The guy who wrote Garrosh in Stonetalon Alex Afrasiabi(who was wrote everything for the revamped Zones) wrote Sylvanas in all cases except Edge of the Night where David Kosak wrote her.
David Kosak wrote Garrosh in Twilight Highlands(due to writing for the new Cataclysm Zones while Afrasiabi wrote for the revamped Zones). He also wrote the Sylvanas becomes Warchief cutscene.
After Kosak left for the Hearthstone team Afrasiabi who took over it seems went to work on removing Sylvanas from Warchief position and the Horde entirely!
They’re lucky enough that they didn’t make Sylvanas loyalists have their characters deleted or caged in Orgrimmar. Now that I would have seen as a reward fit for them.
It’s actually interesting you bring this up, I remember when you first chose to be a loyalist, there was an acknowledgement text reading you wouldn’t get the saurfang cloak toy, but you would in fact get a DIFFERENT reward, which I completely forgot about
Title: PLOT- armored up
Title: Beloved of the devs
Title: Storywrecker
Title: Lorebane
Achievement: Because reasons
Achievement: Civilians taste best
Achievement: Warrior schmorrior
Achievement: Because I’m me
Uh, I just want to point out that any of our characters, by the time we get out of the starting zone, have usually gone well beyond ‘accessory’ to murder.
Mmm. I like these. Definitely put them on my character if the loyalists get them.