Being a Sylvanas Loyalist Should Have a Reward

It’s entirely possible that the loyalists are getting something but it wasn’t announced or hinted at to make it a surprise, like a hidden achievement. When the stick has no carrot and you still choose to chase it you’re dedicated. If you’re doing it just for the carrot then you’re not really part of the cause. You’re part of the problem. At least I think that’s how she’d put it. She said we’d meet her again. If we are indeed getting something it’ll probably be then, or soon after.

That’s what should be expected, honestly. People let a giant squid put a third eye on them in 8.1.5, and that’s only paying off next patch.

Ummm. I’m her special girl and personal champion.

@OP Yes. We should get early Dark Rangers when they release.

Except that’s not the definition of the term. As a head of state, she’s not a terrorist, she’s a commander in chief engaging in psychological warfare.

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More like consequence of being turned into a loot piñata in a new PVP raid system… Sylvannas is Arthas on steroids

They should be rewarded by being branded as public enemies by both factions and be unable to go to any faction outposts or capital cities. Trespassers will be attacked on sight and/or arrested and thrown in jail until they denounce their loyalties to Sylvanas.

You say this… Until the Dark Ranger class arrives, it turns out Sylvanas is a good girl all along and it is Tyrande who becomes the loot pinata after she tries to kill Sylvanas whom is saved by Anduin.

Terrorist Definition : a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Darn was a giant tree filled with innocent people. Swing it whichever way u want , fact is Sylvanas is a terrorist. Burning down a whole city with innocents in it and not to mention all the other atrocities she has done labels her as a terrorist.

Like i have said before, the horde in general are a giant faction of terrorists that do nothing but cause destruction everywhere they go and they use “honor” as an excuse for their crimes. Why the Tauren and the Bloodelves are even with the horde still is mind boggling. That also includes the nightborne. A race of elves that were oppressed and divided based on wealth and when they get freed from their oppression they join the side with an even greater oppressor lol. Stupid race that learned nothing.

Also before someone points out the Alliance and their crimes , sure, the Alliance did some questionable things but no where near as bad as what the horde did and is still doing. Also no one cares about that deadbeat camp in the barrens that the Alliance destroyed. Atleast before it was reduced to rubble we gave them a warning to leave before we wiped it out.

As a head of state, in a world without recognized rules of war that her state has agreed to by treaty, burning Darnassus with all the civilians still there was not unlawful. You can talk about the morality of the action, but it was not an act of terrorism.

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There are rules though.

That’s established by the judgement of Warchief Garrosh Hellscream’s war crimes in that novel called “War Crimes” lol

There are no treaties regarding the rules of war. All you have is tradition and common practice. The judgement against Garrosh was the winners piling their grievances on the defeated party. He lost, so they got to do what they wanted to him.

It establishes precedence.

Whatever Garrosh did to be judged became war crimes.

Except that there’s no legal framework there. It is like the end of World War I, when the Allies, having beaten Germany, piled on and leveled every possible charge they could at the defeated foe to punish them. Or like the end of WWII, where they invented the idea of war crimes so that they could actually punish individuals. It only worked at Nuremburg because they were run as a military tribunal, which can play fast and loose with some things. In an international court of law, you’d have a hard time proving the case with the laws and treaties that existed at the time.

Just because someone had the force to make it stick doesn’t mean that those actions were actually crimes at the time. Trying to make them war crimes ex post facto is generally considered to be illegal in and of itself.

One word:

By your logic those who made the device, sanctioned it’s use, and dropped it are terrorists.

Serving the Dark Lady is its own reward.

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Indeed, there are many examples in history where the “bad guys” faced no punishment whatsoever; Operation Paperclip, Unit 731, etc, etc… But people conveniently forget about those folks as it benefits the victors.

You got a special reward, being trashed talked by NPCs in Orgrimmar.

I agree!

And it should be:

While that is true, it is also true that we, here on this side of the screen do have those things and, on some level, understand her action to be those of a war criminal.

I don’t really want to challenge the mods by enumerating horrible crimes but pick whichever one you like and call it “tickling”.

To say, “well they don’t have a law explicitly banning tickling, so this character perpetrating a heinous act of tickling is clearly doing nothing wrong.”

Of course they are, and we all know it. Pedantically pointing out that there is no fictional law against it doesn’t keep us from understanding how reprehensible it is. The term is just how we hold a conversation about it.

The fact that her acts so neatly fit into the category of war crime helps people discuss it or at least have a place to begin discussing it through the use of that term. Thus it fits by translation.

You’ve already got “the Gullible” as an available title.