Not quite, Leyami. War profiteering is attributed to those running up prices on weapons, materiel, and even civilian goods to exorbitant levels to take advantage of scarcity or urgency. A head of state using a war to promote personal strategic goals is a different kettle of fish. Especially when you’re dealing with monarchies and dictatorships, where the head of state’s personal goals become the de facto goals of the state itself, whether the common people realize it or not.
What, a participation trophy? After all they did lose
slow down guys we got an edge lord over here
If Blizzard had designed this expansion with a loyalist route in mind, sure. But they clearly didn’t. The only reason there was a loyalist route was because of the massive backlash from Sylvannas fans.
Why else do you think the questline is exactly the same up until the last scenario? They didn’t have the time to completely redo what they had, so they slapped together a bit of dialogue.
No one was meant to be loyal to Sylvannas. It was supposed to be the same kind of plotline we’ve gone through every single expansion, where Blizzard tells us our character’s motivations.
That really doesn’t matter, though. What matters is that now, there IS a loyalist route. They added the option to choose, they added quests to alert Nathanos of what Saurfang and the others are doing, they added a whole “go to the Ghostlands and meet up with Sylvanas” bit. It’s now a part of the game.
Plus, as mentioned earlier in the thread, when you initially choose Saurfang or Sylvanas, you receive the following warning if Sylvanas is your choice:
You will not be able to obtain the Worn Cloak toy, but other rewards will be obtainable.
Seems like there definitely should, or will be, a reward for being a loyalist.
That really doesn’t matter, though. What matters is that now, there IS a loyalist route. They added the option to choose, they added quests to alert Nathanos of what Saurfang and the others are doing, they added a whole “go to the Ghostlands and meet up with Sylvanas” bit. It’s now a part of the game.
There should be, yes. That’s certainly a fair statement. The problem is that they never intended to do so, and the backlash forced them to make dramatic changes.
What we have is something unprecedented in wow history. And honestly, I don’t think Blizzard is capable of handling it. We’ve been perfectly fine being brainless murder hobos for 15 years now, but now all of a sudden we’ve been introduced to a concept of agency.
Again, that doesn’t matter. At all. Not one bit.
This thread is about a single reward for those who took the loyalist path, akin to the Worn Cloak toy that the Saufangists got. How is Blizzard not capable of adding a toy or a title to those who took the loyalist path?
If they’re not capable of that, how are you managing to log in and post on these forums, much less play the game in the first place?
I still find it funny tho
This thread is about a single reward for those who took the loyalist path, akin to the Worn Cloak toy that the Saufangists got. How is Blizzard not capable of adding a toy or a title to those who took the loyalist path?
Your reward was having the option at all when it was very clearly never intended to exist.
Look, I get it. It would be nice if Blizzard had actually developed this with the route in mind, and you probably would have gotten a toy or something out of it. I don’t really see the point in asking for a reward out of it. It’s not like Blizzard is going to retroactively give you something.
Um… again:
You will not be able to obtain the Worn Cloak toy, but other rewards will be obtainable.
It’s not retroactive. It just hasn’t happened yet.
If what people are speculating is true. Loyalist might be getting their own faction. That would be a lot better than a toy.
Yeah. A hangman noose.
Because they’re utterly inept at following through.
We get to execute Sylvannas and all her loyalist!
Perma character deletion! =D
You already posted that loyalist set you datamined lol. The transmog. Didn’t you?
It’s the same set we used to infiltrate the forces without being seen to bomb their stuff.
Under further inspection I came to the conclusion that the set was not intended to be available for players, like the pirate sets.
They are just there for the disguise.
oh okay, cause it was identical to the disguise we had used I wonder if we’ll have to disguise again :o
the quest text said we’d get something different later. it would be pretty bad if they said we’d get sometihng and they just not give it to us. hopefully if that mog isn’t for us people make a stink on the forums and we get something.
The difference between a meat shield and an insignificant pawn is that you actually bother to heal and buff the meat shield. Source : I’ve played tanks in other mmorpgs.
Sylvanas literally betrayed the Horde for a dagger. She ninja’d the loot, then team killed during a duel, then immediately popped off in public chat and left guild. Worst leader ever or worst writing ever? You be the judge.
She terrorizes people therefore she is a Terrorist.