Hail hydra.
So you want blizzard to reward players who stand on the side of a Terrorist ? Good luck with that.
They’re literally rewarding people who side with N’zoth lol
umm explain ? Because last time i checked we are not standing with an old god, we are taking him out.
I imagine this quest is only offered to people who refused to remove the Gift of N’zoth and still have a N’zoth eyeball on their foreheads.
And then everyone who has that title gets NPC’d and turned into loot bags next expansion. GG.
They should earn an achievement, titled:
“I Like Bewbs, I Cannot Lie.”
“I want a reward for betraying the Horde” Myself
Actually, Sylvanas isn’t a terrorist. That term refers to non-state actors (though they may have state sponsors) that conduct attacks designed to terrorize a population to achieve their goals. This is not what Sylvanas has done.
Now, there are plenty of things you can call her. Dishonorable, cunning, sadistic, evil, and more. But Terrorist is not one of them. Burning a city to the ground (with the inhabitants still inside) is a tactic that has been used by armies from ancient times all the way to the modern day. Scorched earth tactics, to ensure that an enemy’s victory not only rings hollow, but costs them as many lives as possible to achieve, are also time-honored parts of military history.
What makes Sylvanas different is that she is, essentially, a modern general in a world stuck in a mindset of honor duels and the like.
The “reward” should be that your character is locked into a small jail cell with no way out with your hearthstone deleted because you sided with a traitorous lich queen.
I’m impressed. Yours is the first pro-Sylvanas argument I’ve seen on these forums that I can’t find fault with.
That is not to say someone hasn’t previously and similarly made such a case; I just haven’t seen it until now. Nor is that to say I believe you are personally a “Sylvanas loyalist”; you could just be playing the devil’s advocate.
Of course, if you are, I’ll just have to hunt you down in-game and shoot you in the face until it stops being funny.
I think they use the rewards to direct the player towards the “intended” story. Being a Sylvanas loyalist weren’t in their plans to begin with, it was included in Saurfang questline because some players demanded it. So I believe having the choice of following Sylvanas is the reward itself, since it weren’t meant to be a choice available to players.
Being a Sylvanas loyalist is its own reward. Victory for the dark lady!
I am a loyalist, yes.
It should also be pointed out that Sylvanas is not a war criminal, since there are no Geneva Conventions or other established international rules of war. And she isn’t a war profiteer, because she’s not selling anything (that would be Gallywix).
What we have here, is a head of state, and the head of a military alliance, using any and all means at their disposal to prosecute a war against their historic enemies, unfettered by archaic notions of ‘honorable’ combat. The point of war is to eliminate the enemy and achieve victory. Blighting an enemy city (or nuking it, as Garrosh did) is a perfectly valid strategy. Assassinating leaders is a valid strategy. In the absence of internationally agreed to rules of war, the only rule is to win.
Yeah Suarfang supporters should be ashamed of themselves.
Agreed, in all but one premise; she is profiteering to a degree, in that she is gaining something from her efforts…we just aren’t yet aware of that particular purpose.
On the face of it, one could assume that she started the war simply to gain territory, and convert any vanquished foes into Forsaken to swell her diminishing ranks. After all, the larger her army, the more power she wields…but as we have come to suspect from dropped hints about a future expansion, her goals were even grander than that.
I’m curious, where did you see that the quest is only available to those that refused to get rid of the gift? I saw the quest on wowhead, but can’t find the information related to the gift…
I didn’t. It was speculation. That’s why I said “I imagine” lol
I based such speculation on the Quest Text.
“Prove to me you are worthy of my gift”
Oh, sorry, I didn’t pay attention to the “imagine” bit how awesome it would be if that was the beginning of a new old god alligned faction?