the Dragon Isles, equilibrium is bring restored. Except they also need to punish worgen!! :joy:

you can use the flight paths.

What are you talking about? Paladins were the original resurrectors along with death knights in WC3. It was their ultimate spell. They should’ve had a bres from the start, it’s utterly bizzare that they haven’t had one til now.

I don’ think shaman has a bres anyway, at least not one that can be used on other players.

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Yeah I agree. Blizz, who used to be so concerned w class fantasy, totally ruined ours.

Next expansion, please.

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