Your reward for joining Sylvanas is disappointment , as it should be.
I agree, every Sylvain loyalist should get a permanent and involuntary race change to undead.
What about getting access to not kid friendly official art of Sylvanas?
They’re being allowed to continue their existence. It’s really more mercy than they deserve.
Rather than everyone turning red for the rest of that playtime.
Could I be a loyalist to myself and just become a mercenary? Some of us - or at least me - are so tired of the drama between both sides. I loved the mercenary option for PvP since I could kill Alliance masquerading for the Horde and vice versa ;3 if I could unalign myself I would.
Personally I dont think we’ve reached the final bit of being a loyalist. I assume once we find out her “true intentions” in more detail we’ll get what ever little reward.
But if not I wouldn’t be greatly surprised. If I recall originally there wasn’t even going to be a loyalist option
You’re right. They should get a title. Like “prisoner” or “deaths row inmate”. Something along those lines.
And they should be bound-in-chains whenever they step inside orgrimmar. Look at those npcs.
Why that special treatment was exempted from these self-choosing ‘loyalist’?
Weird to think how an elf out-horded the horde so hard they abolished the warchief position
Not really an elf anymore. The abomination that Sylvanas is, fits right in with the horde.
I’m sure that continued roleplaying is filling that teldrassil-charred hole in your heart.
Since you guys banned magic last time, is the basic campfire out of the question now?
Yeah they deserve an I Am Nothing title.
Not really sure what you’re talking about. Who’s role playing?
That got a chuckle out of me.
If you’re genuine, I’m sorry.
Yeah. Had she been an elf since she threw herself on arthas’ sword?
She stopped being an elf whenever the person who wrote “she still considers the defense of quel’thalas her charge” and “her heart is still elven” got replaced or had a mental change.
It’s hard to see, because she was already doing morally questionable things more than any other anti-hero, but cataclysm is when her character was toasted, I suppose, or when they turned on the toaster, waiting for her to cook.
But anyway, the same guy in charge of Sylvanas’ writing was in charge of Garrosh’s. And he said Garrosh’s scene in stonetalon was a mistake (i don’t buy that, he changed his mind for a loot pinata). So it’s like, this guy writes everyone this way?
Edit: I might be incorrect in the statement that the writers are the same, I need to look that up and refresh my memory.
“Death’s Sucker” would be more appropriate.
Sorry, no participation trophies for Sylvannas bootlickers
“is Nothing” would be the better one. For example, Kyveli is Nothing.